Summary of experience in the treatment of dark armpits from doctors

Treatment of dark armpits. .Cream for the skin. Natural ingredients. Laser Hair Removal and the use of chemical peels.
Estimated read time: 6 min

Summary of experience in the treatment of dark armpits from doctors
Dark armpits are unsightly and can be embarrassing. They can also lead to a bad odor and can be a source of discomfort. Fortunately, several treatments can help make your armpits lighter and more pleasant. This article will provide you with a brief overview of the most common treatment options for dark armpits, and some of the potential benefits and side effects of each option.

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Why is the armpit area dark:

Dark armpits are most often dark-skinned, and thickened, in the form of a piece of black velvet, so scientists call this disease Black acanthosis. This problem is usually caused by genes or is closely related to the stability of insulin and other hormones in the body. There are 5 types of black acanthosis as follows:

Type 1:

 hereditary benign black acanthosis, not associated with endocrine diseases.

Type 2:

 Nigerians benign acanthosis. This type is associated with many endocrine diseases such as insulin-resistant diabetes, hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, Cushing's disease, Addison's disease, and hypothyroidism.

Type 3: 

false black spines. This pattern is associated with obesity. Common in people with dark skin.

Type IV: 

drugs that cause acanthosis nigricans. Medications such as high doses of nicotinic acid, corticosteroids, birth control pills, and growth hormone.

Type V:

 malignant acanthosis nigricans: presented with evidence of acanthosis nigricans and visceral cancer such as stomach cancer, cancer of the genitourinary system, or malignant lymphoma.

In this case, you should see your doctor find out if you have diabetes. If this is the cause of your darkening, the dark spots should fade as soon as the hormonal imbalance is treated.

Incorrect hair removal:

Plucking hair or shaving can damage the skin under the armpits. Rough handling of hair will lead to damage to this skin, its redness, and inflammation, leading to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. In addition, not plucking or shaving can lead to ingrown hairs, which will make the surface of the skin rough and ugly.

Hyperpigmentation of the skin is difficult to treat after pigment production in the basal layer of the epidermis, as most over-the-counter lightening products usually do not work.

Use irritating products:

If you use products such as rollers, deodorant sprays containing irritating components, especially containing many synthetic fragrances, alcohol. Read the ingredient lists of deodorants carefully to avoid skin irritation.

Skin diseases

Diseases such as eczema, skin burns, and infections also cause the skin to experience post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

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Effective treatment of a dark armpit area requires understanding the correct cause of the problem.

Cream for the skin                     

For example, if you suffer from eczema, using a regular moisturizer will help restore your skin. In addition, when using new products, such as deodorant, test them on a small area first to check for irritation.

The use of topical products also helps to lighten dark areas. However, these products are limited to the epidermal layer of the skin. If pigments appear in the dermis, the use of chemical creams or scrubs will not bring significant results. You can choose products that containcojic acid niacinamidotretinoin corticosteroidsniacinamide 4%.

Natural ingredients

Some natural ingredients such as turmeric, lemon juice, or cucumber are advertised as being able to cure dark armpits. However, no reliable studies are proving the effectiveness of these products. Even ingredients such as lemon juice can cause irritation and make the dark color worse. Therefore, it is better not to use such products arbitrarily.

Using a laser

At the moment, the laser is a high-tech treatment with great dimming effectiveness. The Q-Switched Nd: YAG Laser can effectively focus on the pigments located deep in the skin. The use of a laser is appropriate when topical creams are not effective for pigments in the epidermis and dermis. The laser energy will break down the melanin, and themelaninthis will be eliminated by the self-healing response of the body after several treatments. 

The use of laser therapy may cause some slight redness of the skin. But according to doctors, this phenomenon occurs only a few hours after treatment. Besides, after the procedure, the dermatologist will prescribe some topical medications to soothe and help the skin recover faster.

Prevention of darkening of the armpit

To prevent darkening of the armpit, pay attention to caring for this area gently and carefully:

Instead of using tweezers or a razor, use wax to remove hair. In case you want to use a razor, use shaving creams to help moisturize and soothe the skin and avoid scratches when using the razor.

Along with this, the choice of deodorant products with light ingredients for sensitive skin should be noted. At the same time, wash thoroughly every day, exfoliate regularly once a week, and wear cool clothes, a good absorbent.

a summary:

Dark armpits are ugly and can be embarrassing. A number of factors can cause dark armpits, such as heredity, hormonal changes, shaving too closely, or not enough frequently. Fortunately, there are a number of treatments that can help lighten your armpits and regain your confidence. The two most common treatments for dark armpits are laser hair removal and the use of chemical peels.

Which one to choose depends on your skin type, your needs, and how easy you are to treat. Since Laser Hair Removal usually requires multiple treatments and downtime, it is usually more expensive than other treatments. Chemical peels are a milder treatment option that may be a cheaper option for people with sensitive skin. For best results, we recommend that you try both treatments together and see which works best for you.

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