What are the harmful effects of eating sweets | and how do get rid of this bad habit?

Harmful effects of eating sweets when you eat sweets, your brain releases dopamine, it gives you pleasure. Over time, it will lead to addiction.
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 What are the harmful effects of eating sweets and how do get rid of this bad habit?
Sweets are delicious and can be addictive, but their unhealthy ingredients. and high-calorie content can make you fat and unhealthy. The first step to breaking your sweet habit is to understand the harmful effects of eating too many sweets. The second step is to make a plan to quit sweets forever. This article will provide you with the basic information you need to finish sweets for good.

sweets. Fruit sweets. What are the harmful effects of eating sweets and how do get rid of this bad habit?

As everyone is aware, sweets are meals that are high in sugar. Sugar is not dangerous. a small amount of it is even necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Unfortunately, many people often have negative and wrong ideas about sugar. So let's take a look at 3 misconceptions about the path that people often take. If you have these wrong thoughts, change them now.

The first myth of sweets: sugar causes diabetes

In fact, sugar intake when eating sweets does not cause diabetes. People with this condition are often hereditary or have problems with the pancreas. To say that sugar is dangerous to health is not true. Most people who eat sugar do not develop diabetes. or other health problems. People who have diabetes or are at risk of developing diabetes should limit their intake of sugar, especially simple sugars. such as sugar-sweetened drinks and added sugars in the food supply.  

In fact, a person can eat 12 teaspoons of sugar a day and still feel fine. Saturated fat and cholesterol are not the problems either. They are necessary for a healthy diet. Rather, the problem is that too much simple sugar (sugar-sweetened drinks, added sugars in the food supply, too many processed foods). is added to the diet. It ups the chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Myth two of sweets: sugar is more addictive than drugs

Many people think that sugar is more addictive than drugs. This is a false comparison because of the addictive qualities of sugar. and other sweet substances stem from the high level of sugar in them. and they are immediately delivered to the brain. 

On the other hand, drugs have to be digested, which takes time, and the high level of sugar contained in them remains. and can have long-term effects throughout the body. In contrast, sugar remains briefly in the digestive tract, not having long-term effects. This is a very erroneous point of view. Scientists have found that if a person stops eating sweets. he will not feel the same cravings. as drug addicts. 

Cravings for sweets often flare up when people are hungry, but they can be controlled at will or by eating alternative foods. High sugar content also wears off more quickly.

The third misconception about sweets: stopping sugar intake will make you young and beautiful longer

This opinion is only partially true because sugar and other carbohydrates are important nutrients for humans. However, the risk of long-term weight gain and the development of Type 2 diabetes by regularly consuming. these carbohydrates outweigh any short-term benefits that can be obtained by consuming them in moderation. If an individual consumes too much sugar regularly. their health will suffer, and they will have an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.  

There is currently no clear study to show whether. A person who avoids sugar has a slower aging process than someone who eats regularly. But if you absorb too much sugar, the collagen molecules in the skin become brittle and hard, which makes the skin less elastic. So the most important thing is to listen to your body and eat the necessary amount of sugar.

When do we need to reduce the amount of sugar in our diet?

Some conditions force eaters to reduce sugar intake. In addition to diabetes and other diseases that have problems with insulin production in the body. sugar should also be limited in the following cases:

Fertility problems: scientists from Harvard University found that sweets reduce the quality of eggs. and the chances of conception. Problems during pregnancy: recent studies have shown that mothers who eat a lot of sugar during pregnancy. have a higher chance of developing allergic asthma.

Physiological problems:

 high blood glucose levels when consuming too much sugar lead to a decrease in the amount of testosterone in men. which is the main cause of decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, difficulty sleeping, etc. Problems with sugar levels: according to the University of California at Los Angeles. Blood sugar levels that are too high might harm the brain permanently.

When you feel thirsty all the time: Drinking more water than usual is one of the signs of diabetes mellitus. or diabetes insipidus.Dry and itchy skin: high blood sugar can make the skin dry and itchy.

measures to break the sweets-eating habit

Don't worry if you, unfortunately, feel that you have eaten too much sugar or sweets. below BlogAnChoi you will find very useful ways to detox from sweets without stress.

1. Replace your sweet tooth with other hobbies

Eating sweet foods will stimulate the body to produce endorphins - the hormone of happiness. However, this hormone can also be released by the body through other activities. such as exercise and yoga.

Through the study, Dr. Komarovsky proposed a similar approach to children. To attract children's attention from sweet foods to other things, parents should allow their children to engage in fun activities. such as fishing, going to the park, or exhibitions. The more active they are in activity when they return home. they will bury their heads at rest instead of spending time looking for food.

2. Do not forget to overeat protein

Limit sweets and eat more protein. Foods that contain protein will make you feel full longer. This will help you make better decisions when it comes to eating sweets. Most often, a small amount of protein can satisfy cravings for sweets. Some great sources of protein include lean meats, eggs, and beans. and nuts. Try to add a little bit of protein. with each meal to help keep you fuller for longer. 

Try meat, fish, and seafood for breakfast and lunch. American nutritionist Christine Gerbstadt says that chicken is especially effective in reducing hunger. when abstaining from sweets. She also recommends adding a small amount of protein to breakfast cereals. such as Greek yogurt and nuts. You'll feel fuller for longer thanks to this.

3. Replacing sweetness with other flavors

Instead of sweets, eat a small bowl of plain yogurt or some other dairy product. with cereals and fruits. It will fill you up and prevent you from eating a lot of sweet things. You should acquire the habit of eating a variety of foods with different flavors. 

You can use cinnamon, it contains a lot of healthy ingredients and can also regulate blood sugar. You can also add other healthy ingredients such as fresh fruits and vegetables to your meals. which will help you get lots of nutrients and fiber. This is also a great way to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.   You can also replace the sweetness in your food with other flavors. such as savory, which will also help you reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. This will help you develop a different and healthy habit of eating.

4. Don't let your body get stressed, stress too much

Emotions often become the reason why we want to eat sweets for convenience. Serotonin, magnesium, and B vitamins are also good stress relievers. If you realize that you always eat when you are stressed, then you should check. with your doctor for advice and supplements that are necessary for your body.

Legumes are rich in magnesium. B vitamins can be found in abundance in meat, fish, dairy products, and nuts (such as cashews and almonds). seafood, and beef liver.

a summary

 Eating sweets is fun for most people, but sometimes overeating can be a bad thing. Sweet and sugary foods and drinks in our diet can contribute to obesity, diabetes, and other health problems. The high sugar content in sweets can also lead to tooth decay. which is why it is important to limit your intake when possible. 

To get rid of this bad habit, try to make healthy decisions when it comes to food and drink. You can find healthy dessert options at most major chain stores. For example. look for sweets that contain less fat and sugar. or are better for you. You may also want to try baking healthy foods using whole grain flour, for example, oatmeal, and whole wheat flour. or brown rice flour, to reduce fat and sugar content.

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