What happens when the body lacks 5 essential vitamins

When the body lacks essential vitamins, it is directly related to many diseases such as diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's and heart disease.
Estimated read time: 7 min

 What happens when the body lacks 5 essential vitamins
When the body lacks essential vitamins, it is directly related to many life-threatening diseases such as diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease. Learn more about the 5 essential vitamins. and minerals here.

essential vitamins. Learn Essential Vitamins

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Vitamins A, B2, B3, C, D, E... They are very essential vitamins for our body, but the importance of each vitamin is different. A deficiency of any vitamin can have incalculable consequences for our health.

1. from essential vitamins Vitamin A

What is vitamin A

The human body needs vitamin A as a nutrient. It is found in foods of animal origin. such as liver, eggs, milk, etc .in the form of retinol, while in plants such as gac, oranges, marigolds, etc. it is in the form of carotene (pro-Vitamin A).

Manifestations of the body when vitamin A deficiency

Our bodies always reflect their condition most truthfully. so when vitamin A is deficient, what will it look like The most obvious symptoms are:

Dry skin and chipped hair children are prone to digestive disorders. and inflammation children suffer from stunting and slow growth compared to their peerschildrykeratosis

How to supplement vitamin A

In addition to food sources rich in vitamin A from plants and animals. functional foods that provide vitamin A are also good options if we use adequate doses and follow the instructions for using the product.

Vitamin A from animals: liver, eggs, sugar, milk, meat, fish, etc.Vitamin A from plants: spinach, amaranth, lettuce, gac, oranges, carrots,...Add to the diet a little cooking oil or fat because vitamin A is fat-soluble, which makes it easier for the body to absorb it. Breastfeeding is also an excellent source of vitamin A which helps babies develop better 

2. from essential vitamins Vitamin B group

What are B vitamins

Vitamins of Group B such as B2, B5, and B12 ... Soluble in water, are present in most cells of the body. They are involved in the metabolism of nutrients, the functioning. and the development of the nervous system as well as other organs of the body including the skin and hair.

Manifestations of the body when vitamin B deficiency

Since B vitamins appear in most cells of the body. vitamin B deficiency leads to the appearance of the following symptoms in the body:

Irritation of the eyes is easy temporary disorienceanemia occur irritation and depression skin pigmentation disorderdermatitis oily skin abdominal pain, diarrheaappearance redness and inflammation of the follicleseasy suffer from stress, diarrhea, malabsorption, burning in the legs and feet

How to supplement with vitamins of Group B

We can supplement B vitamins in the following ways:

Supplement with medication prescribed by a doctor for mandatory cases creates for yourself a suitable and nutritious diet of foods rich in B vitamins. such as vegetables, legumes, liver, kidneys, eggs, fish, sesame seeds, cheese, etc.

3. from essential vitamins Vitamin C

What is vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important nutrient for humans and for some other species that sometimes affects the stomach. Vitamin C is currently found in many forms. such as crystals, powders, capsules, tablets, etc., and the properties are also different.

Manifestations of the body when vitamin C deficiency

The lack of vitamin C in our body causes symptoms such as:

Open wounds and broken bones take a long time to heal nasal bleeding. and gingivefatigue and indigestionsunburn easily skin freckles and spots appear on all blurry eyes easy to catch colds how to supplement vitamin C

Since vitamin C exists in many forms, we have many ways to quickly load the body. Supplement with vegetables such as chili, kale, kiwi, papaya, mango, potatoes, oranges, and tangerines ... Or with effervescent C tablets in appropriate doses is also a way to supplement vitamin C.

4. vitamin D

What is vitamin D

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble vitamins whose main role is to promote intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate. They are found in relatively small quantities in everyday foods, especially in cod liver oil, cereals, eggs containing vitamin D, etc.

Manifestations of the body when vitamin D deficiency

With the main role of calcium and phosphate absorption, especially for young children. when vitamin D is deficient, our body will have the following manifestations:

Weak bone kidney stones carry weak muscles and impaired absorption of calcium in children. signs of jaundice, delayed teething, delayed walking, lazy exercise, hair loss, etc. appear. You always feel tired even though you are eating and resting well how to supplement vitamin D

Since the content of vitamin D in nature is very low. the intake of vitamin D for the body needs to be done more accurately than other vitamins.

You can change your diet with the following foods:

Eat a variety of 4 food groups use foods rich in vitamin D such as meat, salmon, crabs, shrimp, eggs, milk, etc.. note that small shrimp and fish with bones contain a lot of vitamin D.Children can use more cookies, pancakes, cottage cheese, orange juice, soy milk, etc. Add enough fat for each serving

5. Vitamin E

What is vitamin E

Vitamin E is fat-soluble, and it has significant effects on human health, especially because it is very good at maintaining women's beauty. It is divided into two types: synthetic vitamin E. and Natural Vitamin E. However, what is natural is always better, right

Manifestations of the body when vitamin E deficiency

Vitamin E is a rare vitamin that is widespread in nature, nutrients are preserved even when cooking, so Vitamin E deficiency is very dangerous. Some common symptoms may include:

Lack of reflexes, abnormal gait, loose hands. and feet, sweat a lot, dry skin, split ends, broken hair, dry and dull skin severe stress. and prolonged abdominal pain when it comes to the "red light" day how to supplement vitamin E

Vitamins currently have a lot of preparations such as tablets. oil solution syringes, and capsules, but we can also easily add vitamin E to everyday foods with a reasonable diet.

Vitamin E is found in:

Vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, etc.Cereals, nuts with a hard shell, eggs, dark green vegetables, kiwi, papaya, olives, etc.

Quae vitaminum est maxime importari

Nonest talis res Sicut "Maxime" vitamin, quia omnes vitamins sunt momenti, et pro sanitate et consummatio vitamin C, exempli gratia, est valde utilis ad salutem et bene esse laborant vitaminum C et defectus, qui cum anemia, vel aliquis sub euismod lacus. In genere, maxime utile, puritate alimentorum supplemento sunt qui continent ascorbic acid et alia aqua-solutum vitamins. ut folic acidum, vitaminum B2, vitaminum B6, vitaminum B12 et vitaminum D.

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