What is organic food and is it healthier than conventional food

Organic food is food produced without the use of artificial additives and antibiotics, hormones and without the addition of chemicals.
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What is organic food and is it healthier than conventional food
Nowadays, organic food has become very popular and is available in supermarkets and stores. Although organic vegetables are much more expensive than traditional foods. they still attract a lot of buyers because they are considered healthier. So you understand what organic food is and what special benefits exist in comparison with traditional food let's find out together!

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Organic food is becoming more and more popular and many people choose it

People are willing to buy organic foods such as fruits and vegetables for several highly advertised reasons such as high nutritional value, better taste, and fewer pesticides. and environmental pollution compared to conventional products.

However, actual studies show that only one of these things is true: reducing pesticides. To be certified organic by the USDA. food must meet several stringent requirements for growing conditions and pesticides so that any product on the market with logo certificates meets these standards.

There is evidence that eating more organic foods is associated with a lower risk of obesity, and Type 2 diabetes. and cancer, especially breast cancer and postmenopausal lymphoma. However, it cannot be confirmed with certainty that organic food is the cause of this result. The low incidence of the disease may be due to other factors, for example. people who regularly consume organic foods are also those 

Certified as an organic product by the US Department of Agriculture

Fruit and vegetable products are labeled USDA Organic. must meet a variety of standards set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), some of which include:

In general, synthetic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides are not used. Farmers can use insects. or mulch to prevent pests and weeds, they can also use pesticides of plant origin. or in case of force majeure, use a permissible number of synthetics.

Farmers should use planting methods. such as cover crops, mulch, compost, and other natural materials, and not use chemicals to maintain good soil quality.

Farmers must use organic seeds (if conditions permit) that have not been genetically modified. and have not undergone chemical treatment prohibited by USDA regulations.

Agricultural activities should not cause harm to land, water, or insects. and animal resources.

Is organic food better nutrition

Previous studies have confirmed higher levels of certain vitamins and minerals in organic foods, but recent studies have shown different results. An analysis by Stanford University was published in the annals of Internal Medicine in 2012. which collected the results of more than 300 studies, and concluded that organic and conventionally grown vegetables have the highest nutritional value and equivalent care.

In addition, the nutrient content can also vary due to different weather and soil conditions. Even peppers grown in fields adjacent to each other can differ slightly in nutrient levels.

However, organic foods may contain higher levels of antioxidants. according to an analysis published in the British Journal of nutrition in 2014.

Do organic foods have any other health benefits

There is some evidence that the number of pesticides in food may be associated with an increased risk of developing certain chronic diseases. Specifically, diets rich in fruits and vegetables have been associated with:

Reduces the risk of cancer by 25%, according to a report published in JAMA Internal Medicine in December 2018.

The risk of diabetes has decreased by 35%, according to a 2020 report.

A 31% reduction in the risk of metabolic syndrome. according to a report published in the European Journal of Nutrition in October 2018.

Reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 20%, according to a study by the University of Iowa published in the December 2018 issue of nutrition.

Some researchers believe

 that this is because organic foods are rich in antioxidants that have a protective effect on cells. but there is no solid evidence for this. In addition, studies only show an association. but they do not conclude that organic foods are a direct cause of reducing the risk of disease. Further research is needed to comprehensively assess the long-term effects of organic food on chronic diseases.

However, experts recommend that people continue to eat lots of vegetables and fruits in general. as well as maintain a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of disease. Eating enough fruits and vegetables is essential to stay healthy. whether organic or not.

Minimizing pesticides on fruits and vegetables by washing

If you can't find organic food, you can still avoid pesticides by washing vegetables and fruits. Many insecticides are used on the outside of the product. so rinsing them under running water can remove them., And other living organisms.

While washing with water cannot guarantee 100% cleanliness. you can follow these steps to make food safer:

Wash all fresh foods

Whether it's the food you grow yourself in your garden, from your local farm, or bought at the supermarket. The only exception is canned and pre-packaged vegetables. Pay special attention to washing vegetables that do not eat their skins. such as watermelons and pumpkins. These foods should be washed before cutting to prevent dirt, bacteria, and chemicals from sticking inside.

Wash under running water

Instead of immersing foods in a bucket of water or rinsing them quickly. put them under running water and rub the outside of them. It is enough just to use water, no special soap or chemicals are needed. For small fruits or chopped vegetables, put them in a basket and gently drain, gently rub the outer part. drain, and air dry.

Marinate leafy vegetables

It is recommended to wash green leafy vegetables. such as Greens and lettuce well by soaking them in a large bowl of water, gently cleaning, and rinsing several times so that there is no residue left in the bottom bowl.

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