Things to know about losing weight with negative calorie foods

Negative calorie foods help you lose weight without having to change your diet. That way, you can eat the foods you like while still losing weight.
Estimated read time: 5 min

Things to know about losing weight with negative calorie foods
Negative calorie foods are foods that have a high amount of calories but don’t provide any nutrients or energy. They don’t count towards your calories for the day. so you can use them to lose weight without counting calories. They can also help you feel fuller longer, which can help you eat less without feeling hungry. Some examples of negative calorie foods include celery, broccoli, and green tea.

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What are negative calorie foods?

Negative calorie foods are food that requires more energy to digest than the calorie content it provides. Although this concept is very common in dietary guidelines. there is no scientific evidence to support this idea.

Low-calorie foods are usually very low in calories. high in water, and difficult to chew vegetables and fruits such as celery, asparagus, grapefruit, lemon, lime, apple, lettuce, spleen, broccoli, and cabbage.

There is something true about negative calorie foods, but they don't actually work that way:

When you consume foods, your body uses calories to burn them. This is called the thermogenic effect of food, which is the number of calories needed to digest any food you consume. That's right, your body uses energy (measured in calories) to perform digestion. But not all. This is because we mostly use calories from food to maintain the vitality of the body. Therefore, the internal mechanism of action of the body simplifies the process of operation without consuming a lot of energy to reach perfection.

Broccoli is very low in calories. but it won't take a lot of calories from the digestive system to burn it, he said. Just like celery. So, even if you eat nothing but negative calorie foods (which I absolutely do not recommend), the calories in the food you eat are still more than the calories you burn.

This does not mean that these foods are not usefulك

'Negative calorie foods such as celery. apples, broccoli, asparagus, and cabbage are often classified as very low in calories and high in fiber. says, Zeitlin. Fiber is an important element in health because of its ability to fight constipation, lesscholesterolblood prevents cancer... And if you are looking to lose weight, fiber can be very useful.

When your diet is full of negative calorie foods, you can lose weight. But not because your body burns calories to digest the content inside the food. but because these foods do not contain many calories but are rich in fiber, which contributes to providing energy, helping to maintain the body's energy. Satiety and reduce snacking with fewer nutrients.

Instead of eating negative calorie foods, many experts advise stopping worrying about counting calories

True, knowing the calorie content of food is very useful and necessary to maintain health. maintain or lose weight. But studies show that many nutrition labels do not give an accurate calorie count of foods and that the calories you eat are not fully absorbed by your body. Besides, the habit of counting calories will make it easier for you to fall into an unhealthy obsession with controlling your food.

 Not all calories are equal, which means that 100 calories from dessert will be very different from 100 calories from fruit when it comes to your body. Based on the foregoing. experts recommend choosing foods based on quality, and not the number of calories.

Why not focus on nourishing your body instead of just eating low-calorie foods Healthier and healthier physically and mentally?


Losing weight is difficult—and sometimes even impossible—without a healthy diet and lifestyle. Even when you’re eating the right foods if you’re not burning enough calories. you’ll still gain weight. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to lose weight without changing your diet. You just need to know about the foods that have a high number of calories but don’t provide any nutrition and the foods that have few calories but provide a lot of nutrition.

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