7 Principles of eating to help improve fatty blood diseases

Fatty blood should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. choice of cholesterol-lowering oils. Eat light. Consume less protein . Omega-3 tolerant fish
Estimated read time: 7 min

7 Principles of eating to help improve fatty blood diseases
The number of people with fatty blood increases gradually. However, the condition can be improved by diet. Join us to learn how to create a menu with fatty blood!

fatty blood  Different foods with a blue background

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Nowadays, high cholesterol is becoming more and more common. The subject is enlarged and rejuvenated. Fatty blood is mainly caused by daily activities.

Causes of fatty blood

A bad diet: 

People who consume a lot of animal fats, sugar, eggs, liver, milk, dairy products, and canned food often have fatty blood.

The use of steroids: 

Excessive drinking and smoking will lead to this odious disease.

Non-scientific activities: 

Sitting in one place, inactivity, etc. will increase the risk of dyslipidemia more than usual

.Having some secondary disorders:

 People with diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, etc., will be able to bring blood lipids.

Taking medications that cause lipid disorders: 

Some of the drugs you take can increase your risk of developing fat such as thiazides, corticosteroids, estrogens, etc. If a high lipid index is detected in the blood, the patient needs to eat well and adjust their lifestyle accordingly to avoid serious complications. So 

what should you eat with fatty blood?

1. Fatty blood should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

Green vegetables, tubers, and fruits are low-fat, low-cholesterol food groups and contain abundant vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They will help reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol.

Specifically, the vitamins A and C contained in vegetables reduce bad cholesterol and increase and decrease cholesterol, at the same time bringing energy to the body's activities. In addition, the pectin contained in green vegetables also helps stimulate the digestive system. As a result, energy and fat metabolism will be better.

Therefore, patients with high blood lipids should add vitamin-rich vegetables such as spinach, cruciferous vegetables, cowpeas, celery, amaranth, jute vegetables, etc. Fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, legumes, etc. Apples, pears, oranges, grapefruits, etc., should also be included in the daily diet. 

2. The choice of cholesterol-lowering oils

Replace fats of animal origin with cholesterol-lowering oils such as olive oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, corn oil, etc. However, this fat level should be below 30.% Of calories.

At the same time, people with fatty blood need to limit the consumption of palm oil and coconut oil ... Which are often found in ice cream, coffee, and chocolate desserts ... To control cholesterol in the blood.

The benefits of vegetable oils such as olive, soybean, and corn oils have been known for generations. To lessen the body's buildup of fat. 

Dietary fat intake has been a major concern for people with fatty blood diseases. Canola oil is the best oil, but palm oil is the most common, and coconut oil has similar benefits to canola oil.

3. Eat light

Eating light and low-salt foods brings many positive changes to health in general and fatty blood diseases in particular. Many people with fatty blood disorders tend to overeat, which can lead to weight gain, heart disease, and even cancer. 

However, the biggest benefit of eating low-salt food is that it provides a key to losing weight and preventing other health problems. A high-salt diet can 

 Following this principle will help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Besides, people with high blood lipids should drink plenty of water.

People with a history of high cholesterol in the blood should not eat large amounts of butter, cottage cheese, or eggs.

Losing weight is very important. If you want to lose weight, water is the key to losing weight.

4. Consume less protein at dinner

In the evening, if you eat foods high in protein, the digestive system will have to work tired, causing indigestion. Over a long period, the accumulation of cholesterol in the artery wall leads to blockage and atherosclerosis.

 If you continue to eat protein-rich foods and then stop, the accumulation of cholesterol and fat will begin to accumulate again and you will find yourself with a solid fatty body.

So, on the menu, the amount of red meat such as beef, buffalo, horse, sheep, etc. It should be reduced. Patients should eat less than 255 grams of this meat per week.

In addition, you should eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and small amounts of dairy products.

As a rule, it is better to eat fish at least twice a week, and sometimes two or three times.

Reducing fat and cholesterol is crucial for lowering fat, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

5. Omega-3 tolerant fish

Omega-3 is great for promoting heart health. Therefore, include fish on the menu to provide the body with this fatty acid. The types of fish that patients should eat are salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, and herring.

Omega-3 fatty acid is a nutrient that can help improve the lipid profile of the blood. Additionally, it reduces the chance of getting heart disease. It is commonly found in cold-water fish such as salmon, cod, and sardines.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish and can be taken in the form of fish oil supplements. This is difficult to look sideways when you pay attention.

Omega-3 fatty acids are the most important fatty acids for good heart health, and they should be consumed daily.

6. Get enough folic acid

When the folic acid level is too low, you will face cardiovascular disease by increasing homocysteine. Therefore, do not forget to eat spinach, bread, white beans, peanuts, drink orange juice, etc. to supplement your body with 400 mcg of this substance every day.

7. Avoid fatty and sugary foods

Fried, fried foods, etc. contain a lot of unhealthy fats. They are the main factors that make the patient's fatty blood condition worse. Changing the cooking method to steaming, boiling, or eating raw is the most effective option.

Sugar, an especially simple sugar (honey, sucrose, refined sugar,...) Causes overweight, obesity, and high blood lipids. Therefore, patients need to reduce sugary foods such as ice cream, candy, cakes, etc.

How to stop eating fatty foods.

Choose smaller, low-fat cuts of meat, such as turkey breast and low-fat minced meat.

The process of removing fat from food is highly recommended.

How long does it take for the fat in your blood to leave?

Your body begins to lose fat after it first gets rid of toxins and excess water in your system. It takes about 30 to 60 minutes for your body to lose all the fat you have.

The body becomes less efficient at burning fat as you age.

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