Old people Digestive Health: Tips for Maintaining Good Function

Maintaining the digestive system of Old people : pay attention to food hygiene. Chew slowly. Eat less fried foods. Eat vegetables and whole grains
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The digestive system of Elderly people is the most important part of the body for healthy development. He is responsible for nourishing the rest of the body. Age-related deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract causes many medical problems. let me introduce you to how to maintain the digestive system of the Elderly people

Old people Putting on Party Hats

1. Pay close attention to food safety:

You have to wash your hands and clean your pots and pans. Do not eat unclean food. The bacteria contained in it and the germs it carries are serious health hazards., And do not drink unclean water containing pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Wash your hands before meals and after using the toilet, and before preparing any other food or preparing food. , It is preferable to use individual cutlery or general chopsticks when eating, but if you must use chopsticks, do it only when you are sure that the cutlery is clean.

Old people 2. Chew slowly:

Many elderly people have bad teeth and are often unable to chew food. This is especially true for those who have limited mobility, such as the elderly. Older people can also have difficulty chewing solid food. This is more of a problem for older people who find it difficult to chew regularly.

It is also associated with poor oral hygiene, poor nutritional status, and tooth decay. Some of these conditions can be associated with poor oral hygiene.

In addition to the poor digestive capacity of the digestive tract which can delay the absorption of nutrients and thus make it difficult for the body to take advantage of what is offered, the presence of dental diseases, such as gingivitis and caries,  So they should chew and swallow slowly. to lessen the strain on the digestive system.

Old people 3. Eat less fried foods:

Due to the difficulty of digesting these foods, individuals are advised to avoid them. Excessive consumption of herring can be harmful to your health. It will naturally increase the burden on the digestive tract and cause a lot of weight gain. And even cause indigestion

4. Eat less cold and irritating foods:

Cold and irritating foods are bad for you, and it is believed that they have negative effects on your health. This explains why many individuals do not eat them. However it is important to remember that there are many alternative and healthy foods that are much better for you.

They have a strong stimulating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, which means they can lead to gas, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome. Which is easy to cause diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. If you eat cold and irritating foods, you should drink plenty of water,

Which leads to irritability and increased acidity in the stomach. So you always keep in mind your diet. Or it aggravates gastrointestinal diseases such as bacterial overgrowth and leaky intestines., That is why it is necessary to balance your diet with the above foods.

Old people5. Eat less smoked, roasted, and preserved foods:

These foods contain large amounts of salt, fat, and sugar, and are often unhealthy and unattractive. Eating these foods can lead to weight gain and the risk of heart disease. With more salt and some substances, the body is unable to digest it, or the level of salt in the blood increases which can cause cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, and even death. So it is not recommended to eat them too often or not to eat them all the time.

Old people 6. Reduce drinking alcohol and quit smoking:

Tobacco and alcohol damage the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Alcohol and tobacco can damage the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, and larynx, and can cause damage to the heart and circulatory system. Tobacco is a significant risk factor for oral cancer and lung cancer. 

Some studies have found that tobacco users have an increased risk of oral cancer and that the incidence of oral cancer in tobacco users is significantly higher than that of non-tobacco users. And it reduces the capacity of the gastrointestinal tract-which is very harmful to health.

Old people 7. Eat vegetables and whole grains frequently:

Eating some vegetables can bring more health benefits than you think. A new study shows that eating vegetables and whole grains (found in whole grains, whole grains, and legumes) more than twice a day prevents heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, spinach, Brussels sprouts, and mushrooms are some vegetables that are high in fiber and low in calories. Fiber from vegetables can help maintain cardiovascular health.

The new study on oats shows that eating these foods about three to four times a day may help lower bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure. To increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract Prevention and Prevention of constipation is another way to eat more vegetables and foods rich in fiber. Help maintain digestive health and good bowel function, and reduce the incidence of colon cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers.

8. Eat less high-fat and protein foods

If you eat a lot of fat, And protein ، you will gain weight, especially if you have a high-fat diet. High-fat foods such as meat, cheese, and sweets tend to be high in calories, and you will gain weight. You will also have more heart disease, diabetes, and cancers.

You are prone to indigestion, heartburn, and other digestive disorders. and heart disease. You should avoid high-fat or high-protein foods to avoid these problems.

9. Meals should be regular and should be measured regularly:

The amount of each meal should be determined regularly-and food should be measured regularly. To maintain good health, the average amount of food should be two meals a day. To reduce the likelihood of the disease, the diet may be based on the principle of moderation. However, to prevent malnutrition, food should be prepared at home, which can form a conditioned reflex, help the secretion of digestive glands, and facilitate digestion and absorption of food.

How aging affects the digestive system

As we age, our digestive system loses its ability to process nutrients. Problems with digestion and nutrition absorption may result from this. As we get older, our bodies absorb more water from food, which can lead to constipation.

What is the most common digestive complaint in the elderly

Elderly people are more likely to experience dysphagia, indigestion, loss of appetite, constipation, and fecal incontinence, which are all symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders.

a summary

The importance of digestive health for the well-being of Elderly people is widely known. However, this is not always the case. The digestive system of older people is more sensitive to changes in the diet than young people. If digestion is neglected, the elderly will develop chronic diseases.

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