17 effects of sugar on the body| too much sugar side effects

17 effects of sugar on the body, too much sugar side effects. symptoms of too much sugar in your body,8 things that happen to your body when you
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17 effects of sugar on the body| too much sugar side effects
effects of sugar on the body,,8 things that happen to your body when you eat sugar . and foods that contain a lot of sugar such as sweets, soft drinks, and processed foods are the favorites of many people. Is it good to eat a lot of sugar According to nutritionists? the harmful effects of sugar are very great if not taken properly. Here are the effects of sugar on the body, and too many sugar side effects.

effects of sugar . Cubes of sugar with a white background

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1. Harmful effects of sugar on weight gain:

Sugary drinks such as soft drinks, and milk teas. and packaged fruit juices are believed to be one of the main causes of obesity. Because they contain a lot of fructose. which is a simple sugar. Consuming too much fructose increases the feeling of hunger. which in turn leads to nourishment desires.

This sugar also causes resistance to leptin, an important hormone that suppresses hunger.

Research suggests that high sugar intake also disrupts metabolism. Therefore, when loaded with sugar it makes you feel hungry. and therefore the desire to eat more, especially carbohydrates and sweets. This leads to weight gain.

Is drinking water with sugar good Drinking too many sugary drinks can. also increase visceral fat, a condition that causes diabetes and heart disease.

2. Increased risk of heart disease:

Some wonder if Is it good to eat a lot of sweets. There is a lot of evidence that a high-sugar diet is responsible for obesity. inflammation, increased triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure.  It all leads to heart disease and stroke.

In addition, consuming too many sugary drinks. can cause atherosclerosis, a disease characterized by fat deposits that clog arteries.   

A study of 30 thousand people found that. those who consume 17-21% of calories from sugar have a 38% higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those who consume only 8%.

3. effects of sugar cause acne:

Several studies have shown that a low-sugar diet can reduce. the risk of acne while adding more sugar to the daily diet increases. the risk of acne.

Sugary nourishments rapidly raise blood sugar and affront levels. driving to expanded androgen discharge. oil generation, and irritation, all of which contribute to skin break out.

4. Expanded hazard of Sort 2 diabetes:

Does eating too much sugar cause diabetes Consuming. too much sugar in the long term leads to insulin resistance. a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. As a result, blood sugar levels rise which leads to an increased risk of diabetes.

A study conducted in 175 countries found. that consuming 150 calories of sugar per day (the equivalent of one can of soft drinks) increases. the risk of diabetes by 1.1%.

Some other scientific evidence. also shows that people who drink sugary drinks (including fruit juices) are more likely to develop diabetes.

5. Is it good to eat too much sugar Increased risk of cancer:

A diet rich in sugary foods and drinks not only leads to obesity but also increases inflammation in the body and can cause insulin resistance. It all increments the chance of cancer.

A study of 430 thousand people found. that high sugar consumption is strongly associated with cancers of the esophagus, and small intestine. and pleura. In particular. women who eat sweets three times a week are more likely to develop uterine cancer.    related products: https://amzn.to/3tLGPPx

Thus, the harmful effects of sugar are great.

6. Expanded hazard of sadness:

Eating lots of sugar any good? A solid eat less can offer assistance moving forward disposition. Conversely. eating lots of sugar increases the likelihood of suffering from depression.

A study was published on January 1-2020 in the journal. Medical Hypotheses suggest eating lots of sugar promotes inflammation, as the mood is super stressed, and worse.

In expansion, numerous things about illustrated. that diets rich in sugar and processed foods can increase the risk of depression in both men and women.

7. Eat more sugar any good?  Accelerate the process of skin aging:

As you eat more sugar any good? Regularly eating unhealthy food contains a lot of sugar. sweet drinks may increase. the status of wrinkles and accelerate the aging process.

Mode rich in starch, sugar leads to the production of AGEs. These compounds can destroy collagen and elastin – the proteins that help the skin be taut and youthful. When they hurt, the skin will gradually lose firmness inherent and sagging.

Results of some studies showed that women. who consume more carbs and sugar supplements whose skin is more wrinkled. those who followed a diet rich in protein, and low carbs.

8.  effects of sugar can lead to a fatty liver:

Continuous absorption of fructose from carbonated drinks. processed foods. and desserts ... has the potential to extend. the risk of fatty liver. Because only the liver is the organ that can break down fructose sugar (while many cells absorb glucose or other sugars).

Therefore, the intake of a large amount of fructose overloads the liver. Ming about in greasy liver illness. a condition caused by the accumulation of too much fat in the liver. 

A study of 5, 900 adults found that those. Those who drank sugary drinks daily had a 56% higher risk of developing the fatty liver disease than those who did not drink.

9. Brain fog that can cause memory loss:

Some studies have shown that adding too much sugar to food is. and drink can cause problems such as a lack of mental clarity. capacity to concentrate, and destitute memory.

Glucose is the main fuel source for the brain. But too much glucose can cause hyperglycemia or high blood glucose levels. causing inflammation in the brain, which in turn negatively affects cognitive function and mood. 

Excessive sugar intake accelerates cognitive decline. Then not only memory regresses but also memory loss if you constantly eat and drink sugary foods.

In expansion to the dangers specified over. sugar can harm the body in a myriad of other ways.

A lot of research shows that too much added sugar can:

10. Expanded chance of kidney illness:

Persistently high blood sugar damages the blood vessels in the kidneys. This leads to an increased risk of kidney disease.

11. Bad effects on oral health:

You can develop tooth decay if you regularly eat and drink sugary foods. Bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar and release acidic by-products. which remove minerals from the teeth. This is the effect of sugar on the teeth.    

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12. effects of sugar increase the risk of gout:

Sugar raises uric acid levels in the blood. which increases the risk of developing or worsening gout.

13. Craving sweets:

Sugar intake increases dopamine. Self-increasing dopamine can increase sugar cravings. leading to a vicious cycle.

14.  effects of sugar on rheumatoid arthritis:

Drink pop and carbonated drinks frequently ... Which can increase the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (C R).

15. Causes sleep problems:

The sleep cycle and its quality. are not only regulated by light and temperature but. also greatly influenced by blood sugar control. For people who regularly consume too much sugar. this can cause sleep cycle disorders. insomnia, or lack of sleep.

16. Causes a part of stomach-related issues:

A large amount of sugar will be an intestinal irritant - the cause of abdominal pain, cramps, or diarrhea. Besides. the harmful effects of eating too much sugar make. some people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. or ulcerative colitis.

17.  effects of sugar on the resistant framework:

Several studies have shown that sugar can weaken the body's immune system to fight diseases.

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So you already know:

 if it's good to eat a lot of sugar. Consuming small amounts of sugar is considered healthy. But adding more regularly and constantly will cause many problems for health and beauty. She hopes that the harmful effects of sugar mentioned above will help you scientifically understand food intake, to ensure overall health.

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