Already know how to determine the ideal weight for your height

ideal weight for height varies depending on bone density, and muscle mass. the principle is a body weight that is 10-15% less than own weight
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 Already know how to determine the ideal weight for your height
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the ideal body weight for your height is based on your frame size. If you are small-boned and have a small frame, you should aim to be at the lower end of the weight range. If you are large-boned or have a large frame, you should aim to be at the upper end of the weight range.

ideal weight. Black-shirted woman with a weight scale in her hand

 What is the ideal weight What weight do I need?

Most people have tried to lose weight or know how to lose weight once in their life. This is largely due to the perception of "ideal" body weight, often this depends on what we see through social media, television, movies, magazines, etc. Although only the ideal weight (IBW - Ideal Body Weight) today sometimes depends on visual attractiveness, IBW is really used for medical purposes, especially for obese patients to determine the necessary dosage and medication. Nowadays, IBW is also widely used to determine the ideal weight of a person like Mr. A whose height is x, and then his ideal weight is y. In addition, IBW is used in sports, as many sports classify people based on body weight.

Note that IBW (ideal body weight) is not an ideal measure.

 Since it is not considered the percentage of body fat. This means that healthy athletes can be considered overweight based only on IBW (especially bodybuilders) and that is why IBW is not considered an incomplete measure of weight. Evaluate the health and weight of each person. If you are under or above IBW but are healthy. 

How much a person weighs cannot be determined by one formula. 

This depends a lot on each individual. To date, no scale from IBW (ideal weight index) to BMI. or anyone else, can unequivocally determine the ideal weight of a person. They are just references and most importantly stick to healthy life choices such as exercising regularly. consuming a range of whole foods receiving adequate rest, among other things, and a certain weight determined by a formula.

 many factors can affect the ideal weight, the main ones are listed below. 


Theoretically, age should not be a big determinant of IBW between 14-15 years for girls and 16-17 years for boys, then most people stop growing. Men are actually expected to lose 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) and women (5 cm) respectively at the age of 70. It's crucial to keep that in mind. as people get older, lean muscle mass decreases and it is easy for excess fat to accumulate on the body. Form. 

This is a natural aging process, although we can reduce the effects of aging by limiting the application of various habits. such as monitoring our diet, exercising, reducing stress, and getting enough sleep.


In general, women weigh less than men, although they naturally have a higher percentage of body fat than men. Because the male body usually has a higher muscle mass and this amount of muscle is heavier than fat. Not only that, but women in general have lower bone density. Men are frequently taller than women, in addition.


The taller a person is, the more muscle mass and fat in the body increase, which leads to weight gain. A male who is about the height of a female should weigh about 10-20% more.

Body frame size

The size of the body structure is another factor that can have a significant impact on the ideal weight measurement. 

The size of the body structure is usually classified into 3 types small, medium, or large. 

It is measured based on the circumference of a person's wrist relative to his height. as shown below.

For women:

Height under 157 cm

  • Small bones = wrist size less than 5'5 inches (13.97 CM).
  • also Average bone = wrist size 5'5 "(13.97) to 5'75" (14 cm).
  • also, Large bones = wrist size greater than 5'5 inches (14 cm).

Height between 157 cm and 165 cm

  • Small bones = wrist size less than 6 inches (15.24 cm).
  • also Average bone = wrist size 6 inches (15.24 cm) to 6.25 inches (15.87 CM).
  • also, Large bones = wrist size greater than 6.25 inches (15.87 CM).

Height over 165 cm

  • Small bones = wrist size less than 6.25 inches (15.87 CM).
  • and Average bone = wrist size 6.25 inches (15.87 CM) to 6.5 inches (16.61 CM).
  • and Large bones = wrist size greater than 6.5 inches (16.61 CM).

For men:

Height over 5 '5' (165 cm)

  • Small bones = wrist size 5.5 inches (13.97 CM) to 6.5 inches (16.51 CM).
  • and Medium bone = wrist size 6.5 inches (16.51 CM) to 7.5 inches (19.05 CM).
  • and Large bones = wrist size greater than 7.5 inches (19.05 CM).

It is normal for a person with large bones to weigh more than someone with small bones, even at the same height. which makes the size of the body structure a factor that can affect measurements such as IBW and BMI.

 The formula for finding the ideal body weight

Of all the formulas, there are IBW formulas that were developed primarily to facilitate the calculation of drug doses. 

If you are a male 177 cm, estimate your ideal weight using the Devine formula. calculated as follows = (2.3 × 10) kg + 50 kg to get a result of 73 kg (the ideal weight indicator for your body). Friend).

Various formulas are used in the values based on research conducted by scientists regarding their development. and formulation. Devine's formula is the most commonly used formula for measuring IBW.

The recipe of J. J. Hamoui (1964)

  • Men weigh 48 kg plus 2.7 kg for every inch above 5 feet.
  • and Women: 45.5 kg + 2.2 kg per inch above 5 feet.

It was invented for pharmacological dosing purposes.

The BJ Devine formula (1974)

  • Men: 50.0 kg + 2.3 kg per inch above 5 feet.
  • and For ladies: 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg per inch above 5 feet.

Similar to the febrile formula, it was originally used as the basis for dosing the drug based on weight and height. Over time, the formula has become a popular determinant for IBW.

J. D. Robinson formula (1983)

  • 1.9 kilogram every inch over 5 ft for men weighing 52 kg.
  • and Female: 49 kg + 1.7 kg per inch above 5 feet.
  • and Modify the Devine formula.

The Dr. Miller formula (1983)

  • Males: 56.2 kg plus 1.41 kg for every inch above 5 feet.
  • and Women: 53.1 kg + 1.36 kg per inch over 5 feet.
  • and Modify the Devine formula.

A healthy range of body mass index

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that the healthy BMI range is 18.5-25 for both men and women. It is feasible to determine a healthy weight for any height using the BMI range.

BMI is a commonly used measure to determine IBW. It is widely used in the medical field as an indicator to quickly find out possible health complications. In general, the higher the BMI, the more likely a person is to experience health problems. such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. 

This is an indicator that doctors use to guide their patients. A noticeable increase in body mass index is now the official indicator for classifying individuals by various degrees of obesity.

a summary

There are restrictions on all formulas and methods. Since the formulas are designed to apply to as many people as possible, they cannot be very accurate for each individual. The formulas include only height and gender and do not take into account physical disability, and activity level. muscle mass about body fat percentage, which is also known as body composition. 

Our ideal body weight is a reference value and is intended to be used as a general guide based on common formulas. the results of which are not intended to be mandatory values that must be achieved to reach the "ideal weight".

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