Carrot oil for hair care at home to stimulate faster and thicker hair growth

Carrot oil for hair. A stimulator of hair growth. Reduces hair dryness. Improves hair texture. It keeps the shine and creates a pleasant t-smell.
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Carrot oil for hair care at home to stimulate faster and thicker hair growth
Many people prefer to use carrot oil to nourish their hair. stimulate hair growth, prevent breakage and improve the condition of dry scalps prone to dandruff. Let's show you how to make your own carrot oil at home just to have healthy hair!

Carrot oil with Braided white shirt worn by a woman

Unlike many other vegetable oils that are widely available on the market, carrot oil is difficult to find. However, this does not mean that you should abandon this useful beauty method. 

What is a carrot oil extract?

Carrot extract is basically an essential oil obtained by distilling carrots. The distillation method will help to get all the vitamins A, E and many other nutrients contained in carrots without causing a change in their naturalness.

The benefits of carrot oil extract for hair

Based on a lot of evidence, the most obvious advantage of carrot oil for your hair is to stimulate faster and thicker hair growth. Vitamins can help protect the scalp from the harmful effects of the external environment. such as ultraviolet radiation or dust encouraging blood flow to the scalp. carrot oil can also help make your hair healthier from roots to ends

In addition, carrot oil also has several benefits such as:

  • Reduce hair dryness and split ends when growing long hair. 
  • Improves hair texture. 
  • Maintains shine, smooth, and silky. 
  • The anti-inflammatory properties found in carrots help with some scalp infections, dandruff, and dandruff. 
  • It creates a pleasant, natural aroma for hair.

How to make your own carrot oil

Unlike store-bought chemical hair care products, homemade carrot oil, despite its simplicity, will ensure the preservation of the nutrients contained in the oil. With the finished product, you can use it to massage your hair and scalp once a week for the best results.


To extract 120 ml of carrot oil at home, you need:

2 carrots 1 to 2 cups of carrier oil (vegetable oils such as coconut or olive oil, and sunflower oil help dilute the concentrate)


  • Peel the carrots, remove the stalks, and then cut or grate them into thin fibers to release the essential oils. 
  • Put the grated carrots in a glass jar (or porcelain or clay jar), and then pour in the essential oil for the carrots. 
  • Put the jar in a large saucepan, fill it halfway with water, and bring it to a boil.
  •  When the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes (be careful not to close the lid, as this may cause the jar to break). 
  • Cool the oil mixture and strain through a sieve. Use a spoon to dry the carrots to get all the essential oils inside.

A small note

 is to be careful during the whole process because the color of carrot oil can stain. and leave streaks on your clothes or limbs (carrot oil can be used as a dye for fabrics).

5 recipes using a special carrot oil extract for every hair problem

Formula 1: promotes faster hair growth

Thanks to the rich content of vitamins, especially biotin. carrots are considered by many experts to be extremely useful for improving the health of your hair.

The simplest way to use carrot oil is to wash your hair weekly:

  • Mix about four drops of carrot oil with two glasses of clean water and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. 
  • Massage this mixture into oily hair and skin when the hair is dry or damp. 
  • Wash off with shampoo and water. 
  • Taking carrot oil once a week helps maintain the pH balance of oily skin, which creates good conditions to help stimulate faster hair growth.

Formula 2: prevents split ends and fractures

Numerous studies have shown the regular use of essential oils. will increase hair lubrication, limiting the condition of dry, frizzy, young, and broken hair. The same goes for carrot essential oil. which is full of antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals that affect hair health.

You can massage a few drops of carrot essential oil directly into your hair. up to twice a week, for stronger and shinier hair.

Formula 3: improves scalp flaking, reduces dandruff

Dandruff is a common condition that can happen to anyone and is caused by fungi or bacteria on the scalp. Although it is not dangerous for health and life, the presence of too much dandruff causes itching. and discomfort and is very uncomfortable for many daily activities. Carrots with antibacterial properties will be an effective way to get rid of dandruff.

  • Mix carrot oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice in a ratio of 4: 1. 
  • Massage your scalp and leave it on for about an hour before shampooing.

Of course, you still have to apply this method only once to twice a week. to get the best results without backfiring.

Recipe four: make an Intensive Hair Mask

Hair masks are used as a way to keep hair shiny, strong, and hydrated. Studies have found that carrots have properties that help hair adapt to sun damage, allowing hair to better retain moisture. and shine even after prolonged sun exposure.

  • Mix about 10 drops of oil with half a mashed ripe avocado. 
  • Add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Use the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes, then rinse.
  • Follow the steps correctly and consistently, 
  • and you will see surprising results after a few incubations.

Formula 5: keep the curls

Styling and curling are considered one of the most vulnerable types of hair. Coconut oil is usually the favorite Savior of many people, but you can try carrot essential oil with similar benefits. Carrot oil can help your curly hair stay in place, reduce frizz, and keep it as soft as Salon and even dyed hair.

Mix carrot oil with coconut oil in a 1: 1 ratio, put it in a spray bottle, and spray a thin layer on your hair as needed.

Note when using carrot oil for hair care

  • Like any other product, carrot oil also carries the risk of causing an allergic reaction if used incorrectly. Earlier than massaging carrot oil into your hair. you can try applying a small amount of it to areas such as your arms or the back of your neck and leave it on for 24 hours.
  • If there is no reaction, you can comfortably use carrot oil to care for your hair. On the contrary. if you have irritated skin, you should. also not use it on your hair because essential oils from the hair can stain your skin.
  • Besides, carrot oil doesn't seem to make dark hair orange. overuse of it can cause the scalp to turn orange. 
  • Not to mention that the carotenoid component of carrot oil has been proven to be moderately toxic to body cells. 

a summary

Carrot oil has also been shown to improve the overall scalp condition, making the hair more elastic and stronger. Additionally, it can aid in the reduction of dandruff and other scalp issues.

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