Remember these foods right away for beautiful healthy nails!

foods for beautiful healthy nails. Cauliflower. Spinach. Coconut oil. Egg. Salmon fish. Chicken . Animal lover. Milk and dairy products. Water
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Remember these foods right away for beautiful healthy nails!
To have strong and beautiful nails and legs, our daughter often spends time trimming and tanning using cosmetics and natural ingredients. So for healthy nails from the inside, what foods do we need Let's take a look at the article below to answer this question.

healthy nails. Beautiful nails for a young lady

Cauliflower (Cauliflower)

Broccoli contains the amino acid cysteine, which helps your body absorb protein well. It is considered an essential amino acid and a great source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Cauliflower is also rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin C. This vitamin is involved in the formation of collagen, which is one of the main components of your nails. It helps your body maintain healthy nails, which are necessary for healthy skin. Our nails need protein to stay strong. Therefore, add cauliflower to your meal menu to nourish your nails.


Spinach is not only good for health but also helps to make nails more beautiful. It is rich in vitamins E and B12, which are necessary for healthy skin and nails. It is also rich in iron, which helps strengthen nails. Thanks to the amount of vitamins A, B, and C, and folic acid contained in it. You can use spinach to make soup, or French fries, or eat it raw as you like.

Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables

Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamin A. Also, some calcium, which is difficult to absorb from a lot of salmon, and vitamin C from oranges. Carrots, like carrots, are necessary for beautiful healthy nails.  Also, calcium in oranges is easily absorbed from foods in the orange category and vitamin C from foods in the orange category. Such as carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, etc. It will help to make nails and feet brighter, not dry and cracked. Not only that, but they also contain the antioxidant beta-carotene to convert vitamin A to nourish body cells.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is very familiar in the care of skin, hair, and nails from the outside. Loading coconut oil into the body is very useful for nails because it is a healthy fat that increases the body's ability to absorb nutrients and increases blood circulation, shrinks capillaries, and inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses. It also contains vitamins A, D, E, and K, which contribute to strengthening nails and strengthening legs.

In addition, coconut oil is a great moisturizer, and it is widely known that it makes nails look healthy and beautiful.


Eggs are a rich source of protein to help you maintain beautiful and shiny nails. One cup of eggs can provide all the proteins and vitamins you need to get a healthy, beautiful, and shiny glow on your hands. Eggs can make the keratin layer of the nail thicker and provide a large amount of biotin. Also, eggs are a rich source of fiber, which helps you stay slim. Fiber is essential for good skin, but it also helps prevent dry flaking that can lead to trimming your nails. The most common cause of the condition of the nails is malnutrition.

Salmon fish

Salmon is very good food for the body because it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This fish also provides healthy levels of phosphorus and sulfur for thick nails. Not only that, but salmon also contains nutrients that help promote collagen production for Nail Growth

Salmon has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, which help promote nail growth and prevent them from becoming brittle. Most importantly, salmon contains a high amount of protein and a low amount of fat and cholesterol, which helps to promote nail growth. Some people always maintain alternative methods for private purposes.


Chicken is not only a savior of our boring days along with beef, pork, or fish, but also contains such nutrients that are extremely useful for nails as protein, vitamin B, and zinc. Just two servings of chicken a week will help you strengthen your nails.

Chicken is especially high in protein and vitamin B, which is essential for nails. It also contains zinc and vitamin E, which are necessary for healthy nails.

Animal liver

The animal's liver has high levels of vitamin A and vitamin E.These nutrients are necessary for having healthy skin, hair, and nails. Brittle nails with white spots are largely due to iron deficiency. This is a very common condition, especially with sun-damaged skin and vitamin D deficiency. People with brittle nails often have non-penetrating nails, which makes them prone to breakage. Eat animal liver to provide enough iron for your nails ،

Milk and dairy products

Did you know that nails consist mainly of the keratin-a form of protein? Therefore, the above protein-rich foods will be very useful for nails, as well as milk and dairy products. These foods are rich in calcium, biotin, and protein. If you are tired of drinking milk, you can use cottage cheese or yogurt instead.

You can use these foods to improve your nails and other parts of your body. Also, you can use these foods to increase your energy levels and help you work faster.


Drink enough water every day not only for your nails but also for your body to be stronger, we will also be more beautiful from then on.

The content of drinking water is directly related to blood pressure and the need for strong and healthy nails.

How healthy nails should look

It has no pits or grooves. Nails are tight and healthy.  Soft and clean. 

They are soft to the touch and have no knots.  Long and healthy.  Strong, firm, not fragile. They have a constant hue!  Shiny and alive. The texture is flawless or stained.

How to get healthy nails naturally

You won't need any supplements to maintain strong nails as long as you consume a balanced and nutritious diet.

How to get rid of burrs on your nails naturally

Maintain frequent nail hydration. Keep your nails clean. Avoid playing with your skin, nibbling on your nails, or chewing. Maintain a balanced diet

What deficiency causes peeling nails

Anemia is caused by iron deficiency. The process reduces the nails and makes them look dull. The process can also cause skin lesions. The thyroid gland. The thyroid gland produces a hormone that stimulates nerves to make nails sensitive. Lung diseases. Chronic bronchitis and lung cancer cause the bones to swell.  These diseases cause the nails to peel off. Kidney disease. Kidney disease causes the nail root to swell.

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