Types of cough, causes, and treatment with folk remedies
A cough is a sudden spasm, in the thoracic diaphragm and adjacent muscles. It is a natural reflex action to protect your lungs. Common causes of coughing include viral infections, allergies, environmental irritants, and medications. Folk remedies can be very useful in the treatment of cough follow this article to know more about A cough
What is a cough
Cough is a common symptom of almost all respiratory diseases. Dry or wet, deaf or sonorous, appears suddenly and constantly, deprived of voice, falls asleep, tires himself, and annoys others. Surely everyone knows this!
Cough is a kind of protective reflex that nature offers us to cleanse the respiratory tract of foreign bodies, dust, and sputum. Most often, cough occurs as a result of irritation of nerve endings located in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (larynx, trachea, bronchi).
At the signal of the nerve endings
the muscles of the press, chest, and respiratory tract contract. At the peak of this contraction, regardless of the will of the person, the glottis opens and a very strong exhalation is made, accompanied by a specific sound, which we call coughing.
Many people strive to fight to cough, even to the point of covering their mouths with their hands so as not to make annoying sounds. But cough is one of the protective reactions of the body, it gets rid of its foreign bodies. Therefore, dealing with the causes of cough is fairer and wiser, than not dealing with it himself.
Attention! It is important to know!
Impulses go to the cough center not only from the respiratory organs. Nerve endings associated with the cough Center are found in many other internal organs.
For example, in the esophagus, stomach, and heart, as well as in the diaphragm, auditory canals, and some parts of the brain. Therefore, it happens that coughing is accompanied by diseases that are in no way associated with a viral infection of the respiratory organs. If you start to suffer from a frequent cough but there are no signs of a cold, consult a doctor.
Most often, cough occurs with viral infections of the respiratory tract; it is a faithful companion of colds caused by General hypothermia.
Types of cough.
In medicine, several different characteristics are used to describe cough, which is most likely to assume the causes of its occurrence. The basic classification is dry and wet cough.
A cough without sputum production is called a dry cough.
It occurs as a result of irritation of cough receptors by foreign bodies and swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Most often, a dry cough is observed in the first days of infection with a respiratory viral infection, as well as laryngitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, and bronchial tumors.
A dry cough is called unproductive since in most cases it does not fulfill its main protective function provided by nature. Get rid of dry cough primarily with the help of mustard plasters, warm compresses, and hot foot baths.
A wet cough is a cough that produces phlegm.
Accompanied by the same "wet" and ringing sound. A wet cough occurs only with respiratory disease. It is also called a product because it frees the lungs from pathological contents.
Antitussive drugs are not prescribed for wet coughs. as this can disrupt the process of freeing the bronchi from liquid contents, and this, in turn. will aggravate the disease and worsen the patient's condition.
In this case, drugs are prescribed that reduce the formation of sputum and contribute to its rapid excretion. These are mainly expectorants and inhalations.
Causes of cough
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Asthma.
- Postnasal drip.
- Infections
- Blood pressure medications.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Treatment of cough with folk remedies
It's no secret to anyone that many people, when a cough occurs, begin to stuff themselves and their children with various medications, not knowing whether they can be used in this case or not, forgetting that traditional medicine is safer and, moreover, effective.
The most effective remedy for cough treatment is inhalation, in which all active ingredients immediately enter the inflamed bronchi and immediately begin to act.
A simple but effective way is to breathe over a glass of hot water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and two drops of iodine. Soda softens mucus, and iodine kills bacteria. No less suitable are inhalations with medicinal herbs: sage, eucalyptus, mint, St. John's wort, Yarrow, Wormwood, plantain, and many others.
Linden flowers, chamomile, licorice roots, Birch buds, Pine, viburnum, and raspberries will help well. Water with herbs is brought to a boil so that they give up volatile medicinal substances, and then breathe them in.
The old and true method is inhalation over boiled potatoes, which should be uniform and slightly mashed in broth. Inhalation is carried out for 10-20 minutes several times a day. After the procedure.
Gargling is recommended for a dry cough accompanied by pain in the throat. Preferably gargle up to 10 times a day.
1 teaspoon of soda and 3-4 drops of iodine are added to a glass of water. The resulting liquid is used for gargling. Water with a teaspoon of lemon juice will do just fine.
Another way is carrot juice with honey:
add a teaspoon of honey to freshly squeezed carrot juice, and dilute the resulting mixture with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Herbal decoctions, popular at all times, will be no less effective.
You can use calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot, eucalyptus, licorice root, and oak bark. The vegetable component is poured with half a liter of boiling water, insisted for an hour, filtered, and gargled.
Compresses are best for relieving a wet cough when sputum is hard. Compresses are used to absorb inflammatory processes. Apply them to the throat, chest, back, and legs.
Traditional medicine has a rich selection of various compresses, here are some of them:
- A clean cloth is impregnated with sunflower oil and kept on the body for 4 hours.
- At night, a compress is made by mixing 50 ml of vinegar, 20 ml of camphor oil, and 30 ml of any vegetable oil.
- Red pepper powder is mixed with grated potato gruel and applied to the neck, chest, calves, and feet.
- Divide the mashed potatoes mixed with vodka into two parts. Each is placed in a plastic bag, shaped like a cake, and placed on the chest and back, wrapping it with a lid.
Mustard plasters
Applying mustard plaster to the chest and back will help to cope with a cough. Yes, mustard plasters, as before, bite" and burn", but with their help, you can immediately get rid of a cough for the whole night.
You can buy a mustard bandage at the pharmacy, or you can knead a dough-like mixture of dry mustard and honey, roll a bun out of it and apply it to your body. You need to keep the mustard plaster for an average of 30 minutes.
A good folk remedy for coughing is also rubbing goose or badger fat, lard, pine nuts, or cedar oil into the chest, neck, and back. After rubbing, you need to properly wrap yourself and sweat.
Cabbage leaves
Wrap the throat with fresh cabbage leaves, and tie a warm scarf over it. Leaves are changed every two hours. To enhance the effect, fresh cabbage leaves can be ironed with a hot iron (or steamed in hot water) and applied to the throat.
Onion juice (or finely chopped onion) is mixed with honey and left to infuse overnight. The mixed liquid is drunk in a day in small portions. A more pleasant combination is a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of butter.
The onion-sugar syrup will help you, for this, you need to mix chopped onions and two tablespoons of sugar, and then leave for 12 hours. This drink will help the body overcome the viral infection faster.
Honey and horseradish
The best remedy at all times was horseradish with honey. Cut off the top of the root crop and make an incision, fill it with honey and close the top.
Leave the honey for a day or two so that the radish puts its juice into it. Take the resulting Medicine in a teaspoon several times a day ten minutes before meals.
Surely everyone remembers the so-called cupping massage. Everyone knows what banks are on the back. However, according to recent research by scientists. after using cans, bruises remain not only on the back.
but also on the lining of the lungs - on the pleura. which contributes to organ damage and the spread of infection. Consult with your doctor about the harms and benefits of cupping procedures.
Advice :
Be strict about your cough. If folk remedies do not help within 5 days, and relief does not come, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the inflammatory process has moved to a stage that requires medical intervention.