Why Healthy Eating is Essential for Rough Skin Care

the rough skin care, proper diet. exercise can be improved. Getting enough sleep. playing sports will also help in the treatment of skin conditions.
Estimated read time: 8 min

 Why Healthy Eating is Essential for Rough Skin Care
There are probably more than a few people who have been suffering from rough skin lately due to pollen. dryness with changing seasons. and a long-term mask life. In such a situation, you may be able to get better by revising your diet. as well as skincare. This time, we will provide nutrients and meals that lead to beautiful skin.

Meals and nutrients that must be consumed to care for rough skin

rough skin: What causes skin irritation

Yellow pollen and sand in spring, harsh ultraviolet rays in summer. temperature differences in autumn. and drought in winter. Skin problems suffer from various causes throughout the year. In addition, there may be some people who experience roughness of the skin due to friction and pressure caused by masks.

The first thing you should pay attention to is your diet. which is closely related to your skin. There are probably more than a few people who have had trouble putting on makeup when their stomach is not feeling well due to a series of events. or a breakdown due to eating too much junk food.

■ Dietary habits that may cause rough skin

 Excessive eating

Many people eat more than before, such as choosing snacks to relieve stress and having food on hand when working remotely. Overeating strains the stomach and intestines. which can contribute to a dull complexion and weak complexion.

 Unbalanced diet;

You may think that you are healthy because you cook for yourself, but when you look back, you may find that the menu is only carbohydrates. Continuing to eat every meal leads to a lack of protein and minerals. which makes it difficult to form healthy skin.

 Lack of water

If you have fewer opportunities to go out and lead a less active life, you will be less likely to feel thirsty. Through blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, body water transports nutrients and oxygen while also removing waste products.

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What foods and nutrients prevent rough skin

■ Breakfast

First of all, do not miss breakfast. However, it is very difficult to prepare a nutritionally balanced meal every morning. Also, some people may not feel hungry if they just woke up. For such a person, a glass of milk and a banana is fine. In any case, by putting something in your mouth. the sympathetic Switch is turned on and the preparation of the autonomic nerves is easier. which helps to bring the rate of rotation closer to normal.

■ Lunch/dinner

Make sure you get a balanced intake of the three main nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), vitamins, and minerals. If you imagine a specific meal format, with basic foods. such as rice, bread, and pasta, main dishes such as meat, fish, eggs, and tofu, and side dishes. such as vegetables, fruits, seaweed, and mushrooms. you will also be easier to maintain nutritional balance.

We also recommend serving it with hot soup. If you make miso soup with a lot of ingredients. such as vegetables and mushrooms and eating them at the beginning of your meal, dietary fiber will prevent a sudden rise in blood sugar. and fermented foods will improve the intestinal environment. Kill two birds with one pebble.

Moreover, to have beautiful skin, the following nutrients should be taken proactively so that it is not deficient.

■ Nutrients and foods that you want to eat consciously rough skin

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 maintains healthy skin and supports circulation. Foods rich in vitamin B2 include eel, liver, blue fish, almonds, natto, and eggs.

 Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 prevents skin inflammation and controls fat. Pork, eel, seaweed, beans, etc. contain a lot of it, but since pork contains a lot of fat, it may be better to remove the fat.

 Vitamin C

Collagen synthesis requires vitamin C. Bell peppers and broccoli are examples of vegetables rich in vitamin C. However, since it is water-soluble and sensitive to heat. it is also recommended to take it from cabbage. which can be eaten raw, kiwi fruit, strawberries, navel, and other fruits.


Avocados, potatoes (taro, sweet potatoes, yams, etc.), almonds, peanuts, spinach. and Japanese mustard spinach is rich in potassium. which helps cell metabolism and promotes skin regeneration.


Calcium brings the skin's circulation rate closer to normal and is necessary for smooth and transparent skin. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and small fish can be eaten with bones, natto, spinach, and Japanese mustard. and others contain large amounts.

Is it possible to use supplements for rough skin, How to drink effectively?

For nutrients that are often not enough in diets alone. Perhaps you should think about taking vitamins.

For example, iron and zinc are essential minerals to maintain skin health and promote recovery from skin problems. In addition, it is known that women are more prone to the iron deficiency than men. especially due to the menstrual cycle.

The goal of using dietary supplements well is to follow the prescribed amount, how to take it, and continue with it for a certain period. If you drink too much at once just because you are worried about skin problems. or if you stop drinking as soon as you see an improvement, it will not work well in your body.

vitamins and minerals work together

 and not on their own. Keep in mind that taking a certain supplement will not necessarily make your skin look better. Please use it with awareness to supplement difficult-to-eat meals.

Beautiful skin habits that you want to keep in mind in addition to improving your eating habits

If you want to maximize the effect of improving your eating habits. why not try to incorporate these habits

■ Get a good night's sleep

Good sleep stimulates the production of growth hormone and melatonin, activates the metabolism of the skin, and repairs UV damage. The quality of sleep can be improved by taking small steps. such as opening the curtains to let in the morning sun when you wake up in the morning and not drinking caffeinated drinks after 3 pm.

■ Do not forget to exercise properly

Exercise boosts your metabolism and helps improve blood circulation. It's a hard time to go to the gym or studio, but even light exercises like stretching and squats at home are effective enough. The important thing is to keep going. Why not start with an exercise that will not be a burden

■ Be aware of offensive and defensive skincare

When you have a problem with your skin, you tend to think that you should take some special care, but in fact, it can be a burden on your skin. Use aggressive skin care. such as creams and peels with high aesthetic effects after your skin condition has recovered. First of all, try to use a less irritating Milky lotion or lotion.

Our body and skin are made up of nutrients that we ingest from our daily diet. Also, since your skin is constantly renewed by its circulation. if you start the day with a good diet for your skin. With a lot of sleep and proper skin care, you should be able to have a healthy, trouble-free complexion.

a summary

People with rough or dry skin often resort to harsh skin care products in an attempt to get smoother and smoother skin. Unfortunately, these products may contain harsh chemicals that can further damage the skin. The best solution is to focus on improving the diet. Eating the right foods can help improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin.

Rough skin can be caused by many different things. It is important to know how to care for rough skin to ensure that it remains healthy. Diets and nutrients that must be taken for rough skin care include proteins, essential fatty acids, and vitamins A, B, C, and E. All of them can be found in a variety of different foods.  It is important to consume a variety of these foods to get the most benefit.

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