8 benefits of regular physical activity to Improve your life
The benefits of regular physical activity are very many and varied. This article lists some of the main benefits that you get when exercising regularly.
One of the most effective strategies to strengthen your health is to engage in regular physical exercise.
When we hear about physical activity, more often than not, we think of people who lead a life dedicated to exercise and athletic achievements. such as bodybuilders or marathon runners.
Although these people do some amazing things. you don't have to exercise enough to feel the benefits of physical activity.
If you are not physically active, adding just a few minutes of physical activity every day will lead to some amazing benefits.
Naturally, when you make regular physical activity a part of your life and gradually increase it. the quantity and quality of the benefits you experience will improve.
Please talk to your doctor before starting any workout regimen.
What do you get when doing regular physical activity?
You need to find out if you are healthy enough for regular exercise before starting any workout program.
1. Weight control/weight loss
Weight management can be compared with accounting.
It's about balancing what comes and what goes.
Instead of managing money, you can control calories.
When you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. Because when you burn more calories than you eat, you lose weight.
Therefore, it is quite reasonable that if you want to lose weight, you need to adjust the calorie balance so that the calories burned to exceed the calories consumed.
You can do this in several ways:
- Increase your calorie expenditure.
- Reduce the number of calories you consume.
- A combination of the above.
The healthiest approach tends to combine calorie reduction with increased calorie utilization.
When you follow this approach. a slight increase in your usual physical activity can lead to great results.
For example, we know that you need to burn 3500 calories more per week than you consume to lose half a kilogram of weight.
But this may seem daunting.
It will be easier for you to control this when you divide it into 500 kcal per day.
Consume 250 fewer calories and burn 250 extra calories every day. and you will lose half a pound of weight in one week.
To burn 250 calories per day, you have to burn more than 10 extra calories per hour.
Now it doesn't seem so complicated.
2. Cardiovascular system enhancement
It is proved that regular physical activity improves the functionality of a person's heart and lungs.
In Ireland, moderate exercise is recommended for at least 30 minutes a day to significantly reduce the risk of both diseases.
This recommendation varies slightly from country to country.
Of course, increased exercise reduces the risks.
Just walking for 30 minutes every day significantly reduces your chances of developing cardiovascular problems. thereby increasing the quality and length of your life.
This is a great reward for a little effort.
3. lowering the chances of acquiring Type 2 diabetes
The same 30 minutes a day of exercise also reduces the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
If you have a lot of weight, low HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, and triglycerides. or blood sugar, you are at greater risk.
Regular physical activity will help restore the normal level of existing abnormalities.
4. lowering the chance of acquiring certain forms of cancer
Studies have shown that physical activity reduces the risk of colon cancer in men. and women and the risk of breast cancer in women.
Now, some evidence suggests that regular physical activity may also reduce the risk of endometrial and lung cancer.
And if you have a certain type of cancer or suffer from any serious illness. exercise can help improve your condition.
5. Strengthening bones and muscles
A simple fall can easily lead to a broken bone.
Every year we hear stories about elderly people who have been severely affected by what seems to be quite harmless.
Aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening help maintain bone and muscle strength and slow down the loss of bone density.
As we get older, we get more health problems, but we can become stronger, and more resistant to injury and disease.
6. Improve mental health and mood
Regular physical activity will help you maintain mental alertness and sharpness.
Your brain will work better. Exercise also helps prevent depression.
When we exercise, endorphins are released in the brain, which makes us feel good.
Emotion comes from movement. so if you want to experience more energy and positive thinking, move.
Studies have shown that 30 to 60 Minutes a day of aerobic exercise and strength training 3-5 times a week are optimal for maximum psychological effectiveness.
However, even a small workout provides some benefits.
Therefore, even if you cannot cope with such loads at the moment. you can gradually increase the number of exercises you do.
The higher the load, the happier and more confident you will feel.
As a result, you will be more motivated to find time for additional exercises.
7. Improved performance
This is one of the paradoxes of life - increased physical activity actually increases energy levels.
You might think that regular physical activity will deprive you of energy. but you are mistaken.
As you become more physically active. you become physically, mentally, and emotionally more resilient and stronger.
This allows you to solve more complex problems and optimize them more efficiently.
8. Increase the chances of living longer
Studies have shown that people who are physically active 7 hours a week reduce the risk of death from heart disease or cancer by 40%.
Remember 30 minutes of exercise a day.
This corresponds to 7 hours a week of physical activity.
Moreover, for this, you should not load yourself too much with physical exercises.
Of course, regular physical activity is not only about how long you can live.
Our time on Earth is not recorded anywhere.
But you can take steps to ensure that the time you spend is of the highest quality.
It starts with taking care of your health. and regular physical activity is just one important aspect of it.
a summary
These 8 benefits of physical activity are just the beginning.
Life is not just meant to live, you need to live well.
If you want to live a positive life, you need health, energy, and enthusiasm to be able to live that life.
To do this, you need to make physical activity a regular part of your life.
This will positively affect every area of your life.
Regular physical activity will also improve your work life, you will begin to experience less stress. and increase productivity and self-confidence.
Not only will you benefit from regular physical activity. but your family, friends, colleagues, and everyone you interact with will benefit from the new, improved person, that is, you.