Exploring the Health Benefits of Our Sense of Taste
A lot of research has been done on taste and health. There are still many things that have not been clarified regarding taste, continue this article to learn more about our sense of taste and our health
sense of taste: The physiological meaning of sense of taste
The five basic tastes can be broadly divided into two in the physiological sense.
It can be argued that sweet, umami and salty tastes are tastes that help people realize that they contain substances necessary for life, and they need to actively take them.
The sweetness of sugar
is a taste that gives you the energy you need to live. At the same time, glutamic acid and inosinic acid indicate that they contain amino acids and nucleic acids to build your body. It can be said that salinity is an essential taste for maintaining the balance of body fluids.
It is believed that this recognition of taste information was obtained on the basis that it was difficult to eat enough food in primitive times. Today, many developed countries no longer have food shortages. so it can no longer be said that we use taste information in an instinctive sense.
Acidity indicates the acidity of lactic acid fermentation when rotting, and bitterness indicates bitterness due to the hydrophobic molecular structure of many toxic substances.
Both are perceived
as unpleasant tastes to prevent toxic substances from entering the body. However, nowadays, fermented foods such as pickles, internal organs of Fish, and foods with a sour or bitter taste such as beer are also preferred if they are judged safe by experience and learning.
sense of taste: The relationship between sweetness and health
It is believed that sweetness is instinctively preferred as a taste that indicates the source of energy necessary for life. When sweetness is felt, substances such as β-endorphin and serotonin, which are said to have a calming effect, are secreted. Electroencephalogram measurements of people who ate sweets proved that they were in a relaxed state.
When eating, insulin stimulates fat cells to release the hormone leptin. Leptin acts on the satiety Center in the hypothalamus to suppress appetite. It also activates the sympathetic nerves, burns fat, and enhances energy consumption.
However, if the leptin concentration becomes too high, the sensitivity to sweetness is said to decrease. In other words, if there are many fat cells, leptin will be secreted excessively, and it may be difficult to feel sweetness.
sense of taste: The relationship between salinity and health
Salt is said to be the cause of lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension, and people tend to focus on reducing salt intake, but it is also necessary for the human body.
In the body, salt dissolves in the form of ions in the blood, digestive tract fluid, lymph fluid, etc., and maintains equilibrium with potassium to adjust the osmotic pressure inside and outside the cells. Sodium ions are also necessary to carry the electrical signals that the brain sends to each organ of the body.
Heat stroke occurs when you lose water and salt in your body when you sweat a lot. Too much salt can cause illness, but the right amount is necessary for the body.
sense of taste: The relationship between acidity and health
Acidity is said to have the effect of increasing appetite and relieving fatigue. In addition, recent studies have begun to show that long-term consumption of vinegar, lemon, etc. It causes a decrease in blood pressure.
The mechanism is that a substance called adenosine, which is produced by the metabolism of acetic acid, binds to receptors located on the walls of blood vessels to dilate blood vessels.
You can also avoid using too much salt by making good use of acidity.
The relationship between pain and health
Bitterness was initially recognized as the taste of a poison, so it is believed that if you feel bitterness, you will instinctively spit it out to avoid danger. Children are especially sensitive to bitterness. so they tend to dislike bitter vegetables. such as bitter pumpkin and pepper.
It can be said that it is a taste that enriches the diet as an adult taste in which the experience of eating increases in the process of growing up.
Bitter ingredients
are said to help relieve stress. It is known that when we are under severe stress, the amount of some proteins in saliva increases, which clogs the bitter taste receptors in the oral cavity and temporarily makes it difficult to perceive the bitter taste.
The caffeine contained in coffee, tea, etc. acts on the central nervous system, relieves fatigue, and has a mood-lifting effect.
In addition, the isolines contained in beer are said to have the effect of balancing and relieving autonomic nerves. Both should be careful not to eat too much, but taking the right amount will help you change your mood.
The relationship between spices and health
Unlike basic tastes, spicy is a taste that is perceived by the same pain and temperature receptors. There are non-volatile spices that make you feel hot and volatile spices that hit the back of your nose.
The property of a non-volatile tart is that it is heat-resistant and has a long-lasting pungency. Volatile spices are weak against heat, and spices disappear relatively quickly.
In addition to sweating and stimulating appetite, pungent ingredients also have health effects such as antibacterial effects.
Capsaicin, the spicy component of Chili Peppers, is said to have a fat-burning effect on the body. Wasabi is also expected to have anticancer and antibiotic effects.
The relationship between astringency and health
Astringents are found in astringent persimmons, green tea, and wine. Like spices, astringency is not a taste felt by the gustatory nerve, but a taste felt by the astringency of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
Tannins, which are polyphenols, are the majority of the astringent component. There are Persimmon tannins contained in the astringent Persimmon and catechins contained in green tea. It is expected to have antioxidant and anticancer effects.
It is said to be effective in lowering blood cholesterol and lipolysis to prevent obesity. The catechins found in green tea are known as food for specific health uses for their health benefits.
Summary of the relationship between taste and health
With the advancement of taste understanding, a taste sensor has also been developed that determines and indicates the amount of taste. It is expected that it will be possible to make objective judgments about taste. which vary greatly between individuals, and will be useful for future research on taste.