What to do with oily hair How to fix oily hair easily and quickly to her

What to do with oily hair. Wash your hair often. Stress. Tie your hair tightly. Wash off with hot water. The diet. Not cleaning blankets
Estimated read time: 7 min

Oily hair has always been an obsession for women, especially those who do not spend much time taking care of themselves. So how can you fix oily hair at home Join us to discover tips? to cure oily hair simply. quickly. and safely through the article below!

a lady with oily hair and black mascara

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What is oily hair

This is a very common phenomenon in women. when oily hair appears, the scalp secretes an oil called sebum. its function is to moisturize and soften the hair, thereby reducing the condition of dry, broken hair.

Viscosity is the result of too much sebum secretion. This condition makes hair sticky, thin, and frizzy. and difficult to style. In addition, oily hair is also one of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff. white spots appear more every time you comb your hair, which can cause itching of the scalp.

Causes of oily hair should be avoided immediately

1. Wash your hair often

Many people think that daily washing helps clean hair, but this will backfire because frequent washing will make the hair more damaged. Chemicals from shampoos cause hair loss and pH balance. Due to the imbalance, the sweat glands of the scalp have to secrete more to compensate. which makes your hair oily.

2. Stress

Stress causes much damage to our bodies. When stressed, the body releases too much cortisol, causing hair to lose its hormonal balance and produce more oil. Women should maintain positivity. and healthy living habits so that the body is always at its best. not only good for hair but also for mental health in the best condition.

3. Tie your hair tightly

Many girls like to choose to tie their hair tightly so that it doesn't fall out or make a ponytail but don't know that this will not only weaken your hair roots but also cause hair loss.

4. Wash off with hot water

Taking a hot shower will open the pores and make cleaning the scalp easier. However, overeating anything is not good, if you wash it with hot water too often. it will make your hair dry and sweat must be released to balance the moisture.

5. The diet

If you eat a lot of foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates and fats. you can inadvertently increase the ability to secrete oil in your hair. Instead, add foods rich in B vitamins found in green vegetables and legumes.

6. Not cleaning blankets

If you look closely at the bedroom. the pillows are actually the items that contain the most dirt. Blankets and pillows are things that we deal with every day. so they need to be washed regularly, at least once a month.

Tips for washing your hair to improve the condition of your hair

Are you wondering why the laundry in the salon is as clean and not sticky as at home Here is the answer for you? Usually, at home, we have the mindset of washing our hair quickly. so that we can do other jobs, which makes us wash our hair in only two to three minutes. So we don't have enough time to clean the scalp and remove excess oil from the scalp.

 Here are 5 detailed steps to reduce oily hair at home.

Step 1:

 moisten the hair and scalp with warm water for 3 minutes: moisturizing both the scalp and hair will remove dirt from the head after a day on the street. Massage gently with water for two minutes. avoiding using nails to prevent hair loss.

 Step two: 

wash your hair with shampoo for 5 minutes: divide your hair into two parts (top and nape). Massage the hair towards the arrow. 

Step 3: 

hug your hair for two minutes: after washing, do not rinse it completely, but leave it on your hair for two minutes. This step will completely remove dirt and excess oil. 

Step 4: 

rinse hair: gently rinse hair with massage to soothe the scalp. 

Step 5: 

dry your hair: dry your hair at a hot temperature for 30-40 seconds, then switch to a cool temperature so that your hair is not too dry. this will be counterproductive. 

In addition to washing your hair, you can reduce the viscosity by exfoliating your scalp once every two weeks. to allow the scalp to open and produce less sebum.

Suggest to her some simple and quick ways to treat oily hair

1. Use dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is a lifesaver for lazy and busy girls. This is a very suitable product to help you clean your hair quickly. How to use: just shake the spray bottle gently and spray it about 10-20 cm away from your hair. so that the powder helps reduce oil production on your scalp without making your scalp too dry.

2. Baby powder

Baby powder has the same effect as dry shampoo and is not expensive. This can be a good choice if the dry shampoo does not need to be used. How to use: apply the powder directly to the head. and use your hands to rub it evenly so that the powder does not turn white and unsightly.

3. Treatment of oily hair with lemon

Put a lemon wedge mixed with the shampoo you use and wash as usual. The acid contained in lemon reduces the secretion of oil in the sebaceous glands. which makes the hair less sticky.

4. Treat oily hair with apple cider vinegar

Mix apple cider vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 vinegar 10 water). After wetting your hair, squeeze and dry your hair, apply the vinegar mixture to your hair and hold it for 2-3 minutes. After 2-3 minutes, rinse. and wash your hair as usual. Adhesion will gradually improve, it should be used once a week.

Are oily tresses healthy?

Oily hair can be considered healthy if it is within the normal range. The condition of oily hair can be determined by looking at the scalp, length, and texture. People with oily hair often have more moisture in their scalps which is a good thing. If a person's hair is excessively oily, this may be a sign of a health problem.

How often should I wash oily hair?

If your hair is oily, you should wash it at least once a week to prevent it from becoming greasy and causing pimples.

a summary

These are the suggestions to overcome the problem of hair loss. Thanks for watching and I hope this article will help you to limit your hair in this weather 

If you have any other questions, please let me know in the comments below. I will be glad to help you.

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