maladies Various and zinc deficiency symptoms collectively

The various symptoms of zinc deficiency collectively include tongue pain and discomfort in the mouth. Taste is lost, appetite is lost
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maladies Various and zinc deficiency symptoms collectively
Diagnosis of zinc deficiency begins with suspicion of clinical zinc deficiency symptoms including one. or more different zinc deficiency symptoms, general condition, course of treatment, etc. This paper basically summarizes the various symptoms and diseases.

man touches his forehead: zinc deficiency symptoms

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zinc deficiency symptoms 1.  taste disorders

Taste disorders range from cases where the sense of taste is completely lost when chewing sand, to those that are chipped .such as sweetness, salinity, bitterness, and spices.

Taste disorders may develop on their own, but most of them are often complicated by various zinc deficiency symptoms. such as tongue pain and oral discomfort, as well as skin symptoms and skin lesions. 

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the questionnaire about the course of the medical condition. such as conditions with a history of zinc deficiency as aphthous stomatitis and angular stomatitis. 

zinc deficiency symptoms2. loss of appetite

Anorexia ranges from severe anorexia which leads to loss of appetite, to people with anorexia for an unknown reason, people who thought that they did not feel hungry at the age of satiety, and people who originally ate small meals. or small meals but people thought it was normal for them.

but people who realized that they had anorexia due to zinc deficiency for the first time with zinc replacement therapy for other deficiency symptoms.

Anorexia is more common than is generally believed, and many cases of anorexia whose cause is unclear, especially in the elderly who cannot eat meals due to age .or hunger, are due to zinc deficiency, ranging from the degree of not eating to loss of appetite.

zinc deficiency symptoms 3. gloss

The gloss is. There are complaints of burning pain in the tongue, and oral cavity, unbearable pain, dull pain at the tip of the tongue, and tingling in various places such as the back of the tongue and the side of the tongue. and bleeding of hot and spicy objects. 

It can be said that the so-called Gloss, does not show gross abnormal results. in the tongue and oral cavity, is zinc deficiency, except for some special consequences.

Aching pain may also develop on its own, but most often it is complicated by the loss of appetite and discomfort in the oral cavity and pharynx. There are many complaints of oral discomfort. such as bitterness and astringency in the oral cavity, rust, roughness, lack of softness, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, etc.

zinc deficiency symptoms 4. pressure ulcers

It can be said that most pressure ulcers are caused by zinc deficiency, with the exception of some special pressure ulcers. So far ،

It can be said that the main reason is the fragility of the skin due to impaired skin formation and maintenance due to metabolic abnormalities due to zinc deficiency. Poor blood circulation due to chronic stress is, of course, an important trigger. but it can be said that it is not the main one. I would like to ask the Japanese pressure ulcer Association to re-test this.

zinc deficiency symptoms5. skin symptoms

Skin symptoms are in the next slide.

Zinc is significantly involved in the production and maintenance of healthy skin. it is believed that the lack of similar functions due to zinc deficiency is closely related to the appearance of skin diseases.

Among such cases are

Aging skin itching, Palmar-plantar pimples, fragile skin of the elderly (easy redness, easy peeling of the epidermis. intraepidermal hemorrhage. Purpura, ulcers, non-thinning of the skin and epidermis. atrophy of subcutaneous tissue, easy tearing, etc.), etc.).

Pemphigus-like skin disease

With the exception of a small number of pemphigus, bullous lesions in the elderly are numerous. Intraepidermal hemorrhages and peeling of the epidermis are a series of blistering lesions. it can be said that most of them have impaired formation and maintenance of healthy skin due to zinc deficiency. not to mention aging. I hope that dermatologists will pay attention to her and follow her.

Itchy aging skin

Most of the so-called aging skin itching can be alleviated and cured within a few weeks to a month or two with appropriate zinc replacement therapy. The improvement of aging skin conditions. such as a tendency to dry skin and thin skin depending on each of them. but most of them take more than a few years and are mild, although not complete. 

However, there is no long-term follow-up. but in a small number of cases in the early stages of zinc replacement therapy, there are situations when itching is more unpleasant and treatment is stopped.

Drug-caused itching

Only the abrasion scar is visible, an itch caused by drugs without a special rash, and among them, hyperlipidemic factors and so on are often experienced. but it can be said that most of the main causes are zinc deficiency.

 Pruritus, in which itching is the main symptom. but lumps appear and are used with topical steroids. but zinc deficiency seems to be present in the norm.


Itching associated with skin eruptions in chronic eczema and acute dermatitis also deviates from skin eruptions. and zinc replacement therapy tends to relieve the itching sensation first.

I hope that dermatologists will examine the pathogenesis of itching and the involvement of zinc.

Palmar-plantar pimples

We have seen 3 ~ 4 cases of Palmar-plantar blisters that are mild or poorly responsive, but most cases are treated with zinc replacement therapy. However, there may be a long-term recurrence. and many believe that some zinc maintenance therapy is necessary. 

In addition, although there is no typical onset of blisters, similar diseases such as the palmar-plantar pimple with redness and thickening of the palms and feet. itching and flaking. also seem to be associated with zinc deficiency, and zinc replacement therapy responds well.

Atopic dermatitis

Although we have almost no experience in treating patients in our clinic, it is possible that the main cause of atopic skin is a secondary one. or poor production and maintenance of healthy skin due to zinc deficiency is one of the main reasons.

Common psoriasis

Regardless of whether pustular psoriasis and chronic eczema-like rashes spread throughout the body. it is believed that zinc is at least involved in the production and maintenance of healthy skin ،

The main symptoms that are often encountered in everyday clinical practice are taste disorders. loss of appetite,  aching pain,  pressure ulcers, and skin diseases.

6. other zinc deficiency symptoms

(1) reproduction and reproduction

Zinc is called the sex mineral, given the concentration of zinc in the prostate and seminal fluid, and the fact that the number of spermatozoa in semen has decreased in recent years. and given the basic function of zinc transmitting life to the next generation, it is necessary to consider the great possibility of reproduction. especially male and female infertility at present. as part of the reason. It is considered to have a significant impact on the differential diagnosis of infertility.

(2) anemia

Zinc deficiency anemia is famous for anemia in athletes, but I have encountered many cases where anemia improved cleanly as the zinc deficiency condition improved. although I am not an athlete, in cases where zinc replacement therapy was performed with other deficiency symptoms. 

The mechanism is basically certain. it should be clinically careful and examined as a differential diagnosis of anemia.

3) reduced immunity

Often there are cases of susceptibility to infection due to weakened immunity. In particular, it is common and confirmed that infected pressure ulcers can be treated with zinc replacement therapy. which calms the infection without antibiotics and heals the pressure ulcer.

There is a high probability that it will be effective in the Prevention of aspiration pneumonia in the elderly, not only in terms of immunity but also in improving appetite and energy. Basically

(4) skin

As for skin and dermatological diseases. knowledge of intestinal furunculosis and hair loss has so far been relatively limited

(5) diarrhea

In cases of diarrhea, especially long-term chronic diarrhea tendencies with no organic disease. we have seen many reports that diarrhea subsides during substitution therapy for other deficiency symptoms. I think it is necessary to be interested in the motor function of the intestinal tract for zinc.

 (6) things to be examined further osteoporosis

 rheumatoid chronic pain, age-related macular degeneration, hay fever, chronic fatigue, mental development disorder autism. the relationship between memory and zinc, etc. should be examined.

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