Physical activities affect mental and psychological health

Regardless of age or physical fitness, you can already learn to enjoy the benefits of Physical activities for mental and psychological health.
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 Physical activities affect mental and psychological health
When it comes to any kind of physical activity, people often think only about losing weight, gaining muscle, and shaping the body. physical activities can certainly improve your physical appearance. but what should motivate you to exercise in the first place should definitely affect your mental health. Regular exercises are often aware of this.

physical activities : Stretching women on a sports field

you begin to realize that exercise gives you a sense of well-being, and energy improves memory and concentration, relaxes, and sleep better. Regular exercise can have a positive effect on reducing depression, anxiety, ADHD, and many other psychological difficulties.  exercise stabilizes your overall mood. Regardless of age or physical fitness. you can already learn to enjoy the benefits of exercise for mental and psychological health.


On the other hand, if you think that only intense and prolonged physical activities will help you improve your mental health, then you are mistaken. Studies conducted in this area have shown that only 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3-5 times a week can significantly improve mental health. 

If it's easier for you, you can divide one 30-minute workout into two 15-minute ones. It's all about time regulation. But the most important factor is design.

Pay attention to your body and take stops as needed.

 especially at the beginning of the workout. The more energy you have, the more you work out. and the more you will feel ready for any physical exertion the next day. 

When exercise becomes a habit, you can gradually add extra minutes or try other types of physical activity during exercise. If you do not believe in any of the above, then read the article to the end and try it yourself. You have nothing to lose (except maybe a few pounds)!

physical activities and depression

Studies conducted so far have shown that physical activities can serve as a kind of treatment for mild to moderate depression with the same effect as antidepressants but without side effects. 

One study found that just 15 minutes of running or an hour of walking a day reduced the risk of major depressive disorder by 26%.

physical activity is a really powerful tool in the fight against depression for several reasons. Most importantly, it stimulates various kinds of numerous changes in the brain, including the creation and growth of new neural networks. the reduction of inflammation. and the release of neurotransmitters that affect mood enhancement.

 From the point of view of an ordinary person, exercise can also be distracting, allowing you to find a little peace for yourself that provides a way out of the circle of negative thoughts that we struggle with daily and that fuel depression.

physical activities and anxiety

physical activities are a natural and effective remedy for anxiety. In addition to relieving tension and stress, physical activities improve well-being by releasing endorphins. which improves and maintains a positive mood.

Try to focus on the exercise. Pay attention to how your feet touch the ground, what is the rhythm of your breathing, how the wind touches your skin, etc. By adding these elements of attention to the workout. you can not only improve your physical condition but also break the constant cycle of constant anxiety.

physical activities and stress

When you are under stress, the muscles are tense, especially on your face, neck, and shoulders. Some kinesiologists believe that stress accumulates in the shoulders and neck. That is why people who are often under stress usually feel pain in these parts of the body. and this eventually leads to frequent and severe headaches. 

You also feel tightness in your chest

a pronounced pulse, and muscle cramps. Accordingly, insomnia, heartburn, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and frequent urination are common.

Anxiety and discomfort about the appearance of these symptoms can, in turn, lead to even more stress. thereby creating a vicious circle between your mind and body. An exercise is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle.

In addition to releasing endorphins in the brain, physical activities help to relax muscles and relieve tension in the body. Since physical and mental health is connected, when your body feels better. your psyche also stabilizes.

physical activities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Regular physical activities are one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve concentration, motivation, memory, and mood. Currently, physical activity increases the levels of dopamine. norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brain. which affects mood, and concentration. and attention. Thus, regular exercise works in the same way as the drugs used to treat ADHD work.

physical activities and post-traumatic stress disorder

Evidence from scientific research suggests that focusing on the body and its movements during exercise actually helps the nervous system to immobilize the stress response caused by PTSD. 

or trauma. physical activities that involve complex, synchronized movements (such as dancing, running, swimming, strength training, etc.). are the best option in this case and, if possible, combine them with outdoor activities (hiking, sailing, mountain biking, rock climbing, skiing, etc.).

Other positive effects of physical activities on the psyche

There are several other positive effects of exercise on mental and psychological health:

Improving memory

thanks to endorphins and the work of the nervous system. which stimulates the growth of new brain cells, and increases concentration. It makes it easier to direct one's attention.

More self

confidence-if exercise becomes a habit over time, it can boost your self-esteem and boost your self-confidence. You will feel more comfortable in your body and feel a sense of accomplishment every day.

Better quality sleep

even short physical activities can help you agree on sleep patterns.


increasing your heart rate several times a week during exercise will provide you with good physical shape, increased activity, physical strength, and energy.


regular exercise improves your immune system by reducing stress and reducing the release of cortisol (stress hormone), which disrupts the body's immune response.

Psychological flexibility exercise will help you better cope with the challenges of mental and emotional life, rather than resorting to alcohol, or drugs. or other negative activities that ultimately only aggravate your condition.


 a moderate level of exercise is preferable for most people, and a moderate level means:

That you are breathing a little heavier than usual, but you are not choking (for example, you should be able to talk to the person walking next to you. but you shouldn't be able to sing a song lightly).

Your body warms up when you move, but you don't sweat much.

Overcoming mental health barriers to physical activities

Now that you know how much exercise will help you, it's important to note that it still takes more effort than you think for exercise to become part of your lifestyle. As always, taking the first step is the hardest part. There are many obstacles, especially if you already have some mental health problems.

If you often feel tired

 exhausted, and stressed, it probably seems to you that exercise will only worsen your condition. But the fact is that physical activity is a powerful stimulant. Studies show that regular exercise can significantly reduce fatigue and boost energy levels. It also justifies all those brave people who get up two hours before going to work and run a marathon. You won't believe it, but studies have shown that such people are much more productive in their work than those who go straight from bed to work.

When you're overwhelmed with the commitment

 the thought of adding another appointment to your schedule (like a workout) can seem crazy and unattainable. And this is the willpower in organizing time. Just remember that physical activity helps us to do everything else better. If you look at it as a priority, you will find ways to put it on a tight schedule very quickly.

If you feel hopeless

 know that you can always start training from scratch. And those who train every day were once out of shape and in zero like you. Even if you have no experience in exercising, you can slowly start with an easy walk every day for a few minutes. If your first step to such a lifestyle is to get off the tram a couple of stops before and walk a little longer to the apartment - go ahead!

On the other hand

 if you are very self-critical and cannot start exercising, there is a solution. It's time to explore a new way of thinking about your body. Regardless of weight, age, or fitness level, there are those like you who have the same goal. Try to surround yourself with those. or start group training that will be an additional motivation for your progress. Achieving even the smallest goals will help you gain confidence.

If you have acute discomfort when exercising

 or have serious health problems related to weight, injuries, or other medical conditions, seek medical help to learn how to identify safe ways to perform the exercise. Pain can never be ignored, but there is a way to prevent it - from choosing another form of physical activity to dividing exercise into several shorter periods of the day.

How to motivate yourself

It is difficult to find the motivation to exercise, even when we are on the best days, and when we feel depression, anxiety, or other problems, it may seem twice as difficult. This is especially true for despair and anxiety which can make you feel trapped in a situation that has put you in such a state. 

While you know that exercise will help you feel better, depression can completely drain your energy. and anxiety can raise hundreds of questions about whether it's better to stay at home instead of jogging in the park.

When you are in a cloud of emotional anxiety and have not been exercising for a long time, setting such noble goals. as a marathon and one hour of exercise every morning will plunge you into deeper despair.

 Therefore, it is better to set smaller and achievable goals shortly, updating them over time.

If possible, set a time for training when your energy is at its maximum.

 If you are a morning man, then it's time to exercise right in the morning, because in the evening you will be tired and you will not be motivated by any effort. Remember that at the very beginning it is important to just start, even if a 15-minute walk will clear your mind. improve your mood and raise your energy levels.

Focus on activities that you enjoy

Every action that pushes you is important. This can include throwing a frisbee at the dog, doing housework, walking around the city center while sightseeing, or cycling to the store.

 If you haven't played sports before or don't know what you might like, try a few different activities. It is important to feel comfortable while exercising. so it would be a good idea to choose comfortable clothes and a place to exercise that suits you.

About the Author

This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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