What happens in myasthenia gravis?

What happens in myasthenia gravis? treatment of myasthenia gravis, Symptoms of myasthenia gravis, Introduction of myasthenia gravis,
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 What happens in myasthenia gravis?
And muscles. Myasthenia gravis is clinically divided into two main types, one of which is partial or systemic musculoskeletal weakness, and the other is muscle overstrain. In general, the symptoms of myasthenia gravis become more severe during activity and disappear significantly after rest. The harm that myasthenia gravis does to the patient's health and daily activities is huge, so let's get acquainted with the main symptoms of myasthenia gravis to help with the early detection of myasthenia gravis. 

Meaning of myasthenia gravis. The face of a person with muscular weakness with a drooping eye

 what is Myasthenia gravis:

 is an inflammation of the immune system characterized by muscle weakness and fatigue that gets worse during movement and improves with rest.

 Manifestations are induced when the immune system develops antibodies that parasitize with nerve signals transmitted to skeletal muscle.

 There are natural treatments for the product that people with this condition can try to relieve their symptoms. In this way, the affected muscle cannot contract normally.

the product usually affects women under the age of 40, and men over 60 can still occur at any stage of life, even among young adults.

 Although the outlook was poor before, current medications can routinely enable one to keep pace with one's regular meet to a large extent.

Some cases may decrease. They may also be treated with newer treatments that can be a decent alternative for individuals who do not react to this treatment.

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From the outside, the skin and flesh look good, and there is no muscle atrophy as if there is no disease; but patients often feel severe general weakness, unable to lift shoulders and hands, squat and stand, and even wash their face and face.  Comb the hair, and count on others to help. The symptoms of myasthenia gravis in the patient improved significantly after a period of rest and then increased significantly with little work as if pretending to do so. 

Inability to chew:

His teeth are good, but he has no energy to bite, he just bites a steamed bun. The first few bites are fine, but the more bites, the more you will not be able to bite. Eating pancakes and nibbling on a barbecue is even harder.

Ptosis of the eyelids:

It is also known as ptosis. According to our analysis of 3100 cases of myasthenia gravis, up to 73% have ptosis as the first symptom, it can be seen at any age, especially in children. In the early stage, it is mostly on one side, and in the late stage, it is mostly on both sides. In many patients, when the eyelid rises on one side, the eyelid on the other side sags again, that is, the phenomenon of right and left eyelid ptosis occurs alternately.


This is ghosting.  When you see with both eyes, one thing is perceived as two; if you cover one eye, you will see one. Very young children do not describe the double vision, often compensating tilt their head and torticollis so that double vision disappears and can be clearly seen.
What serious disease is caused by myasthenia gravis After reading the relevant introduction to the symptoms of myasthenia gravis, I hope that everyone can understand it as soon as possible, effectively treat the disease, and prevent the disease from seriously endangering physical and mental health.  At the same time, we must understand the methods of treating myasthenia gravis as quickly as possible, and treat the disease according to the symptoms, so that our life is healthy as soon as possible and family life is happy. 


Myasthenia gravis is mainly caused by obstructions in the transmission nerve, so the limbs will also feel very weak. For example, it is difficult to turn the neck and raise the head. In addition, there will be a feeling of weakness in the hands and feet. Although the natural stimulation continues, it is difficult to take things. It may be difficult to raise your hands.

A feature of this disease is that the symptoms will be mild when you wake up in the morning, and they will be more severe in the afternoon and evening. Therefore, when a seizure occurs for the first time, many people think that it is caused by a lack of rest.

Physiological function:

In severe cases of myasthenia gravis, it will also affect the patient's physiology, such as difficulty swallowing, whether eating or drinking will be affected, the speech will be affected, and there will be problems such as speech interference.  There may also be difficulty breathing, so be sure to seek medical attention before it develops to this point.

Inability to swallow:

The patient has no gastrointestinal disease, and no symptoms of anorexia, but he cannot swallow food or even water.

 Weakness of facial muscles:

Due to the weakness of the muscles of the entire face of the patient, the patient is often unable to close his eyes during sleep. Indifferent expression in everyday life, even a smile is unnatural.

a summary:

1. Eye muscles: when the eye muscles are injured, eyelid ptosis and abnormal eye movements may occur. For example, the eyeball moves to one side and the force is weak, and the patient has double shadows when seeing objects. Patients with severe muscle weakness may have fixed eyeballs, an inability to move the eye in all directions ؛
2. Weakness of the facial muscles: the patient may suffer from facial paralysis, the patient with weakness of the facial muscles may experience air leakage when the cheeks swell, drooling may occur when talking, the patient's eyes cannot be closed, and the sclera may be exposed to sclera ؛
3. Weak chewing muscles: patients with weak chewing muscles may not be able to complete a meal smoothly, become weaker in chewing, and may also experience symptoms such as difficulty swallowing and choking.

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