foods that increase intelligence, how to reinforce the brain
What should we eat to nourish our minds in our daily diet, what foods can help us nourish our minds, and how do strengthen our minds and nourish our minds? Memory improvement Let the editor take you to find out.
foods that increase intelligence, Vitamin B12, and folic acid-rich foods include:
foods that increase intelligence, The following foods are abundant in antioxidants:
foods that increase intelligence, that is high in sugar:
Rich in fresh fruit:
Rich in whole grains:
Foods that contain flavonoids:
foods that increase intelligence, Eggs:
like quail eggs and eggs.
foods that increase intelligence, Eggs are plentiful in proteins, lecithin, nutrients, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and others, which are fundamental substances for the mind to bring out novel thoughts.
In extension, eggs contain more acetylcholine, which is the principal for the cerebrum to add up to memory.
Hence, eating one or two eggs a day is nice for fortifying the brain.
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Animal liver and kidneys are rich in iron:
Press is a critical component in ruddy blood cells.
Foods that increase intelligence, and the liver of animals regularly have enough iron in the body. And red blood cells can transport enough oxygen to the brain, which effectively improves the efficiency of brain work.
Food that increases intelligence, Fish can give protein:
do not drink, do not drink, no fat, no acids, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc., they are all important substances. that form brain cells and improve their Vitality.
Soybean, foods that increase intelligence:
contain around 40% excellent protein, which is similar to eggs and milk.
At the same time, it also contains more lecithin, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc., and is an ideal food for the brain.
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Millet is rich in proteins:
Foods that increase intelligence - fats, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, and other nutrients. Moreover, it is known as the basic sustenance for the flourishing of the mind. Millet also has the effect of anticipating neurasthenia.
foods that increase intelligence, Daylily is rich in proteins:
fats, calcium, iron, and diet b1, which are all critical for mind digestion, so it is known as a cerebrum-supporting vegetable.
nourishments that increment insights, Jujube is affluent in vitamin C.
Fresh jujube has 380-600 mg of vitamin C per 100 g, whereas sour jujube contains 1380 mg.
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How to reinforce the brain
1. enhance mind movement
the humans of yore advocated delicate and stable maintenance.
Capacitance can improve, areas of strength for recalling can upgrade intelligence, and both complete one another.
The practice has proven that mental activity can prevent disease and prolong life. and prevent senile dementia, especially when young mental activity has a greater impact on the human age.
2. Regulation of the state of the brain
cross for a stroll or work out outside in the morning.
It can awaken nerves and muscles that are still in a state of complete inhibition.
When the brain is tired, listening to music. or enjoying the green grass and red flowers, blue sky. and white clouds, also lead to serious relaxation of the brain, to combine work and rest.
3, chastity and brain
The people of yore recommended refined and solid preservation. and the brain is the sea of the Medulla.
The brain is the home of the primal spirit, and if the brain is not enough. Unsteadiness and ringing in the ears result.
Brain activity depends on the nutrition of the kidney essence. abstinence can take care of the substance, and sustenance of the substance can brace the cerebrum, and feed the keenness. and delay the maturing of the brain.
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4, nourish the brain
Experts note that all kinds of fats. Proteins, carbs, vitamins, and so on are necessary daily food for the brain.
Better brain-nourishing foods include walnuts. black sesame seeds, peanuts, soy products, corn, millet, jujube, pumpkin seeds, honey, seaweed, fish, breast milk, etc.
5. Move your fingers
there's a sure truth inside the expressing affability of the contemplations.
Medical research has proven that practicing the skill of finger function can enhance thinking. and strengthen the brain.
Put two iron balls or two oak seeds in your grasp and continue to turn them in your grasp. long-time period perseverance has a terrific mind-constructing impact.
6. The top of the head should be massaged.
Doing more head-back centers can drive blood dispersing of the cerebrum and concede mind development.
From the hairline to the hair root, count ten fingers. from pinnacle to backside, and from the backside to pinnacle to do an immediately-line message; ultimately, the two thumbs are on the temple. To provide a rotary massage, use a lot of force.
Perform one massage in the morning and one in the evening. Diligence for a long time can further develop insight, revive the psyche and reinforce the mind, which is more advantageous for neurasthenic patients.
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How to improve memory
1. Be calm.
Keep a quiet perspective in regular day-to-day existence and study. Most of the time it's about calming your mind.
2. Adjust the time of work and rest in your mind,
so that the brain can get enough rest, fatigue will reduce the efficiency of brain work.
3. Assemble trust in your great memory,
remind yourself from time to time to remember what you should remember, and you must firmly believe that you will remember.
4. To learn and track down a bunch of fitting techniques to work on your memory,
as well as vital and repeated training and retraining, development, and then development.
5. To maintain a strong hobby
and interest in the world, attention is the first driving force of as intrigued by the item to remember concerning your darling.
6. Strong desires
and stimuli can enhance one's memory.
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7. Make memories associated
with enjoyable events in your job and life
8. Keep your brain always young,
keeping your youth energized can make your brain cells fresher and more youthful.
9. Learn one
or more observation skills, intense observation can help us remember.
10. Think about issues in the other individual's place,
especially in memory. to absolutely understand the basis of memory items.
11. Develop your right brain
and imagine memory objects to help memory.
12. Dominating memory information on melody arrangements or equations,
and grouping unrelated memory objects into song formats is conducive to memory.
13. Learn characteristic memory skills,
find the properties of memory objects, and recognize their properties to help memory.
14. Learn how to organize and classify,
and right scattered memory (splitting into components) is on occasion higher than central reminiscence.
15. Take full advantage of the five tactile elements of the human body,
what's more, activates the synergistic memory of different organs of the body.
From the manager's presentation above,
I think everybody has a specific comprehension of what they ought to eat to feed the mind.
To feed the brain, you can eat more eggs, fish, millet, soy, animal liver, kidneys, etc.
I hope my introduction will be useful to you.
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