The benefits of lemon peel you probably didn't know, don't throw it away!

benefits of lemon peel. Diabetes mellitus. Dyslipidemia. Overweight . obesity. Heart-related diseases. Heartburn, acid reflux. Cancer. Immune support
Estimated read time: 9 min

The benefits of lemon peel you probably didn't know, don't throw it away!
Do you always get rid of the citrus flavor after you run out of insides? do you know that dandruff that seems neglected actually has many wonderful health benefits? If you intend to utilize the entire shell,. how to make it easier to eat let's explore

benefits of lemon peel . lemon with a spiral-shaped peel that has been removed.

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In fact, citrus peels contain many that are very good for health. and ought to be consumed rather than discarded. Citrus peels have long been used for their medicinal properties and for health problems such as digestive disorders, colic, indigestion, and constipation. and diarrhea, they are also used as antispasmodic. Follow some of the benefits:

benefits of lemon peel Diabetes mellitus

A study published in the Journal of Life Sciences found that citrus peel extract can reduce the risk of diabetes because it contains PMF. which helps lower blood triglycerides and cholesterol, contributing to many diabetes problems. such as diabetes and obesity. In addition, the substances contained in citrus peels can also improve insulin sensitivity.

Pectin, which contains natural fibers in the Peel, can slow down the rise in blood sugar after meals. and therefore helps those who need to control blood sugar as tightly as diabetics.

benefits of lemon peel Dyslipidemia

PMFs are valuable compounds found in all citrus fruits. A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that mice on a high-cholesterol diet combined with 1% PMF reduced LDL LDL cholesterol levels by 32-40%.

When conducting tests on humans, the researchers gave similar results. the researchers believe that the substance PMF contained in citrus peels can reduce cholesterol. when added to the diet, which is very promising as a natural solution to reduce cholesterol. Bad cholesterol without fear of harmful side effects of the current. Blood lipid-lowering drugs.

In addition to PMF, citrus peels. also contain hesperidin and pectin. Hesperidin is a type of flavonoid that lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. and one fiber kind that lowers cholesterol is pectin.

benefits of lemon peel Overweight and obesity

According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Clinical Biochemistry in 2008, the use of polyphenols in lemon peels helped prevent weight gain and fat storage. namely significant changes in insulin in the blood, glucose, and leptin levels. and this helps to improve insulin in the body. Resistance.

The researchers suggest that the polyphenols contained in Lemon can prevent or alleviate obesity. and insulin resistance by regulating fat metabolism. and avoiding high-fat diet-related metabolic syndrome. Pectin fiber also helps reduce appetite and avoid overeating which leads to weight gain.

benefits of lemon peel Heart-related diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, the most common of which is atherosclerosis - an accumulation of white blood cells in the walls of arteries and plaques consisting of calcium, and cholesterol. and triglycerides. Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that does not cause any symptoms for many years but is one of the main causes of death in humans.

A study published in 2013 in the journal ARYA Atherosclerosis found that the use of lemon peel and lemon juice can prevent or reduce the formation of atherosclerosis thanks to its antioxidant capacity. In particular. the study found that the anti-atherosclerotic effect of lemon peel was actually more effective than the water portion. probably due to the diverse types of flavonoids contained in the peel.

benefits of lemon peel Heartburn, acid reflux

Heartburn causes a burning sensation in the chest due to the reflux of food and acid from the stomach into the esophagus. This condition is frequent and severe. can become chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The stomach itself can withstand the acid it takes to digest food. but the esophagus cannot.

An article published in the journal Alternative Medicine Review in 2007 stated that citrus peel extract can neutralize stomach acid and support normal contractions because D-limonene is associated with relieving heartburn. Another 2006 article in Life Extension Magazine stated that citrus extracts. or essential oils are lighter than water, so they can float on the digestive juices in the stomach, helping to cover the lining of the esophagus and resist acid erosion.

benefits of lemon peel Cancer

Numerous flavonoids found in citrus peels have been proven to have powerful anti-cancer effects in people.

Research shows that citrus peel extract contains flavonoids. such as nobiletin and hesperidin which have effective antitumor activity against the skin. cancers of the colon, prostate, lungs, and liver. Nobiletin is a substance from the PMF group with anticancer properties.

Research by Nakamura University (Japan) has shown that citrus peel extract can inhibit tumor growth in terms of dose and time, that is, the higher the dose. the more potent the inhibition and effect. Use persisted for a very long period following therapy. Another type of flavonoid found in the citrus family, especially in the peel, is hesperidin. which has been shown to help prevent precancerous lesions and prevent certain types of cancer.

The limonene contained in citrus peels

has anti-cancer qualities as well by increasing the body's antioxidant detoxifying enzymes, which reduces the likelihood of cancerous cell development. Meanwhile. the citric acid in the shell causes cancer cells to die on their own by cutting off their energy supply.

Immune support

Orange peel contains protein, potassium, riboflavin, and beta-carotene. as well as other potent antioxidants. Beta-carotene is the pigment that gives the yellow and orange colors that turn into vitamin A An antioxidant that strengthens the immune system as well as has many other advantages in the body.

The powerful antioxidants in citrus peels help protect DNA and fight free radicals that can cause diseases, including cancer. These antioxidant effects are enhanced by the high levels of vitamin C found in citrus fruits.

benefits of lemon peel Good for visibility

In addition to being able to strengthen the immune system and protect cells, beta-carotene is also very beneficial for eyesight when converted into vitamin A in the body to help create a protective barrier for the eyes, and skin. and mucous membranes and fight bacteria. Virus entry. Studies show that eye drops containing vitamin A are effective in treating dry eyes, even like traditional medicines.

 benefits of lemon peel Help digestion

Citrus peels contain a lot of fiber, which not only has a cleansing effect on the digestive tract. but pectin fiber is also a food source for beneficial bacteria in the intestines, helping to balance the microflora and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

Are there risks from eating citrus peels

Despite the many nutritional benefits, citrus peels also have some potential problems that you should pay attention to.

Chemical preservatives and pesticides

Insecticides are often used in combination with citrus fruits to fight mold and insects. Studies have shown that the inside of oranges contains very low or undetectable levels of insecticides. but to a greater extent in the peels.

Long-term exposure to pesticides poses risks to the human body, including an increased risk of cancer and hormonal disruption. These damages are often caused by repeated exposure to doses much higher than the small amounts contained in the fruit peels. but it is still a good idea to wash them under hot water to reduce pesticide residues if any.


Due to their elastic texture and high fiber content. Citrus peels are sometimes hard to digest, especially when eaten in big chunks, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems. such as bloating or cramps.

The taste and texture are not good

Unlike the inside, the citrus peel has a hard, dry consistency. is difficult to chew, tastes bitter, and contains spicy aromatic oils, so most people find it uncomfortable.

How to eat lemon peel correctly

If you choose to consume fruit peels, the first thing to keep in mind is to wash them well.

Orange peel can be chewed directly, but it is better to eat it in small pieces to avoid damage to the stomach. To add the peel to salads or smoothies, grate it using a knife or food processor. If you want to get a sweeter taste. you can use citrus peel to make dessert or make jam.

In addition, orange peels can be chopped to add to yogurt or oatmeal. baked products or sauces for typical meals.


Although orange peels are often thrown away, they are rich in nutrients. including fiber, vitamin C, and polyphenols. They taste unpleasant, are challenging to digest, and could contain pesticide residues, however. These problems can be overcome by rinsing them thoroughly in hot water and cutting them into dishes such as salads and smoothies.

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