aqua Exercise in the water can multiply your fat loss.

aqua Exercise in the water can multiply your fat loss. Can consume too much fat. Reduce the chance of injury. Has a massage effect
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aqua Exercise in the water can multiply your fat loss.

aqua Exercise is the latest fitness craze. It involves performing exercises and calisthenics in the water. It's hard to ignore the cool factor, but does aquatic exercise really work? The short answer is yes, water exercise can help you lose fat and build muscle.

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aquafitness is a slimming culture with tradition

Health - Nature - Well-being: In the meantime, more and more emphasis is being placed on the traditional findings of our ancestors, and the degree to which water sports use the physical properties of water for themselves, even against severe obesity. Mr. Knepp will be very happy in this direction.

aqua Exercise 1. Can consume a lot of fat

The friction resistance of people who exercise in water is much greater than that on land, especially in whole-body fitness exercises such as swimming, which can help the human body consume a lot of body fat in a very short time. Therefore, if you are ready to choose this kind of reasonable aerobic power, swimming is a good choice.

aqua Exercise 2. Reduce the chance of injury

When people are jogging or doing other fitness activities on the ground, they should experience relatively strong friction resistance on the road, so if the fitness exercise is not moderate, it is very easy to cause damage to the muscles and joints of the entire body, so be intense. Careful. It is much easier to exercise in the water, and the chance of injury is very small.

aqua Exercise 3. Has a massage effect

During the entire process of swimming, the human body will undergo a multidirectional massage of flowing water with a change of position. Whether it is water buoyancy or friction resistance, it can relax the muscles of the whole body. According to this kind of extraordinary massage, the wireframe of the human body will be natural and also extreme through sculptural works.

aqua Exercise in the water can multiply your fat loss.

Even in the field of elite sports, you can take advantage of the positive properties of aqua jogging. With aqua jogging, you can continuously increase your total body fat loss, which is particularly gentle on the joints, as well as endurance and strength.

In the USA, the US Navy developed the first deep-water jogging back in 1980. In the 1990s, university professor Mary Sanders made a real run for the aqua fitness program. She established a differentiated physical training program for rehabilitation for athletes.

aqua Exercise is Especially good for overweight people!

 aquafitness - Water Exercises for overweight, especially if you suffer from high obesity, aqua fitness is one of the ways to lose weight that you should consider.

Your body weight is experienced about 10 percent easier due to the action of gravity. Joints, tendons, ligaments, as well as the hip and spine, are particularly protected by aqua fitness, as the load in the water is significantly reduced. In addition, there is no risk of injury at Aqua Fitness.

Training in deep water is particularly recommended, as the positive effects are significantly enhanced. Due to the lack of contact with the floor, tensions of all muscle parts dissolve and renewed tension is effectively prevented.

aqua Exercise makes your immune system fit for increased demands. 

One reason for the positive effects of aqua fitness is the difference between outdoor and water temperature. The temperature change between outside air and water ensures that the body has to release four times as much heat.

Note: avoid too cold water, as this can lead to cold tremors and muscle cramps. Also not suitable is too warm water, which causes a buildup of heat in the body.

Wide range of different sports

Depending on the type and movement, there are various water sports…

With Aqua-Robic you prepare the full body in guidelines. To increase the water resistance, you can train with special gloves, the so-called aqua mitis. This allows for even more intensive training.

Other equipment can be lap belts, pool noodles, swimming boards, rubber dumbbells, and paddles. If you suffer from high blood pressure or have problems with your heart, a previous consultation with the family doctor is required.

Walking and running movements with contact with the ground are performed during aqua walking. This variant is especially suitable for newcomers, non-swimmers, rheumatics, as well as people with problems with hip and knee joints.

there's no contact with the ground

 during aqua jogging. Here, fat burning is optimally stimulated and the tissue is tightened. The improvement of strength and mobility, as well as stronger leg muscles, is scientifically proven. You can also relieve thrombosis, cellulite, and vein problems with this sport. This is what it looks like in nature.

aqua Exercise burning promotes fat burning

Aqua-Rhythmics and aqua-Dancing are mainly about having fun with the movement of motivating music. Numerous gyms now offer aqua fitness classes. Many health insurance companies cover a share of the costs of the courses led by qualified specialists. 

By the way: even if you don't have time for a course or something like that, I advise you to go swimming at least 2 times a week. You can also improvise wonderfully and, for example, simply perform the so effective Tabata training sessions in the water. Your pounds will tumble incredibly fast - guaranteed.

a summary:

Water is the best place to exercise. Swimming is great for the whole body, but you don’t have to swim to get the benefits — just being in the water is enough. You can do almost any exercise in the water, so you can vary your routine and gain variety. You’ll feel weightless in water, which is a great way to reduce stress and get a sense of quiet in your life.

Water aerobics has long been one of the best fat-burning exercises. But it’s even better when you add water resistance to the mix. In a recent study, scientists had a group of women exercise in the pool, with and without water added. The women gained the same fitness benefits in both cases.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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