8 ways to treat acne under the skin with bitter melon

8 ways to treat acne under the skin with bitter melon.super fast Bitter gourd (Bitter Melon) tropical plant, Used in the treatment of beauty
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8 ways to treat acne under the skin with bitter melon

Bitter melon is the most popular and effective treatment for acne. A number of studies have shown that bitter melon is very effective for treating acne. It is also a natural remedy for skin problems such as all types of acne. It is also very effective in the treatment of acne scars and other scars.

How to treat acne with bitter melon to achieve the desired effect Here are 8 Simple Ways You can refer to and apply:

acne under the skin. A set of beads of fresh bitter melon
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1. Bitter pumpkin juice treats acne under the skin:

People with acne-prone skin, especially hidden acne, and pimples are advised to drink bitter melon juice regularly. If taken regularly, bitter melon juice will purify the body from the inside, and overcome acne.


* Wash one bitter pumpkin, remove the intestines, cut into medium pieces and mix with 3 sprigs of celery, an apple, or half a pineapple. Filter drinking water, and get rid of residues.

• If you can drink pure bitter pumpkin juice, you can squeeze the juice and mix it with a little salt and honey to drink.        RELATED PRODUCTS: https://amzn.to/3tHkZMY

•This home treatment for acne is straightforward and efficient. However, every day you should not drink more than 50 ml of bitter pumpkin juice, but you should drink other types of water.

2. treat acne under the skin with, Pure bitter gourd mask:

If your facial skin suffers from severe acne accompanied by inflammation, you should use a pure bitter melon mask. The ingredients in bitter melon are anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial and help to heal acne quickly without leaving dark scars.

How to treat hidden acne with pure bitter melon do the following:

* Wash the bitter gourd, remove the intestines and cut into medium pieces. Put the blender puree. Drain the bitter melon juice into a clean container.

* Use a cotton swab dipped in juice and then dab it over the entire face, especially in places where there is a lot of acne. Leave it that way for 20-30 minutes until it takes full effect. Then rinse with cold water.

• For skin with a lot of hidden acne, after applying the juice, you can also use the remains of the bitter gourd to cover your face within 15 minutes.

* Pure bitter melon mask is applied every week 2-3 times to remove acne and beautify the skin.

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3. treat acne under the skin, with bitter melon and honey

Honey is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that can soothe and help acne fade faster. The use of bitter melon and honey will create a mask that has double effectiveness in treating acne.


* Squeeze half a bitter pumpkin and mix with a teaspoon of clear honey.

* Wash your face clean and apply a honey and watermelon mask for 15-20 minutes.

* Massage gently to clean pores and rinse with clean water.

* Apply bitter melon acne treatment with honey 2-3 times to soften and refine the skin.

4. treat acne under the skin, Wash your face with bitter melon water 

For those who can not drink bitter melon juice, you can use it to wash your face every night before going to bed. This strategy is straightforward but exceptionally viable.


* Take one bitter pumpkin, cut it in half to remove the intestines, and then cut it into small pieces.

* Put the pieces of bitter melon in a blender and mash with a little water.

* Filter the residue, collect the juice, then use your hands to apply it evenly on the face and massage gently for 5 minutes.

* Rinse with warm water and apply as usual.

• If you are people with dry skin, you can add a little fresh milk and bitter melon juice to wash your face daily. The ingredients contained in fresh milk nourish the skin and make it softer.

5. treat acne under the skin, with Bitter melon powder 

In addition to bitter gourd masks for hidden acne caused by grinding or squeezing water, you can buy bitter melon powder to use gradually. This method is convenient, fast, and very suitable for busy women.                     RELATED PRODUCTS: https://amzn.to/3tHkZMY


* Take two tablespoons of bitter melon powder and mix it with 2-3 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt to get a thick dough (it can be replaced with fresh milk without sugar). 

* Wash your face and then apply a mask of bitter melon and yogurt.

* Hold for 15 minutes, massage gently, and rinse.

* Every week you apply this secret in the treatment of acne hidden under the skin with this bitter melon 2-3 times to achieve the best results.

6. treat acne under the skin, with Cucumber and bitter pumpkin mask

Combining bitter melon and cucumber you will get a very good mask for skincare. This mask will keep the skin smooth and soft and quickly remove hidden acne.


* Prepare 1 bitter melon and 1 cucumber.

* Wash the bitter pumpkin fruits, remove the seeds and mix in a blender.

* Drain the water in the bowl. Add 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and stir well to get a smooth paste (add turmeric if not present).

* Wash your face with warm water. Apply this mask for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with cold water and you're done.

* Repeat this home remedy up to 4 times a week if your face has a lot of acne. If less, it should be used only twice a week.

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7. treat acne under the skin, with bitter melon and orange peel

According to cosmetologists, orange peel contains essential oils that help deeply clean pores, regulate fat, and are antibacterial. Therefore, masks of bitter pumpkin and orange peel not only prevent acne but also treat them. 


* Prepare the peel of one orange, dry for 2-3 days to wilt, and one fresh pumpkin. Preliminary processing of bitter melon and then mashed with orange peel.

* Apply this mixture to your face for 15 minutes and then wash with cool water.

* Do this hidden acne treatment 2-3 times a week. After two weeks you will see visible results.

8. Steaming face with bitter melon 

With severe and long-lasting hidden acne, you should steam your face with bitter melon at home. Steam hot water will help clean deeply from the inside of the pores and push the acne out, supporting a quick and safe acne treatment process without leaving scars like using hands to squeeze.  In addition, this method also helps to activate blood circulation, rejuvenate and beautify the skin.


• Two bitter melons are prepared, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces. Put them in a saucepan with 1 liter of water. Boil the bitter melon for 5 minutes, then take it to Steam.

* Exfoliate, wash your face clean. Cover your head with a large towel and Steam for 5-10 minutes. During this process, remember to massage gently to get the acne out.

* Finally rinse with cold water and apply a mask to the sheet.

* Perform facial steaming with bitter melon once a week to cleanse the skin and get rid of acne.

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What should I pay attention to when treating acne under the skin with bitter melon?

Using bitter melon to beautify the skin and treat acne is safe. However, in order not to backfire, it should be noted:

* Wash and soak bitter melon in saltwater before using it.

 for beauty because people in the process of growing often spray pesticides on plants.

* Bitter gourd can lower blood sugar

 So you should only drink within one month or less.

* Bitter pumpkin juice may interact with certain medications. 

People with low blood pressure, diabetes, or people with a cold nature should not continue to drink juice for a long time.

Treatment of acne hidden under the skin with bitter melon will be very effective if you combine drinking and masking. In addition, it is also advisable to add bitter melon to the daily menu because this bitter fruit not only treats acne but also supports the treatment of some health problems and also helps in weight loss. 

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Bitter Melon Properties

Bitter gourd has long been used as a herb. Many people also use bitter melon as a natural remedy for beauty and acne. What is the effectiveness of treating acne hidden under the skin with bitter melon The reason is this:

1. Deep cleaning

Using bitter melon to Steam or applying it to the face will make the skin clean and healthy. Once you have clean skin, acne will decrease. Besides, it makes the acne on the skin heal quickly.

2. "anti-bacterial وAnti-inflammatory " 

Is it effective in treating acne with bitter melon Some scientists advise people to use bitter melon for acne because it contains alkaloids with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties? 

Although there have been no clinical trials in humans, some studies have also concluded that bitter melon may work against bacteria and reduce inflammation. This is very good for acne-prone skin, especially hidden acne, abscesses, and pimples. 

3. Purification and detoxification from within

People with a hot inner body often suffer from acne. Fortunately, bitter melon has a cooling property that can cool, purify and detoxify the body from the inside. This not only prevents acne but also effectively treats it.

In addition to the use of acne treatment, bitter melon should be used for cosmetology. Because in this fruit there are many vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin فيتامين) that can provide moisture and fade the dark spots left by acne, while effectively preventing skin aging. 

RELATED PRODUCTS: https://amzn.to/3tHkZMY

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