sunburn Skin:9 ways to get rid of sunburn in 5 minutes

9 ways to get rid of sunburn in 5 minutes. Use ice water, use honey. Use green tea powder. Use coffee powder. Use potatoes. Use aloe vera.
Estimated read time: 7 min

  sunburn Skin:9 ways to get rid of sunburn in 5 minutes

 sunburn Skin After. a long day of playing in the summer sun, you come back to find your skin burnt. As soon as you see that your skin has begun to get a sunburn. the first thing you should do is go into the shade. and start performing a quick first aid to your skin in the following ways.

sunburn. Young man with sunburn on his back
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1. sunburn Use ice water :

The fastest way to get rid of the sun is to use ice water. However, be careful not to apply ice directly to the skin to avoid freezing. the skin.  related products:

You can use a towel, soak it in ice water and then gently apply it to sunburned skin. After the skin calms down, continue with some other methods to improve the effect.

2.  sunburn use honey:

Does honey eat the sun Not only is it not exposed to sunlight. but it also contains vitamins A, E, C, and B, and antioxidants that help. the skin fight inflammation, exfoliate and moisturize effectively.  So it is not surprising that one of the fastest ways to get rid of the sun is to use honey.

You can mix about 100 ml of honey in warm bathwater. gently massaging the skin so that the honey regenerates skin cells damaged by the sun.  related products:

3.   Use of green tea powder: 

how to get rid of sunburn in 5 minutes,

Green tea powder is not only good for health. prevents cancer, and helps in the treatment of many diseases. but it is also a remedy that helps the skin to quickly release the sun. 

You boil 200 grams of green tea powder. and then mix it with the bathwater. Massage gently to allow the antioxidants in green tea to penetrate the skin. helping to soothe burns and inflammation, while helping to keep the skin beautiful. smooth, and radiant.

4.  Use powder/coffee

how to get rid of sunburn in 5 minutes,

Coffee is a great natural cosmetic. the skin. Using coffee grounds for beauty, peeling is a very useful and economical method. In particular. coffee helps to whiten sunburned feet very effectively.

Ground coffee is used as a face mask. Leave for 15-20 minutes so that the linoleic acid in the coffee penetrates the skin. prevents aging, and fights inflammation. and increases skin elasticity.

You should do this 2-3 times a week to reduce dark spots. whiter and smoother skin.

5. Use potatoes

how to get rid of sunburn in 5 minutes,

Potatoes contain high levels of fiber. vitamins, and minerals such as calcium. iron, zinc, and powerful antioxidants. It is therefore very good for women's skin, as it helps to naturally whiten pink skin without causing any side effects.

The way to quickly treat sunburned facial skin with potatoes is to peel the potatoes. and then cut them into thin slices and place them directly on the sunburned skin. You can also peel the potatoes. wash them. then crush them to get juice and mix them with a little honey. Apply this mixture to your face. leave for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

The nutrients in potatoes will penetrate deeply into the skin cells. helping to keep the skin smooth and radiant.

6. use aloe

Aloe by its nature is a panacea in the kitchen, it helps to quickly soothe burns to housewives. Aloe vera contains many vitamins, including folic acid,. and other micronutrients that help regenerate new cells and tissues, giving you smooth and vibrant skin. Therefore, the fastest way to release the sun from the skin can not help but mention aloe vera.   related products:

You can put a handful of aloe vera in the refrigerator to cool. peel and cut into thin slices and apply directly to the skin. Applying 2-3 times a day is the fastest way to treat sunburn on your skin.

7. Mix yogurt and tomatoes

A mask from a mixture of tomato and yogurt is a simple natural way of skincare, but it gives great results to the skin. Tomatoes contain vitamins that help lighten the skin. prevent skin aging. and make strides in skin pigmentation. Milk is a good moisturizer for the skin, especially helping to soothe irritated areas caused by sunburn.

You squeeze the tomatoes to get the juice. mix a can of yogurt and apply it to the skin damaged by the sun for 10-15 minutes. then wash it off. Apply a sunburn mask with tomatoes and yogurt 2-3 times a week for best results.  related products:

8. with rice bran

The application of a mask of rice bran has long been a cosmetic means for many women because. the composition of rice bran contains many vitamins. and compounds useful for the skin. 

Rice bran is mixed with fresh milk in a thick paste, evenly applied to the sunburned skin and massaged for 20 minutes, then washed off. The amount of vitamin B and potassium in rice bran nourishes the skin from the depths and cleanses skin cells damaged by the sun.

9. with baking soda

Baking soda can relieve pain quickly. has antiseptic properties to help soothe the skin. and effectively heals skin lesions.

You can treat sunburn with baking soda by taking a shower or applying a mask.

For application, baking soda and filtered water are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1, then use a soft brush to apply this mixture to the skin. Leave the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes and then wash off with cool water.

The method of bleaching with baking soda is to add a cup of baking soda to the bath. and stir. Soaking in this water mixture for 20 minutes can reduce the inflammation. and itching caused by sunburn, then let the body dry naturally. The way to treat skin with sunburn for a long time is to use baking soda once a day.

Signs of sunburned skin

After a swimming or rowing session in the streams. your skin begins to protest with signs of sunburn. You should recognize these signs to find a way to release the sun after going to the beach. and get out as quick as you'll.   related products:

Reddish skin, Hot and painful skin, The skin darkens,


In addition to the fastest ways to get rid of the above sun. you also need to pay attention to skin care after sunburn. Never forget to use sunscreen every day to protect the skin from the factors causing melasma. Moisturizing cream and whitening cream are indispensable. cosmetics in how to whiten sunburned skin. Finally. the sunburned skin can be restored to its original state, but it will take a long time. So you have to patiently take care of your skin every day. I hope you will regain your soft white skin soon!

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