is it good to workout before bed, exercise before bed to help sleep

is it good to workout before bed, exercise before bed to help sleep working out before bed weight loss, insomnia exercise before bed
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is it good to workout before bed, exercise before bed to help sleep
working out before bed weight loss,
insomnia exercise before bed.

help sleep , exercise before bed

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Is it good to exercise before bed?

Many people wonder when is the best time to exercise. According to the results of the research, the ideal time to exercise is in the morning. However, not until the evening exercise is not appreciated. If you can't make an appointment in the morning, you can exercise in the evening.

Is it good to exercise before bed? 

According to the recommendations of doctors, evening exercise before bedtime helps to improve and increase the quality of sleep, helping you sleep better?  Therefore, if you often lose sleep, choosing light exercise for yourself, and then drinking a glass of hot milk, is said to be the solution to help you fall asleep very quickly.   related products:

An important factor in exercising before bed is that you need to choose for yourself reasonable and healthy exercises to ensure that your body is not overloaded and to optimize the benefits of exercise. 

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Benefits of exercising before bedtime

Is it good to exercise before bed Yes, and does it have a few benefits for your health?

Improve sleep quality: as mentioned above, exercising before bed will help you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.

help improves and improves exercise performance: 

 evening exercise increases testosterone to help promote muscle growth. Furthermore, exercise at the end of the day also warms the body to help increase the flexibility and suppleness of your muscles.

Exercise is exercise before bedtime good Helps reduce stress: 

if morning exercise helps you get more energy in the day, exercising before going to bed helps you relieve stress, fatigue and improve your mood after a long day of work. 

 Helps increase nutritional intake: 

if you eat dinner too late, it will cause the body to store excess fat, and exercise before bed will help you improve this condition.  Furthermore, exercising at night also helps the body absorb protein more efficiently during sleep.    related products:

Effective exercises before bed

Although exercising in the evening brings many health benefits, not all exercises are suitable. So you need to choose light exercises before going to bed. Try the five exercises below!

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1. Practice lying on your stomach

This exercise is the solution for those of you who are wondering if exercising at night can help you lose weight. It helps reduce belly fat, lose weight very effectively, and it is also easy to do. You lie on your back on the floor, legs bent, legs and thighs perpendicular. Hold the thighs with both hands or face down on the floor as support, pull the abdomen until the stomach presses on the ribs and hold for a few seconds, then exhale, returning to the original position.  Repeat the movement to continue the exercise for 10 minutes.

2. Hip lift exercise (bridge)

Lie on your back on the floor with your hands parallel to your body. Then raise your legs so that the stalk is almost perpendicular to the floor. Use force to push your buttocks up to form a straight line. Return the body to the starting position and repeat the movement to continue the exercise for about 10 minutes.   related products:

3. Planck exercise

This is an exercise to reduce belly fat, helping the second round become solid and familiar to many people. You lie on the floor in a push-up position so that your entire body forms a straight line. After that, slowly lift your body, making elbows an angle of 90 degrees, and hold in this position for about 30 seconds. Then return the body to the original position and continue to repeat the movement 10 times.

4. Baby yoga mode

This yoga exercise helps soothe the neck area, relieve low back pain, soften and strengthen the spine ... You sit on the floor in a kneeling position and sit on your heels. Slowly lean forward between your thighs. Place your arms above your head, in line with your knees. Drop your shoulders on the floor and hold in this position for a few minutes, then slowly raise your body. Repeat the movement 10-15 times.

5. Exercise lying on the side with legs raised

This exercise is simple but helps to work the muscles of the legs and pelvic area to open the meridians, helping the body to feel comfortable, making you feel more comfortable sleeping.  You lie on your side on the carpet with your head resting on the pillow. Gently lift one leg, then lower it. Repeat several reps, then alternate sides, and repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

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Notes after evening exercise

In addition to the above movements, you can choose for yourself other gentle exercises. However, do not exercise at high intensity until you feel comfortable, and have a better effect on sleep.

Should I exercise before going to bed? 

The answer is not to practice too close to bedtime. After the body exercises, your heart rate and body temperature rise, which can keep you awake, making it difficult for you to sleep. So it's best to exercise about two hours before bedtime.

You can choose to snack 30 minutes

 before exercise to provide energy to the body. Do not exercise after eating only because this will negatively affect the digestive system.

Should I shower after exercising Of course not? At this time, the heart rate is unstable, the pores are still dilated, and if you take a shower immediately, this will seriously affect your health and, possibly, lead to a stroke. 

You should wait about 20 minutes

 for the body to settle, then wipe the sweat with a dry towel, and then wash with warm water.

After 20: 30 is the time when the body needs relaxation to get ready for sleep. Therefore, you should limit exercise after this time.

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