Glyx diet|Testing and experiments

Testing and experiments with the Glyx diet Specialists consider Thel cyx slim down to be an especially solid and tender way to lose weight.
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 What is the Glyx diet? |Testing and experiments 
Specialists consider Thel cyx slim down to be an especially solid and tender way to lose weight.
I myself can definitely earn something from the system. The concept is based on the glycemic index of different foods. This indicates the effect of food on the level of sugar in the blood. Here is my experience with the Glyx diet ...

Glyx  diet philosophy

In foods with a high glycemic index, the carbohydrates they contain are digested very quickly, causing blood sugar levels to rise relatively quickly. A typical example of this is white bread, which should be avoided during the diet.

On the other hand, if you eat foods with a low glycemic index, your blood sugar level will rise slowly. As a result, the body has to produce less insulin to balance blood sugar levels. An important point in the diet is to distinguish between good and bad carbohydrates ...

Especially "good" carbohydrates are found in dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products. Dextrose polished rice, and white bread, on the other hand, is "bad" carbohydrates.

more information about  the Glyx diet:

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Fruits and vegetables as the basis of the Glyx  diet

The basis of the glix diet is fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products. During the diet, you should avoid white bread, sweets, and pasta (except for whole grains). These foods cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and increased insulin production. As a result, they contribute to an increase in body fat.

In addition, foods with a high glycemic index have an appetite-stimulating effect and are therefore often responsible for food cravings. So I recommend the following:

You should primarily use cold-pressed vegetable oils such as olive oil to prepare your food. This includes foods such as eggs, poultry, nuts, legumes, and dairy products on the menu. In order to remove toxins from the body, it is recommended to introduce a few days of soup at the beginning of the diet. The goal of the diet is to eat more good carbohydrates and discard the bad as much as possible.

effective and health-improving effect

as compared to other diets, the Glyx food regimen has a certainly effective effect...

One of the reasons for this is that sports activities are very important during the Glyx diet moderate sports program adapted to your own performance will really help increase your metabolic rate.

If you are slightly overweight, sports such as Nordic walking, hiking in the mountains, and swimming are especially recommended. Fat burning and cardiovascular system benefits are also supported.

The Glyx diet is based in large part on various Whole Foods (fiber) eating plans from the Eighties. A high-fiber diet provides little energy in the form of calories and still makes you feel full. This has a very positive effect on weight loss.

more information about  the Glyx diet:

Criticism of the glix diet

As with any diet, there are some critics. They complain primarily that the proportions of nutrients in the glix diet are particularly unbalanced.

Therefore, the Glyx diet limited to foods with a low glycemic index should not be perceived as a long-term nutritional concept. In addition, it is sometimes criticized that there are still relatively few reliable test results for the Glyx diet.

Diet for the lazy

Since the focus is on a significant reduction in carbohydrate-rich foods, people who are passionate about sports may have minor problems ...

Anyone who likes to exercise needs a lot and intensively (and you should!) To carbohydrates for short-term energy production. In this case, it is recommended to consume some carbohydrates about 30 minutes before training, for example in the form of a high glycemic drink (protein shake with honey or dextrose).

The main pillars of the glix diet

  • Foods with a high glycemic index such as white bread, peeled rice, potatoes, lemon juice, or sweets are avoided during the diet.
  • The list includes foods with a low glycemic index such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Nutrition during the diet also includes vegetable oils, eggs, legumes, and dairy products.
  • Regular exercise is part of the program in addition to the diet. The decisive factor here is that the sports activity adapts to the load capacity of the body.
  • The Glyx diet is more aimed at short-term weight loss. However, it is not suitable as a long-term nutritional concept because some important nutrients are missing.
  • However, the truth is that foods with a high glycemic index should also be avoided outside the diet.

more information about  the Glyx diet:

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