acne on the neck, how to deal with Pimples

acne on the neck, how to deal with Pimples With an acne condition on your neck, you will feel confused and anxious.
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acne on the neck, how to deal with Pimples
With an acne condition on your neck, you will feel confused and anxious. What causes acne in the neck How to get rid of acne on the neck
Sometimes acne not only attacks your beautiful face but also wants to invade the neck area. This makes many people feel uncomfortable and miserable and want to find ways to get rid of them.

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Why Pimples on the neck

Pimples on the neck are caused by the following causes:

  • Pores become clogged and gradually due to dead cells and sebum accumulation, in addition to being also caused by bacteria P.
  • Do not clean the neck area clean, especially after activities where you sweat such as running and aerobics.
  • Some tight accessories and scarves make the skin of the neck secret and cause acne.
  • Use certain products that clog pores, such as makeup, and sunscreen.
  • Hormonal fluctuations, stress, and weariness are all factors to consider.
  • Contact or rubbing of hair to the neck and dirty clothes that come into contact with the neck.
  • Effects of smoke, pollution of the environment, drugs, food ...

Are Pimples on the neck dangerous or not

If you have acne on your neck, you don't have to worry at all. Because this is a natural sign of the body. But keep in mind that if an unusual pimple (blisters, nodules on your neck) causes you pain and discomfort, it could be a sign of a medical condition to worry about, such as:

  •  Internal skin infection or abscess
  • Form of skin cancer (basal or squamous cell carcinoma)
  • Infected cyst
  • To find out whether acne in the neck is abnormal or not, you need to closely monitor and monitor its manifestations.

How to treat acne on the neck

How to get rid of acne on the neck is a concern for many people when faced with this condition. You can apply the following methods of dealing with such annoying guests.

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1. Exfoliate the neck area

Women often pay close attention to facial peeling, but forget about the neck area. Did you know that the skin of our neck is very vulnerable and also needs care?

Every week, spend once or twice exfoliating the entire body, including the neck area. This is a simple but very useful function. It helps to remove dead cells, prevent inflammation, and congestion, reduce the risk of bacteria accumulation, cause disease, and make the neck skin pure.

You can choose from some neck-friendly exfoliating creams such as aloe vera, green tea, and mineral clay. Before bathing, make a scrub by applying it to your skin and wait for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

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2. Use some natural ingredients

Some natural ingredients are also very useful in treating acne on the neck. These remedies are easy to take and have no side effects. However, you have to be patient and these natural methods are applicable only in the case of mild acne. In severe cases such as boils and pus-filled blisters, you should never follow them.  related products:

You can apply the following methods:

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  • You mix turmeric starch and fresh milk in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Peel the neck area and wash it well or apply a mixture of turmeric and fresh milk to the neck area.
  • Leave the mixture on the skin for 15-20 G and massage gently for 30 seconds.
  • Rinse the neck area thoroughly with warm water agreement rinse with cold water again.

 use lavender essential oil to treat acne on the neck

  • You can mix lavender essential oil with a little pregnant oil such as olive oil and coconut oil.
  • Wash the neck area, and use a clean soft towel to dry.
  • Apply the lavender essential oil mixture around the neck area and massage gently for a few minutes.  related products:
  • Leave the mixture on the skin, relax for another 20 minutes and then rinse the neck area with warm water.

use aloe vera to treat acne on the neck

  • Aloe vera that you wash, peel off the green skin and strain about 1 teaspoon of gel.
  • After washing and drying the skin of the neck, apply aloe vera gel to acne-affected skin. Let the gel dry for a few minutes and then apply a second coat. Then continue to gently massage the area for a few minutes.
  • Continue to leave the mixture on the skin for another 10 minutes and then rinse with clean water.

3. employ topical medications that are available over-the-counter

There are currently many over-the-counter acne treatment products on the market, and you can refer to them and find the right one for you. Some drugs contain acne-resistant ingredients such as salicylic acid, resorcinol, and sulfur. It can kill the acne-causing bacteria, dry the acne nuclei, soothe the skin and prevent bacteria from entering the acne thus the acne in the neck can be greatly improved.

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4.  Blisters on the neck are treated with a prescription.

If you suffer from severe acne, you need to see a doctor for a reasonable treatment direction. Your doctor can prescribe topical medications, oral medications, and even lasers and injections to reduce acne.

If acne is caused by hormones, medications will also be prescribed to improve this problem such as birth control pills.

Ways to prevent neck blisters

To avoid the appearance of acne in the neck area, you should pay attention to some of the following:

1. Keep this area of skin clean to avoid the appearance of acne on the neck

Improper and unclean skin hygiene will give bacteria a chance to penetrate, causing acne and inflammation. So, the first thing is that you should know how to keep the neck area clean, saying goodbye to tight collars and metal bracelets. related products:

In particular, after intense activities or exercise with a lot of sweat, you should take a shower immediately to avoid dirt accumulation.

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2. do not pop pimples randomly

One of the mistakes of people with acne is that they often feel itching in their limbs and want to squeeze them. However, squeezing pimples can cause bacteria to spread, penetrate and easily cause infection.

3. Proper skincare when there is acne on the neck

When using creams for the neck area, the liquid form should be chosen with natural ingredients so as not to clog pores.

When washing and rinsing your hair, rinse your neck thoroughly, avoiding chemicals on this skin.

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4. When it comes to eating and drinking, moderation is key.

So that acne does not have the opportunity to "attack", you should pay attention to some things:

  • You need to provide the body with enough water (2 - 2.5 liters) every day.
  • Limit the intake of spicy foods and fatty foods and increase the intake of vegetables and fruits.
  • Limit coffee, alcohol, and carbonated drinks to avoid the appearance of acne on the neck.
  • Enjoy a reasonable and moderate lifestyle, and avoid staying up late.
  • Do not strain and avoid anxiety and stress. You need to relax for 30 minutes a day.

Pimples on the neck, although often not a serious condition, are annoying and have low self-esteem. So, if you are a sufferer of acne in the neck, find a way to "beat" it away.

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