psychological benefits of plants, at home, flowers that help with depression

psychological benefits of plants, at home, flowers that help with depression Fresh flowers and ornamental plants are not only beautiful for the hous
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 psychological benefits of plants, at home, flowers that help with depression
Fresh flowers and ornamental plants are not only beautiful for the house, cool for the eyes. Science has proven that fresh flower arrangements also can help relieve pain and reduce stress without the side effects of medications.

benefits of plants
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benefits of plants, at home

Have you ever stood in front of a flower stall? thinking of buying a bunch of fresh flowers to arrange, but then stopped because you thought the flowers would wither. and waste money Have you ever wanted to send flowers to sick relatives and friends. but changed your mind to buy ginseng or bird's nest because you think it has practical benefits for their health  

Don't worry,  Science has proven that flowers have countless benefits. and multidimensional effects on our health.  related products:

Scientists have long known that the smell of Flowers can reduce stress. The smell is the most sensitive human sense. Therefore smells have a very rapid effect on our emotions and psyche.

benefits of plants, plants can help us feel less pain.

Research conducted by the University of Freiburg in Germany shows. that the smell of Rose can help reduce stress and repel psychological depression. The rapid heart rate slows down in anxious or fearful people. The team also found that when the bedroom was scented with flowers. the floral scent helped us sleep more deeply and improve our memory.  related products:

Another study from the American Horticultural Association shows that just being in a room with lots of flowers 

benefits of plants, ornamental plants

Scientists looked at 90 patients who had just completed an appendectomy. During the recovery period (5 days), half of them rested in the hospital room with ornamental plants. and succulent flower arrangements. Half of them stay in the hospital in a regular room.

After 5 days, the scientists measured and examined the stress and pain of patients after surgery. People who Rest in hospital rooms with green plants have lower heart rates. less pain during recovery, and less anxiety and stress, compared to those who stayed in naked rooms. 

benefits of plants, fresh flowers in the patient's room as

The result is that succulent flowers can significantly relieve psychological pain. without the side effects of opioid painkillers. The researchers, therefore, suggested that the hospital arrange fresh flowers in the patient's room as a scientific method of pain relief.

Therefore, buy your favorite fresh flower bouquet and put it in the room. Or, make room on the windowsill to place some easy-to-grow greens, such as cacti, air plants, or sedges. Because science has also shown that caring for plants is like a form of meditation. What a simple and effective way to take care of your mental health.     related products:

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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