10 benefits of protein that push you to eat more, not just to build muscle

10 benefits of protein. makes you eat less. Increased muscle and endurance. Good for bones and joints. Help change the habit of snacking at night
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10 benefits of protein that push you to eat more, not just to build muscle
When deciding to lose weight, many women choose to cut meat portions in the hope that things will go more smoothly. But studies show that high-protein diets have significant benefits for weight loss and health. Let's get acquainted with  10 benefits of protein that push you to eat more, not just to build muscle

benefits of protein. Protein photo-highway signs

1.  benefits of protein make you eat less

Compared to fats and carbohydrates, protein makes you feel full faster even with less food intake. The reason is. that it reduces the hormone ghrelin (which makes you feel hungry). while increasing the levels of the peptide YY (a hormone that makes you feel full).

These effects on the diet are huge because everyone knows that if you want to lose weight. You must restrict the number of calories you eat. One study of overweight women found that when they increased their protein intake from 15% to 30% (of total calories). Each day, they consumed 441 fewer calories.

2. benefits of protein Increased muscle and endurance

To have a slim and fit body, you should focus more on muscle development. And this is best done through both exercise and diet.

Adding more protein helps the body maintain its inherent muscle mass. and promotes muscle growth during exercise, making exercise more effective. If you don't eat enough protein. the more you exercise, the more muscle you will lose instead of fat.

3. Good for bones and joints

Studies have shown that people on a high-protein diet have better bone density than people of the same age.

This difference is more pronounced in women when they enter menopause. the risk of osteoporosis increases.

4. Help change the habit of snacking at night

Since a high-protein diet reduces food cravings, it will also help you reduce the habit of overeating, which is a direct cause of uncontrolled weight gain. There is growing evidence that eating a high-protein diet during pregnancy can also benefit the baby. In fact, a high protein diet is recommended for pregnant women because it helps promote proper muscle growth in the newborn. 

 Protein-rich diets can also help you lose weight by promoting fullness. so that you feel more satisfied, and reduce hunger attacks throughout the day.

 Protein helps build muscle, which in turn builds strength. and helps you burn more calories, reducing the amount of fat stored in the body.

5. Helps to increase metabolism and promote fat burning

Some people have difficulty gaining weight even though they eat a lot. this is because their metabolism is better than others. Your ability to burn calories increases with metabolic speed.

In one study, researchers divided people into two groups: one group ate a high-protein diet. and the other ate a low-protein diet. The results showed that people who ate the most protein burned an average of 260 calories per day than the control group. This is equivalent to one hour of exercise a day for the average person.

6. Helps lower blood pressure

Hypertension is the main cause of diseases such as heart attack, and stroke. and chronic kidney disease. Interestingly, protein can help you control blood pressure.

The results of a study of 40 volunteers. the average blood pressure of those who ate a lot of protein was 115 mm Hg, while the blood pressure of those who followed a normal diet was about 176 mm Hg. Another study. also showed that protein helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides.

7. Protein helps to lose weight effectively

Because protein helps speed up metabolism,. while reducing food cravings, it also helps to lose weight more quickly.

Scientists tracked the diet of 130 overweight people and found that those who ate the same amount of calories but added more protein, lost weight 53 percent faster than those who did not.

8. Helps the body heal itself after an injury

Proteins are the building blocks of cells, tissues, and organs in the body. It is therefore understandable that a high protein diet will help you recover faster from injury. That is also why athletes or gymnasts drink whey protein more often. It is not only good for muscle building but also for immune system building and tissue repair.   Proteins also help the body build new cells. which is why they are essential for the health and function of the body. 

The health benefits of protein are shown in many ways, including building muscle and healing wounds. and supporting heart health. Proteins have also been shown to offer other health benefits beyond muscle building. such as helping you build strong bones.

9. Protein is harmless to the kidneys

One of the reasons why many people don't want to eat too much protein is because they think it's bad for the kidneys. But this is true only for people whose kidneys are already weak. As for ordinary people, protein does not completely harm kidney function.

10. Resistance to muscle aging

Your muscles will gradually deteriorate as you become older. The most severe cases are known as age-related motor impairment. which is one of the main causes of weakness, fractures, and reduced quality of life in the elderly.

Eating more protein is one of the best ways to reduce age-related muscle loss. and prevent muscle deterioration.

While being physically active is also important. lifting weights or doing some endurance exercises can work wonders.

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