dandruff treatment Fast, simple, and efficient in 5 stages

5 steps to cure dandruff. Determine condition of scalp. Choose antifungal ingredients. use of essential oils. Intensive therapy. See a dermatologist
Estimated read time: 6 min

  dandruff treatment is Fast, simple, and efficient in 5 stages
That dandruff has nothing to do with hygiene or the fact of bathing. Our skin follows a cycle of skin regeneration, gradually getting rid of dead cells. Dandruff occurs when cells are overproduced and Flake unevenly, causing the scalp to Flake and accumulate excessively. Any type of skin can suffer from dandruff, and dry skin can lead to itching and irritation.

dandruff . Excessive dandruff

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Causes of dandruff such as heredity, sensitive skin, allergies, and bacterial imbalance on the skin, however, the only thing common to all types of dandruff is the overgrowth of microorganisms (eg bacteria, yeast)

1-  dandruff  Determine the condition of the scalp:

Before you start treating dandruff, the scalp that lacks moisture will become dry and scaly. So it's easy to confuse dry skin spots with this condition. The condition of the scalp will change over time and it is not difficult for us to notice the change depending on the season or environmental factors.

 You will only need to change from moisturizing products or lower the temperature of the hair dryer to solve the problem. In addition, if you have more severe symptoms of dermatitis, you may have seborrheic dermatitis, the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis include scaly spots, irritation, and redness, sometimes accompanied by sores, but not painful. 

If you feel pain, sores, redness, or severe itching, you should visit a dermatologist soon. Unlike This case, seborrheic dermatitis cannot be treated with over-the-counter medications and requires a dermatologist's examination and prescription.

2. Choose antifungal ingredients:

If you really suffer from dandruff, go to the pharmacy and look for products with antifungal ingredients such as zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, and selenomethanosulfide. Products with these ingredients are affordable but very effective in This case.

While the length of time to treat This case varies from person to person, if you still don't see any improvement after a few weeks, you should see a dermatologist. In particular, even if you see good changes, This case can still be worse than it was at the beginning. Therefore, the process of getting rid of dandruff needs constant treatment.

3. The use of essential oils:

In addition to the attractive aroma, essential oils and plant extracts can help reduce dandruff. The essential oils of rosemary, lavender, green tea, and mangosteen have very effective antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.

The great thing about these ingredients is that they can be used in the long term, they are gentle, and they effectively prevent dandruff". However, since it has a milder effect, it also takes a long timesilinium disulfide.

4. Intensive therapy:

Whether you have dandruff or similar problems, intensive treatment is necessary. You will not only be able to relax during the treatment, but also your hair will be healthier and more beautiful. If you have a scaly scalp, oil treatment is necessary.

Treatments that add moisturizers such as moisturizing baobab oil will be suitable for irritated skin. To conduct a hot oil treatment at home. When doing this method, you should comb your hair to remove dead cells from the scalp, scale on the hair, and activate blood circulation.

5. See a dermatologist:

If dandruff persists with you along with other unpleasant symptoms, you may need to use more dermatological drugs. If over-the-counter products do not work, you should see your doctor. Prescription products are stronger than topical shampoos and work in as little as one to two weeks.

Once your symptoms improve, ask your doctor about the next treatment steps. Some patients with persistent dandruff should add an anti-dandruff drug once a week to reduce sebum production, and alternatively with a shampoo suitable for This case. It is important not to use sulfates, as they are very strong and can easily damage the sensitive scalp.

When severe symptoms disappear completely, the expert's instructions should be followed as follows: wash off This case medicine once a week, use anti-inflammatory shampoos, and moisturizing products. If you perform all five of the above steps, your scalp will soon return to health again.

a summary:

Many people think that dandruff appears only on dry skin, but oily skin is also very susceptible to dandruff.  Dandruff appears not only on the scalp but can also appear on the eyebrows or beard (less commonly). No matter where this case is located, anyone. who suffers from This case wants to get rid of it completely. However, this disease cannot be easily treated with a prescription. Instead, the best way to prevent this is to take regular skin care to prevent dandruff from returning. The good news is that you just need to add a few simple steps to your hair care routine.

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