Irregular menstruation warns of 5 dangerous and unexpected diseases

Irregular menstruation warns of 5 diseases. Polycystic ovary syndrome. uterine cancer. Thyroid disorders. Pelvic inflammatory. Endometriosis
Estimated read time: 6 min

Irregular menstruation warns of 5 dangerous and unexpected diseases
Irregular menstruation is a term that refers to abnormal manifestations of a woman's menstrual cycle. This sign can be a warning of many serious and unexpected diseases. Let's find out 

Living with  Irregular menstruation

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Before we get into the pathology behind irregular periods, we need to understand how irregular or irregular periods appear.

What is irregular menstruation?

Menstruation is defined as bleeding from the vagina every month in women. This phenomenon usually occurs between the ages of 18 and 51.

At the onset of puberty in girls, in addition to physiological changes, the body also experiences metabolic changes, usually an increase or decrease in the secretion of hormones. Namely here, the sudden drop in progesterone causes menstruation.

The normal menstrual cycle is 24-35 days apart, the most common is 28 days. The duration of each menstrual cycle is 5 days, depending on the location it can be different and last from 3-7 days.

However, for many reasons, many women experience menstrual irregularities. Simply put, it is a malfunction in the interval between monthly periods or the bleeding time in each cycle is too long or too short.

Some of the most common menstrual disorders are:

Menstrual cycle: the interval between two consecutive menstrual cycles is less than 22 days.

Menstrual cycle: the interval between two consecutive menstrual cycles is more than 35 days. Short menstrual periods :  each menstrual cycle lasts less than two days. 

Menorrhagia: each menstrual cycle lasts more than 7 days.

Menopause: no period for more than 6 consecutive months.

Irregular menstrual periods warn of any disease

1. Ovarian polycystic disease (PCOS)

This is a condition in which several small fluid-filled cysts called cysts develop in the ovaries. Women with PCOS have abnormally high levels of male sex hormones, androgens, or testosterone.

A woman with PCOS does not ovulate, which, in turn, leads to the absence of menstruation. Concomitant symptoms include obesity, acne, and excessive hair growth in multiple locations.

According to the Women's Health Bureau of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PCOS affects about 10 to 20 percent of women of childbearing age. The disease can manifest itself early and is detected in children aged 11 years and older.

Polycystic ovary syndrome can lead to many serious consequences such as an increased risk of infertility, and infertility, if pregnant woman can lead to miscarriage, accompanied by cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes mellitus.

2. Cervical cancer or uterine cancer

Irregular cycles are also a warning sign of cervical cancer or uterine cancer.

Common symptoms of this disease are abnormal vaginal bleeding, sometimes bleeding when not menstruating or occurring in menopause, abnormally long menstrual periods, and negative discharge. The vagina is yellow or bloody, etc. These are common warning signs but many women do not pay attention

3. Thyroid disorders

Thyroid disorders can cause irregular menstrual cycles. The reason for this is explained by the fact that the thyroid gland is an important hormone secreted by a gland that regulates the endocrine system of the body.

4. inflamed vulvar tissue (PID)

This is a female-specific infection. system of reproduction. For women, this complication is the most common sexually transmitted disease except AIDS.

If detected early, we will apply antibiotic therapy, but if left untreated, the disease will spread and can damage the fallopian tubes and uterus, causing chronic pelvic pain. There are many symptoms of the disease such as irregular menstruation and vaginal bleeding after sex.

5. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which cells inside the uterus, called endometrial cells, grow and grow outside of it. In other words, the inner lining of the uterus is located outside the uterus.

Endometrial cells are cells that are shed every month during menstruation, so endometriosis (also called endometriosis) is more likely to affect women during their childbearing years.

The growth of endometrial cells outside the uterus is not cancerous. Patients usually have no clinical symptoms, but the disease is painful and often leads to other complications. During menstruation, if the blood gets trapped in the tissues, this can lead to tissue damage, causing severe pain, irregular menstruation, or infertility.

What are examples of menstrual irregularities?

One of the most common forms of menstrual bleeding is menorrhagia and menorrhagia. Dysmenorrhea (excess pain during menstruation) amenorrhea (absent periods)hypomenorrhea (very mild periods)

What are the most common menstrual disorders?

Menstrual pain is the most common menstrual disorder among women all over the world. It is often tested while a woman is on her period and usually lasts for a week. It occurs when the endometrium is damaged or when there is an increase in hormone levels that causes bleeding. It is also called primary dysmenorrhea, it can occur at any age, but most often it begins during adolescence.


Irregular bleeding can be a sign of any number of health problems, including ovarian cysts, cancer, diabetes, and anemia. For example, many experts believe that excessive bleeding associated with PMS and menopause is caused by an overabundance of hormones that cause estrogen dominance. Other experts believe that the lack of menopause and prolonged spotting are caused by endometrial changes.

Irregular menstrual cycles are a warning sign of serious health conditions, such as ovarian cancer, but the link is not given. Many other conditions, from asthma to heart disease, can cause irregular menstruation, but it is difficult to predict what will happen, or whether irregular menstruation is caused by a medical condition.

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