10 causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy and safe and correct solutions

10 causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy. Round ligament pain.Constipation . Growth of the uterus. Braxton Hicks contractions
Estimated read time: 9 min

10 causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy and safe and correct solutions
Pregnant women know that abdominal pain during pregnancy is not an uncommon problem. But to find out whether it is physiological abdominal pain or pathological abdominal painز not everyone should contact a doctor. So with BlogAnChoi learn about the causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy and how to solve it correctly and safely!

pain during pregnancy. Pain in the Abdomen During Pregnancy
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All the symptoms of pregnancy worry the expectant mother and the whole family. However, abdominal pain is sometimes due to common causes and does not necessarily require the intervention of a doctor.

1. stomach pain during pregnancy: causes painful round ligaments

A round ligament is a part of the uterus that supports the uterus and holds it in an anterior flexion position. When a woman is pregnant, the uterus swells, and the round ligament also stretchesز causing pain.

The pain can be dull or sharp in the lower abdomen that spreads to the groin areaز the pain intensifies when moving and sneezing. Round ligament pain usually appears in the second trimester and goes away on its own.

How to relieve abdominal pain during pregnancy due to round ligament

This pain is mainly due to the tightening of the round ligament. So you can relieve abdominal pain by sitting down and moving slowly. Your body will gradually get used to this change and will no longer feel pain. In addition, when coughing or sneezing. pregnant women hold their hips and bend forward to relieve pressure on the round ligament.

2. Constipation and gas production in the digestive tract

The hormone progesterone will increase during pregnancy. This hormone causes many physiological effects on both the mother and the fetus. Which has the effect of reducing smooth muscle tone. It is the effect on the smooth muscles of the colon and stomach that reduces intestinal motility. causing gas retention, gas production, and constipation.

How to overcome abdominal pain caused by constipation quite simply

The simplest way to deal with constipation in pregnant women is to change their diet and activities. Do not lie down, sit a lot and eat foods with high fiber content. You should also drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. If it bothers you a lot, consult your doctor.

3. Uterine growth

Pregnancy begins to implant in the uterus on the sixth or seventh day after fertilization. It is from there that the uterus grows in weight and length. From the second month onwards. on average, the uterus grows 4 cm above the pubic joint every month, the normal uterine body weight is about 50-60 G.by the end of pregnancy, this figure can be 1000 G.

The growth of the uterus causes pressure to change the position of the small intestine and stomach. This causes abdominal pain and nausea. and indigestion in pregnant women.

How to effectively relieve abdominal pain in pregnant women

With this condition, pregnant women can reduce abdominal pain by dividing food intake into many small meals. Do not eat too much at the main meal, which makes it difficult for bowel movements.

4. causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy  Braxton Hicks contractions

Braxton Hicks is the name of a physiological phenomenon of contractions in pregnant women and. also the name of an English doctor who discovered it in 1872. Uterine contractions can be a sign of labor, but Braxton hick is a normal physiological contraction, and it will go away. On their own, without danger to mother and child.

Distinguishing these two types of contractions is not difficult. Uterine contractions that warn of Labor cause severe abdominal pain, increasing pain. about 3 bouts in 10 minutes, with accompanying signs such as vaginal pink mucus, it seems that the uterus is about to open up As for Braxton Hicks, it usually causes transient abdominal pain and then disappears, even if you don't feel the contraction. and still do normal activities.

However, if you are anxious and cannot distinguish Braxton Hicks contractions from labor contractions, seek help from your doctor.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy warns of danger to mother and baby

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be caused by 4 simple reasons. not as serious as described above. But don't be objective because the following six causes of abdominal pain can be a sign of premature birth, miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy.

5. Both the threat and the actual miscarriage

Miscarriage is probably the thing that most women worry about during pregnancy. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that a miscarriage happens when the fetus leaves the uterus before the twenty-second week of pregnancy. or its weight is less than 500 grams. An early miscarriage happens is a miscarriage before 12 weeks and a late miscarriage between 12 to 20 weeks.

In the case of a threat of miscarriage, vaginal bleeding is the most pronounced symptom. The color of vaginal blood is black or red, with little discharge and often mixed with vaginal mucus. which can last for several days. The abdomen feels heavy, with light pains, and back pain.

When a miscarriage occurs,

 the pain in the lower abdomen is intermittent. and the uterus has a strong contraction response to expel the fetus. Profuse bleeding,. usually bright red and mixed with clots. In general, in all cases of mucus, or abnormal vaginal discharge you need to see a doctor to make sure you and your baby are safe.

6. Ectopic pregnancy

The egg usually implants in the uterus. So an ectopic pregnancy means that the egg implants outside the uterus, common sites such as the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy is 1-2% and is the main cause of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy.

People who are most susceptible to an ectopic pregnancy are women with a history of salpingitis or previous surgery on the uterus or abdomen. the use of progesterone-only birth control pills, and a history of infertility.

Ectopic pregnancy is manifested by signs of dull abdominal pain in the lower abdomen. and pain on one side. Accompanied by bleeding, bleeding little by little. dark brown. Pregnant women need to pay special attention to every little change in their bodies to prevent serious diseases.

7. Abdominal pain is a sign of premature birth

The World Health Organization claims that (WHO). .premature birth is labor that occurs between 22 weeks and before 37 weeks of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual period. The premature birth rate is not small, about 5-15%.

Pregnant women often experience symptoms of abdominal pain that gradually increase. and do not decrease. Vaginal bleeding, pink mucus, or amniotic fluid.

8. causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy  Signs of preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a disease that occurs during pregnancy with the main manifestation being high blood pressure. edema, and protein in the urine that is above normal. This syndrome occurs after the twentieth week of pregnancy. The incidence in pregnant women is about 5-10%.

Preeclampsia causes many serious complications for both the mother and the fetus. The fetus may experience developmental delays, and premature birth and all organs and parts of the mother will be affected (heart failure, kidney failure, severe pulmonary edema, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.).

Abdominal pain in women with pre-eclampsia occurs only when the disease is severe. pain in the epigastric region or the right lower quadrant. When detecting blood pressure; of 140/of 90 mm Hg, a pregnant woman needs to immediately see a doctor for diagnostic tests and timely treatment.

9. Spinach

The placenta is a source of nutrients and oxygen for the fetus. Placental abruption is the phenomenon of placental abruption before the safe period of childbirth. This is a serious disease that causes systemic complications. an emergency at birth, and can cause the death of the mother and fetus. This phenomenon is common in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Typical symptoms are a lot of abdominal pain, and severe pains, the pain begins in the back of the uterus and spreads to the entire abdomen, the abdomen is tight. and the vagina bleeds thinly. Patients develop pronounced blood loss, pale skin, dull mucous membranes, cold extremities, and shallow rapid breathing.

10 HELLP syndrome is very dangerous for pregnant women

HELLP syndrome refers to 3 symptoms that cause this syndrome: hemolytic syndrome (hemolysis), elevated liver enzymes (increased liver enzymes), and low platelets (decreased platelets). HELLP is usually detected at 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy and if left untreated, it can cause serious complications such as placental abruption, kidney failure, liver rupture, brain hemorrhage, etc.

The most common manifestations are abdominal pain in the epigastric region or the right upper quadrant, nausea, and vomiting. Most pregnant women with these symptoms felt headaches and fatigue a few days ago.

In addition to the above causes, diseases that are not related to pregnancy such as gallstones, kidney stones, appendicitis, gastritis, and food poisoning will also cause abdominal pain in pregnant women.

When to call a doctor

In cases of abdominal pain caused by serious causes that you cannot solve on your own. do not hesitate to immediately contact your doctor for help. Pay attention to the following signs:

Bleeding, vaginal discharge. Abdominal pain with or without discharge before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Abdominal pain gradually increases. Hardening of the abdomen.Visual disturbances, blurred vision.Severe headache and severe pain. Control of hypertension (> 140/90 mm Hg)found abnormalities when urinating: difficulty urinating, painful urination. frequent urination, and blood in the urine. Swelling of the hands, feet, and face.

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