The Diet for pregnant women is not to gain weight until the baby is healthy

The diet for pregnant women implies eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and dairy products.
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The Diet for pregnant women is not to gain weight until the baby is healthy
Diet for pregnant women is an important part of a healthy pregnancy. The foods you eat and the number of calories you consume during pregnancy have a direct impact on your baby's development and health. Follow this article to find out the diet for pregnant women without being overweight and the secret to a healthy pregnancy

Diet for pregnant women . Standing in a green grassy field is a pregnant woman wearing a long dress.

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Diet for pregnant women 2 eating mistakes during pregnancy that cause mothers to gain weight uncontrollably

1. Take up the eating for two mentalities.

This is a mistake that many expectant mothers make with an idea. Eat food for two. It is very easy to eat for children to make them eat randomly, eat a lot, eat freely, etc. Which is good for the baby. Remember that the two most important keywords in eating during pregnancy are . Roger. Enough.

2. Eat a lot of fast food

Some mothers still keep the habit of snacking from childhood to pregnancy. Excessive consumption of snacks rich in sugar or starches such as sweets, and soft drinks. biscuits, mixed rice paper, milk tea, etc. during this period will make you gain weight easily and be prone to gestational diabetes. Moreover, most of the above snacks have a very poor nutritional content. which is not useful for children.

Alternatively, you can change regular snacks with nuts. cereals or fruit will be much better.

Diet for pregnant women Principles of eating during pregnancy for healthy children, beautiful mothers

We will divide the pregnancy into 3 main stages, at each stage. expectant mothers will need to supplement the best nutrients necessary for the fetus without affecting the mother's weight too much.

Diet for pregnant women Stage 1 (first 3 months )

At this early stage, pregnant women do not need a lot of energy. However, please note the necessary micronutrients. such as iron, zinc, and others, especially folic acid to ensure the best formation of the nervous system and reduce malformations in the fetus.

Your diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits, as well as lean proteins such as fish. chicken, and lean beef. You can enjoy a variety of carbohydrates such as pasta. whole grains, bread, and cereals.

You should also limit your intake of refined carbohydrates such as white pasta, and white bread. and white rice. Folic acid is found in many fruits. such as grapefruit, orange, lemon, etc. In addition, the foods that should be prioritized during this phase are vegetables. fruits, eggs, milk, and whole grains that are dark green in color.

The second stage (the next three months)

At this stage, the fetus is gradually forming enough organs and pregnant women will also need more daily energy to ensure health. In addition to foods in the first stage, mothers should especially add calcium and iron to ensure the growth of their baby's bones. Keep in mind that calcium improves the bone health of pregnant women and is important for a healthy baby. Foods that are safe for the fetus include yogurt and cottage cheese.

Protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, milk, etc. Priority will be given during this period and you should limit yourself to starches and sweets as they will gain weight easily. Other foods include beans and nuts. seeds, and legumes. Dietary recommendations should also be slightly increased during this time to ensure adequate calcium, protein, and calorie intake.

Stage 3 (last 3 months)

This is the stage when the fetus develops almost fully, absorbs the best substances, and is also the period when the mother needs the most energy. By the third stage. you can start eating more carbohydrates but not too much because carbohydrates are the cause of the fastest weight gain.

 A pregnant woman should eat from about 2-3 bowls of rice / Day, and add eggs. meat, milk, fruits, and vegetables. The more variety, the better. An example of good foods and food include whole grain bread, potatoes, fish, poultry, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts.

Also, whole grains are a great source of fiber. which is essential for healthy digestion and is associated with many health benefits. Many believe that eating whole grains during pregnancy is very important for the health of the developing fetus, especially in the first trimester.

Other tips for a healthy pregnancy

Drink plenty of water

Water consumption will help the digestive system when pregnant.. reduce constipation and contribute to reducing cravings for snacks. limiting weight gain. On average, 8 glasses of water a day will support your health and should not be missing from your diet.

Eat lots of green vegetables and fruits

It helps to supplement many micronutrients that are important for fetal development, especially in the early stages. Dark green vegetables such as spinach, spinach, and kale should be .preferred. Vitamin-rich fruits. such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, watermelons, and apples, are also great sources of micronutrients. You can also drink fortified milk. take fortified cereals, or take vitamin supplements. Remember that the more of these healthy foods you eat, the better your pregnancy will be.

Gentle exercise

Ignoring the idea. if you are pregnant, you should limit exercise., maintaining a gentle exercise routine with movements suitable for pregnant women will help your body to be flexible, and healthy. and easy to give birth to. They will also keep you healthy. which will help you feel better and better throughout pregnancy.

Food speeches

Pregnant women in recent months often suffer from swelling of very uncomfortable feet. which makes walking difficult. Therefore, soaking your feet in warm water every night for 15-20 minutes before bedtime helps to reduce many of these symptoms. as well as stimulate blood circulation, and relax more comfortably.

a summary:

The best way to eat during pregnancy is the same as the best way to eat during any other time of life—it's healthy and nutrient-dense. The principles of healthy eating during pregnancy will help you meet your nutritional needs and provide your baby with the best possible start in life. These principles. also help you feel better, look and feel your best.

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