What is the diet for aging skin, dry and flaky skin?

diet for aging. There is no magic cure for the effects of aging, but there are preventive measures foods that will prevent them from appearing.
Estimated read time: 5 min

What is the diet for aging skin, dry and flaky skin?
The skin is one of the first places where aging appears on the body. A small wrinkle here, a brown spot there - signs that we are getting older. Let's face reality. There is no magic cure for wrinkles and other effects of aging, but there are preventive measures that do not necessarily include expensive creams or weekly visits to cosmetologists. Wrinkles, dry skin, and age spots are all common signs of aging. Let's figure out which foods will prevent it from appearing. The fountain of youth begins with a change in diet.

diet for aging.
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diet for aging Wrinkle:

If we remind someone that smiling has a lasting effect, we will be more careful with our sense of humor. No matter how old you are, wrinkles still make you feel old. Remember that age is not the only thing that causes wrinkles: smoking, sun damage, and all those who stare, smile, and worship also contribute to the appearance of wrinkles no matter how small they are on our faces.

Foods that help prevent: vitamin C serum is a product known in the world of skincare for its protective effects against wrinkles. Not only that, oranges daily help reduce wrinkles! One study found that participants whose diets were rich in vitamin C and linoleic acid had fewer wrinkles. Speaking of fruit, you should also increase the number of berries you consume. Antioxidants are essential in keeping the skin free from environmental stressors that contribute to the aging process.

diet for aging Dry and flaky skin:

As the body ages, the sebaceous glands begin to produce less oil. Pros: the face is no longer shiny and full of oil. Cons: low oil production means that the skin is more prone to dryness, itching, and irritation. For some girls, this means dealing with cracked, scaly, and very painful skin. Now, the amount of oil that causes teenage acne doesn't look that bad.

Foods that help prevent:

The best thing you can do to prevent your skin from drying out is to drink water. Drinking water is essential in promoting blood circulation in the skin. Remember that 2 liters of water per day are not always correct. For some people this figure is higher, for others, it is lower. , The number one nutrient that helps keep skin soft and supple is omega-3 fatty acids. These beneficial fats help soften dry skin by retaining moisture and firming the skin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Foods rich in omega-3 include salmon, tuna, and trout. If you do not like fish, you can use flaxseed, avocado, and walnuts. Vitamin A also soothes dry and flaky skin and is abundant in dark green leafy vegetables. Tonight, give your skin a more youthful look with a delicious slice of grilled salmon served with spinach.

diet for aging Sun damage:

Who among us does not like natural doses of vitamin D Sunny lunches, running in the fresh air and beach holidays are just a few examples of how we are exposed to the sun. If you don't take precautions when it comes to UV exposure, you will suffer the full extent of the damage as you age. Namely: dry skin, fine lines, and brown spots - which become increasingly difficult to reverse as you age. In addition to the harmful effects on the skin, excessive sun exposure can also lead to cancer - the worst effect

Preventive foods:

While many foods have been proven to help protect from the sun, remember that they should not be used as a substitute for a good sunscreen and limit sun exposure. However, adding some tomatoes to your diet is also very effective. A 2008 study found that eating tomatoes can improve the skin's ability to protect against UV rays, and researchers speculate that other lycopene-rich foods such as papaya, guava, apricot, apricot, pink grapefruit, and watermelon have the same effect. (Boss: in addition to protecting the skin from sunburn, the same study found that tomatoes promote the body's production of collagen, which helps keep the skin firm.) Adding green tea to your daily routine is also a great way to keep your skin healthy. A way to protect against the dangers of the sun:

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