5 Reasons Why blood pressure | suddenly fluctuates

how to keep blood pressure stable. Quit smoking. Eat healthy foods. Reduce sugar. Limit the use of canned, alcohol intake foods. Exercise regularly.
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5 Reasons Why blood pressure suddenly fluctuates, how to keep blood pressure stable
High blood pressure or low blood pressure on stable blood pressure! Especially in the elderly. The disease affects a lot of Health and can cause serious complications. Let's find out with BlogAnChoi how to keep blood pressure stable!

blood pressure. Illustration of a patient with hypotension having her blood pressure taken.
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Before we learn how to keep blood pressure stable, let's look at 5 Reasons Why blood pressure suddenly rises above the safe level first.

5 Reasons Why blood pressure suddenly fluctuates

1. High blood pressure at the white shirt

White coat hypertension is an abnormal increase in a patient's blood pressure and occurs only when examined in a hospital. Researchers believe that its cause is associated with cardiovascular diseases, but people with high blood pressure in a white shirt are less likely to get sick than people with persistent hypertension.

2. Feelings of frustration, anxiety, and emotions

Strong emotions such as anxiety and excitement can cause high blood pressure. This is the body's natural response to an event that is difficult to tolerate, when it subsides, blood pressure returns to normal. However, long-term anxiety will affect health.

3. Some drugs change blood pressure

Some medications cause a sudden change in blood pressure, especially low blood pressure such as diuretics, antidepressants, Parkinson's drugs, erectile dysfunction drugs, and heart disease drugs ... When taking such drugs, you should carefully read the instructions for their use. The correct dosage.

4. Temperature

Lying in a warm room or taking a hot bath may temporarily lower blood pressure. Symptoms of a serious drop in blood pressure include dizziness, nausea, and fainting. However, this reason usually does not lead to serious consequences.

5. Some other reasons

Work hard, worry too often stay up latesmokes a lot of cigarettes, use blood pressure medicines incorrectly, have kidney disease have heart diseases stimulants 

how to keep blood pressure stable

First, you should see your doctor to find out more about your medical condition. If you need to use the drug, use it exactly as directed by the doctor, and pay attention to regular control of blood pressure at home. A very important part of controlling blood pressure is changing habits to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Quit smoking: 

Smoking affects the arteries and causes high blood pressure. It can also contribute to high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It can cause a heart attack. It can also reduce the amount of blood the heart can pump when used. It is important to know the signs of trouble with this habit and to see a doctor when there are signs of hypertension or high cholesterol in the blood.

Eat healthy foods:

Eating healthy foods can help lower blood pressure.

Be careful with foods that contain high glycemic foods such as corn, potatoes, beans, and peas. These foods may increase blood pressure. 

Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Avoid foods with high heat and/or sugar, which can cause high blood pressure. Avoid foods that are high in sodium and/or high in fat; these foods can cause other health problems. Eat a lot of lean proteins, fresh veggies, and nutritious grains.

Reduce sugar: 

To keep blood pressure stable, it is necessary to reduce sugar or eliminate it from the daily diet. However, the amount and type of sugar consumed are very important. Foods with a high glycemic index, such as white rice, bread, and potatoes, increase the risk of hypertension.

 The easiest way to do this is by eliminating refined sugars. The main reason for this is that refined sugars raise blood sugar levels, which can cause excess fat to accumulate in the bloodstream which can contribute to high blood pressure. Therefore, sugar should be completely eliminated from the diet

Limit the use of canned foods: 

Canned food. Containing salt and sodium is not good for blood pressure. The best way to maintain low blood pressure is to follow a low-salt diet.  For example, canned fruits and vegetables are rich in sugar and salt. Keep high blood pressure by eating fresh fruits and vegetables

 Exercise regularly:

Be active with moderate intensity. According to the American Heart Association, a person should walk for 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. Also, approximately 5 hours of moderate activity per week will lower blood pressure by up to 10-15%. This can be achieved by climbing the stairs, walking to the mailbox, or jogging.

Limit alcohol intake: 

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure. Women should not drink more than one drink and men should not have more than two drinks a day. Alcohol is a depressant, and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to heart and liver disease. It is necessary to limit alcohol intake by regularly monitoring blood pressure, with an alarm if blood pressure is high.

Look for healthy stress-reduction strategies:

It is crucial to have a healthy lifestyle so that you can reduce stressors.

For example, yoga and meditation can help you relax. Yoga works by gently moving your body with your attention. The concentration on your breath is improved with breathing exercises. In addition, we will learn how to reduce stress by controlling breathing and relaxing.

Consume less sodium: 

Too salty foods can cause high blood pressure. The USDA has recommended that people reduce their salt intake.

It is better to be on a diet balanced in sodium intake.

Instead of eating a lot of sodium-rich foods, eat less of them.

Limit caffeine intake: 

Drinks containing a lot of caffeine can cause hypertension, and caffeine should not be used too often in adolescents and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. 300 mg of caffeine should be the daily maximum.

There are many ways to limit caffeine intake, including adjusting the amount of caffeine you drink, keeping track of how much you drink, or limiting your caffeine intake in the morning.

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