6 symptoms of hypertension for early treatment to avoid serious complications

6 symptoms of hypertension. headaches. Nosebleeds in the nose. The appearance of blood spots in the eyes. Numbness and itching of the hands and feet
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6 symptoms of hypertension for early treatment to avoid serious complications
There are more and more people developing hypertension. This disease should be detected early to avoid serious complications. Let's get acquainted with the symptoms of hypertension

symptoms of hypertension

Blood pressure is the pressure that blood exerts on the walls of arteries as it travels to the tissues of the body. If the walls of the arteries are subjected to severe pressure when the heart pumps blood, this will lead to hypertension. At this stage ،

There are several variables that can contribute to high blood pressure, including:

The incidence of other diseases: people with congenital aortic stenosis, kidney disease, thyroid disease, etc., and even pregnant, taking birth control pills may experience a rise in blood pressure. 

Age: Your chance of acquiring high blood pressure increases as you age. In particular, high systolic blood pressure can lead to atherosclerosis. 

Heredity: this disease can be transmitted in families.

Obesity: the risk of developing hypertension in overweight and obese people is 2 to 6 times higher than in normal people.

Salty: a very salty diet and a lot of salt can raise blood pressure readings.

Drinking alcohol: alcohol increases the risk of high blood pressure and makes the condition worse. If the patient is not treated effectively and changes his eating and living habits, hypertension may worsen and lead to cerebral hemorrhage, kidney failure, heart failure, and stroke. 

So let's get acquainted with the symptoms of hypertension: 

1. symptoms of hypertension headaches

The pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases (about 180/110 mm), which leads to an unpleasant headache. At this time, the patient will be tormented by pain in the eye cavity, and forehead. and halves of the head, spreading through the temples. High blood pressure can also cause headaches. This headache can be mild .or severe and may occur at any time, including during the night. They may also be accompanied by pressure in the eye cavity, or forehead. and halves of the head, spreading through the temples.

Research by health experts shows that the elderly, obese women. and pregnant women are the people who most often experience headaches. whenever you have high blood pressure. Therefore, you should pay attention to the unusual pain to go to the doctor and immediately detect the disease!

2. symptoms of hypertension Nosebleeds in the nose

Epistaxis is more common in the elderly and in people with hypertension. Epistaxis can be a sign of more serious underlying conditions, such as high blood pressure, so it's important to see a doctor if you have it. 

 Epistaxis is often caused by high blood pressure, which can damage the blood vessels in the nose. Epistaxis can also be caused by other conditions, such as colds, allergies, or nasal trauma.

3. The appearance of blood spots in the eyes

The appearance of blood spots in the eyes, or other vision changes, maybe a symptom of high blood pressure. Such vision changes occur due to pressure in the vessel wall and rupture. In the long run, these symptoms will lead to damage to the optic nerve. Such vision changes occur due to pressure in the vessel wall and rupture. In the long run, these symptoms will lead to damage to the optic nerve.

Increased pressure in the vessel wall, it can damage the retina and lead to vision changes such as floaters, blind spots, and loss of vision. These changes can be permanent if they are not treated. If you notice any changes in your vision, you should immediately see a doctor.

4. Numbness and itching of the hands and feet

Numbness and itching of the hands and feet are common symptoms of high blood pressure. This can lead to reduced blood flow to the extremities, which can cause them to become pale, cold, and/or numb. In extreme cases, a person may completely lose the feeling in his hands or feet.

When blood pressure rises, strong pressure causes the walls of the vessels to harden and become uncontrollable. So the nerve becomes paralyzed, which causes numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. This is a warning sign that a stroke has occurred due to high blood pressure. It may result in consequences including nerve injury. Therefore, if you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to be examined by a doctor.

5. Nausea and vomiting

Such symptoms may indicate food poisoning or gastritis. However, if you often experience nausea and vomiting along with dizziness, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath, you may have a problem related to high blood pressure.

Nausea and vomiting, although not common symptoms of hypertension, can be caused by medications prescribed to treat high blood pressure. If you experience these symptoms, along with a sudden drop in blood pressure, you should immediately seek medical help as this may be a sign of serious complications.

6. Dizziness and vertigo

This is one of the most common symptoms of people suffering from hypertension. Unusual and unexplained dizziness and lightheadedness will affect your daily life. This long and dangerous condition not only makes you lose your balance, but also makes you faint, and also leads to a stroke.

Unusual and unexplained dizziness and lightheadedness will affect your daily life.

Dizziness and vertigo are common among people with hypertension and may indicate that blood pressure is too high. If these symptoms persist, they may indicate a more serious medical condition.

At what time of the day is blood pressure higher.

For most people, blood pressure is highest in the middle of the day, peaking around noon. Then it begins to decline in the late afternoon and evening. Blood pressure is usually lowest at night during sleep.

Does lack of sleep cause high blood pressure?

Lack of sleep is one of the most common causes of high blood pressure. The body's response to sleep deprivation is similar to the response to high blood pressure. The body secretes stress hormones, which can increase blood pressure. In addition, sleep deprivation can lead to a decrease in the level of nitric oxide, a hormone that controls blood pressure.

How long can you have high blood pressure before it causes damage?

 This is a common question that patients ask when they are diagnosed with hypertension. The answer depends on many factors including how high the pressure is, how quickly it rises, the patient's age and state of Health, and whether any other risk factors are present. In general, the higher the pressure, the shorter the time frame before the damage occurs.

What is the best sleeping position for hypertension?

 The best sleeping position for hypertension may vary depending on the individual's weight and height. Some people may find it helpful to sleep on their left side if they have high blood pressure because this position increases the amount of blood flowing to the left side of the heart.

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