7 ways to beautify the skin with chicken eggs | to aid in skin lightening and softening

7 ways to beautify the skin with chicken eggs. Prevent skin aging. Skin whitening . Improve dry skin. Acne treatment support. Skin oil control 
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  7 ways to beautify the skin with chicken eggs to aid in skin lightening and softening
Not only nutritious food, but eggs are also a familiar element of beauty in women. Let's try the following seven ways to beautify the skin from chicken eggs to get smooth skin like a baby!

Enhance skin appearance using chicken eggs.

With protein, vitamins A, B2, B3, and many useful nutrients, eggs help prevent skin aging and give you the smooth, radiant skin that every woman wants.

 The best skin care recipes that chicken eggs bring to your radiant skin!

1. Prevent skin aging

When there is a lack of collagen, the skin appears more wrinkled. Eggs' high collagen content will prevent sagging skin and offer you smooth, young-looking skin.

You can combine chicken eggs with bananas. Bananas are also a very useful element of natural beauty, as they contain the amount of vitamins A, B, and E and potassium contained in bananas, it helps to cleanse the skin, remove dark spots, tighten pores, and combat skin aging, especially overcoming the fish. The smell of eggs.


1 egg 1 banana

Take a small banana. Puree with both egg whites and egg yolks. Apply this mixture to your face, let it dry for 20 minutes, then wash your face with mineral water. For optimal results, perform this two or three times every week!

 2. Skin whitening - a useful way to beautify the skin from chicken eggs

Radiant, radiant skin is always the first goal of a woman who is interested in facial beauty. To get snow-white skin at will, immediately apply this simple but very effective composition!


1 chicken egg


Separate the egg whites, then beat.; If you do not hit by hand; ،

Right away. used on the face by using a cotton swab. Wait for your face to dry and then wash your face with clean water. After that, use a moisturizer for better results. Take care of your skin like this regularly 2-3 times a week, and your skin will be smooth and radiant.

3. Improve dry skin

The amount of vitamin A in chicken eggs is an essential source that cannot be wasted. It helps you restore smooth and smooth skin, and prevents dryness and cracking. Thanks to the special moisturizing properties, olive oil and eggs will create a natural mask useful for dry skin.


1 chicken egg1 tsp olive oil 


Separate the yolks. Add one tablespoon of olive oil to the egg yolk and combine. Apply this mixture to the face, wait about 20 minutes for the face to dry, then rinse with mineral water. You can also use whey as a substitute for olive oil and both get great results as expected.

4. Acne treatment support

Vitamins B2 and B3 contained in chicken eggs help the skin of the face to be antibacterial and prevent the formation of acne Bran and acne on the skin. If you have acne problems, this is the most effective remedy for acne from chicken eggs that you should immediately apply.


1 chicken egg.1 teaspoon of peeled and finely ground almonds.


Separate the egg whites, and mix the egg whites with the peeled and crushed almonds. Use rose water to wash your face before bed, and then apply this mixture to your face. Get up in the morning, wash your face with warm water and then rinse with rose water again.

5. Skin oil control 

Oily skin is always a problem that makes women feel ashamed, especially on hot summer days. Moreover, this is also the cause of acne.

The acidic content in chicken eggs, ascorbic acid, and phytoncides in the lemon will help fight bacteria and reduce oil secretion on the skin, leaving your skin dry and smooth.


1 chicken egg1 fresh lemon 


Separate the egg whites. Then beat the egg whites with lemon juice. Apply this mixture directly to your face. 40 minutes later, rinse your face with warm water. To gain the greatest results, always apply a moisturizer designed for oily skin after drying your skin with a soft towel.

However, Lemon will make your skin more prone to sunburn and dry skin, so note that you should use this mask only at night.

6. Tighten pores

Bacteria and dirt will quickly attack your face when you have problems with wide pores. Egg white is listed as one of the foods that help to effectively and safely beautify the face. Not only that, but it also has a pore-tightening effect very effectively.


1 chicken egg1 banana4 tablespoons flour


Beat eggs with bananas and flour until a dough forms. Apply this mixture to your face for 15 minutes and then wash your face with warm water. Use it regularly 2-3 times / one week, and you will get results.

7. Treatment of blackheads

Hot and humid climates, polluted environments, and oily skin are the main causes of blackheads on your face and often appear a lot on the nose.

According to research, the amount of niacinamide and vitamin B3 amide contained in egg white helps to cleanse the skin, is antibacterial, absorbs dirt in the pore,s and tightens pores.

Therefore, an egg white peeling mask is a very economical and effective method that you should immediately apply to get rid of blackheads on the skin.


1 chicken egg1 clean cotton cloth.


Separate the egg whites and beat well. Then apply egg white to the skin affected by blackheads. Use a cotton cloth to cover the mask applied to the skin. Wait until the mixture dries on the skin, then peel off the cloth, and wash your face with cool water. To avoid dry skin and want to have smoother skin, you should use rose water to pat the skin that has just peeled off blackheads. Use two or three times each week for optimum results!

Eggs not only provide a source of nutrients for skin renewal but also help make your skin healthier. Keep using a mask mixed with other natural ingredients and follow a scientific lifestyle to get smooth, white, and rosy skin as expected.

Note when beautifying the skin with chicken eggs

Before using the natural mask, here is the egg mask, you need to test a small amount first on your hands or behind your ears to see if there is any irritation, if so, please stop immediately.

Although natural masks are safe, you should not use them every day. Because in some materials, there are often acidic compounds and bleach that can make the skin more susceptible to sunlight, abrasion, and dry skin. It is often enough to use a natural mask only 1-3 times a week, it is important to really persevere to achieve the best effect offline!

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