5 nutritional components of chicken eggs that help promote good health

5 nutritional components of chicken eggs. Protein. An abundant amount of fat. Vitamins. Minerals.Other materials
Estimated read time: 7 min

  5 nutritional components of chicken eggs that help promote good health
Chicken eggs are a popular food and have many health benefits.What are the nutritional characteristics of chicken eggs. and how can they be used to advance health?let's find out!

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In everyday life, chicken eggs are a dish that is very familiar to every family. Dishes made from eggs are not only tasty and affordable. but also contain a huge amount of nutrients necessary for health.

According to experts, eating eggs has many health benefits such as:

  • Supplemented with substances necessary for the body.
  • Reduce the percentage of fat in the blood.
  •  Short-term prevention of heart disease.
  •  Protect eyesight. 
  • lower the elderly's chance of developing dementia.

1. Protein - the nutritional component of chicken eggs brings the greatest benefits

When it comes to protein, eggs are the best choice in addition to meat and fish. It can be said that the egg is the king" of protein. In 60% of the whites of each egg, there are up to 4 grams of protein, that is, one and a half times the amount of protein in the yolk. And in particular, those four grams of protein. it is divided into 40 different types and all of them are useful for health.

In addition, the protein contained in the yolk is also very good. They have the most perfect and complete amino acids. Protein plays a major role in the growth of children's height and weight.

2. An abundant amount of fat

In egg yolks, lecithin is a component that cannot be ignored. It is a fatty derivative of phosphatidic acid that is replaced by choline-a nutrient that helps convert fats into a nutrient for the body.

In addition, this substance also plays an important role in preventing the accumulation of fat, and atherosclerosis. and cholesterol in the liver. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to add eggs to the menu in a reasonable way.

An abundant amount of lecithin and choline in eggs can help make sure the body gets the nutrition it needs to function properly. This is especially important for people. who is trying to prevent heart disease or build muscle?

The high-fat content in eggs is essential for their nutritional value. The high-fat content in eggs helps to provide essential fatty acids. which are necessary for a healthy heart, skin, and hair.

3. Vitamins

Eggs contain a lot of vitamins - essential substances for the body. Egg yolk contains a lot of water-soluble vitamins such as B1 and B6 and fat-soluble vitamins such as a, D, and K.

In addition, egg whites also contain biotin. Biotin is vitamin B8, involved in the production of energy for the body. However, raw eggs contain the biotin-avidin complex. so the use of biotin cannot be promoted. Therefore, cooking is required to separate avidin from biotin.

Eggs are a good source of vitamins A, B, and C. These vitamins play important roles in the body, such as helping vision, cell growth, and wound healing. Eggs are a good source of vitamins A, B, and C.These vitamins perform vital bodily activities.. such as helping vision, cell growth, and wound healing.

4. Minerals

In addition to the abundance of vitamins, chicken eggs are also the place where the most minerals such as iron, zinc, and copper accumulate, and although eggs contain a very small amount. the yolk contains up to 1.6% of minerals. The element selenium contained in chicken eggs has an impressive effect against cancer.

Selenium is an essential mineral found in chicken eggs. and has been shown to have an impressive effect against cancer.

While it is true that chicken eggs are a great source of selenium, it is important to remember that selenium is only one of many important nutrients for our health. Eggs also contain other essential nutrients. such as iron, zinc, and copper. In fact, chicken eggs are one of the best sources of these minerals. So if you are looking for a portion of food full of nutrients. chicken eggs are a great option.

5. Other materials

In addition to 10.3% protein, fat and minimal amounts of minerals, the main component in egg whites is water.

In addition, egg white contains the enzyme antitrypsin. This enzyme inhibits the action of digestive enzymes in the intestines and pancreas, causing indigestion. Therefore, eggs must be cooked to at least 80 degrees Celsius to destroy this yeast

The main component in egg yolks is lecithin. Lecithin is a phospholipid that acts as an emulsifier, allowing water and fats to mix. Egg yolks also contain all of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). as well as 50% of the calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, and chlorine in the egg.

It is noted that the nutritional components of chicken eggs are well absorbed

For a long time, people focused only on processing eggs so that they were tasty and varied, but they forgot one thing, eating eggs should. also have certain notes.

Do not put monosodium glutamate in eggs during cooking (whether fried or boiled): 

if you add monosodium glutamate, the nutritional. and the tasty content of the eggs will be lost. 

Do not drink tea after eating eggs:

the tannic acid in the tea leaves combines with the protein in the eggs to cause indigestion symptoms due to decreased bowel movement. 

Eggs should not be eaten overnight, boiled or not

night temperatures of more than 10 degrees Celsius will lead to the multiplication and growth of bacteria. 

Do not eat too many eggs

eggs can replace meat when you want to increase blood cholesterol, but it is not recommended to rely too much on eggs. To be safe, the average person can eat 4 fruits a week. while bodybuilders can eat 7 Fruits a week.

How many eggs do we eat per day?

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2009 showed that people who ate one or two eggs every day had a lower risk of heart disease than those who did not. Study participants who ate one or two eggs every day had a lower risk of heart disease than those. who did not have high cholesterol levels?

What negative impacts might eat eggs daily cause?

Eating eggs every day can cause a huge number of side effects. including excess cholesterol and heart disease.

A new study shows that eating too many eggs can cause high cholesterol and heart disease.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that eating just one egg a day was associated with an increased risk of death from all causes, including heart disease and cancer. The lead author of the study, Dr. Wei Bao, said that the results support the current dietary recommendations to reduce dietary cholesterol.

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