What are sebaceous filaments? Treatment options and root causes.

What are sebaceous filaments? The sebaceous gland is a complete plasma secretory gland consisting of acini and relatively short ducts
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What are sebaceous filaments? Treatment options and root causes.

The sebaceous filaments are modified sweat glands. They secrete a waxy substance called sebum, which is made up of melanocytes and lipids, and which lubricates your skin. sebaceous filaments are found all over your body, most often on your face, neck, arms, and legs. Your sebaceous filaments produce sebum in response to the hormones produced by your pituitary gland, which are triggered by the release of adrenalin and noradrenalin by your nervous system in response to stress. 

What are sebaceous filaments?

The sebaceous filaments are a complete plasma secretory gland consisting of acini and relatively short ducts, the opening of the sebaceous duct is closely related to the hair follicle and the hair follicle.  At present, it has been found that there are many sebaceous glands on the face, including the forehead, nose, and upper back, which can be called cortical outflow sites. Other parts such as the palm, toes, and back of the foot do not have sebaceous glands.

The area of distribution of the sebaceous filaments, especially between the hair follicle and the rectus muscle of the capillaries, may consist of one or several acinar and a common duct. Nowadays, it is believed that the secretion of sebaceous filaments varies due to factors such as race, age, gender, and climate.

  First of all:

 the secretion of the sebaceous filaments is weak before the age of ten, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is strongest between the ages of 16 and 35, and the secretion of the sebaceous filaments weakens with age.


 The secretion of the sebaceous filaments is related to the season, the sebaceous glands secrete more in summer and less in autumn and winter. Then the food is associated with the secretion of the sebaceous glands, for example, eating fatty, spicy, and stimulating foods will stimulate the secretion of dandruff. If the sebum secretion is relatively strong, it can lead to oily skin, even acne and seborrheic dermatitis. If the sebaceous glands shrink, this will lead to dryness, flaking, and smoothing of the skin, so controlling the secretion of the sebaceous glands is extremely important. 

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sebaceous filaments, the Reason for the formation

When the skin produces too much oil, it can make oily strands more visible. People with oily skin or large pores tend to have more fat on their skin than people with dry skin or small pores. However, the cause of the formation of sebaceous capillaries and vision with the naked eye may be related to the following factors:

  • Sen
  • Heredity
  • Sun exposure
  • Pollutants from the environment
  • Thickening of hair follicles
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Difference between sebaceous filaments and blackheads

While oily strands look like blackheads. But their nature is completely different. When you have oily skin, large pores make the sebaceous filaments more visible. A factor that distinguishes fatty strands from blackheads is their color. While the fat strands are gray or yellow, the blackheads are only black.

Blackheads are caused by excess fat, Dead Cells, and bacteria accumulated in the pores causing the blockage. At first, blackheads are just acne. When exposed to air, it turns black. On the other hand, oily threads are simply the lining of oil in the pores. Whether it's blackheads or greasy strands, you shouldn't squeeze them.

You should not touch the fatty threads by pressing on them.

  This can cause the skin to become damaged, causing it to become infected and scarring. If its appearance affects your appearance, you should control the oiliness of your skin. Proper cleansing and regular exfoliation will help you control oil production and keep your pores clean. Although skin care products won't completely remove the extra layers of oil. However, these products also help reduce the visible appearance of greasy strands. 

 related products: https://amzn.to/3KaJzMb

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effective ingredients in the treatment of sebaceous filaments

Choose products that are gentle, moisturizing, and reduce irritation. For the makeup remover, you should choose an oily makeup remover to completely remove excess oil and dirt in the pores. For face wash products, you should choose products that contain active ingredients to control oils and resist acne. Wash your face twice a day to keep your pores clean.

Besides, products that prevent acne will help you better control the formation of sebum fibers, such as:

Salicylic acid:

Salicylic acid is an essential ingredient in many acne cleansers and acne creams. When using salicylic acid in a concentration of 0.5% -2% will help reduce the amount of oil produced on the skin and reduce the volume of fatty fibers. According to dermatologists, peeling with salicylic acid will bring better results.

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Glycolic acid:

Glycolic acid is a kind of AHA. Types of alpha-hydroxy acids help open pores and prevent the appearance of blackheads. It may also help reduce the appearance of greasy strands. While salicylic acid dries the skin, glycolic acid retains moisture in the skin.

However, when using glycolic acid, care must be taken because it can cause an allergic reaction in some skin, resulting in swelling and itching. Glycolic acid will also make the skin more sensitive to the sun. Always protect yourself from sunlight after using glycolic acid.

Benzoyl peroxide:

This is another common ingredient in acne products. It helps to reduce oil secretion in the skin and reduces pore size. However, if used in high concentrations, benzoyl peroxide can cause dry skin, causing the skin to peel off.  related products: https://amzn.to/3KaJzMb

Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil can help control excess fat on the face and reduce the appearance of greasy strands. You should use products that contain tea tree oil extracts such as cleansers, masks, skin toners, etc.

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Apply a detox mask to the skin:

There are many types of masks on the markets that help to deeply cleanse and detoxify the face. The main components in these products are activated charcoal, clay, and mineral clay that penetrate deep into the pores to dissolve congestion. As for the detoxifying mask for the skin, it should not be left for a long time, as it makes the skin easily irritated, red and itchy.

Protect yourself from the sun:

If the skin is exposed to the sun for a long time, it will cause the pores to expand. Therefore, daily use of sunscreen will help reduce the harmful effects of the sun; and protect skin health from signs of aging. Clothing, hats, and sunscreen are essential if you want to protect your skin more thoroughly. In addition, you should maintain a proper skincare routine to keep your skin healthy.

related products: https://amzn.to/3KaJzMb

a summary:

Sebaceous filaments are fine, thread-like structures that can be found on the skin or hair shaft of humans, horses, and other animals. Sebaceous filaments are not glands. They are single or double protein filaments that arise promonocytes, follicular secretory cells located on the surface of the skin or follicles within the hair shaft. They are coated with a waxy substance that helps keep them from sticking together, allowing them to move freely.

It is responsible for maintaining the softening of the skin barrier. Different effects control hair growth at different stages of the hair cycle. For example, during the anagen process, rapid cell division causes the cells to increase in size and expand outward, forming a visible hair shaft.

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