Dark circles under eyes and the causes of their appearance.9 tips for treating it

.9 tips for treating Dark circles under eyes . with cucumber. with tea bags. almond oil and vitamin E. eggs. lemon potato. Massage technique
Estimated read time: 10 min

Dark circles under eyes. and the causes of their appearance.9 tips for treating it
Do you suffer from long-lasting? Dark circles under eyes. that make you feel ashamed about your appearance Read the article to find out about: dark circles under your eyes and the causes of their appearance? 9 tips for treating it!

Dark circles under eyes
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1. Identify dark circles beneath the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are the skin under the eyes that is darker than the rest of the skin. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by puffiness and accumulation of fat in the area of the lower eyelid. The phenomenon of dark circles and puffiness makes the eyes ugly and neglected.

Depending on the location of each person, the degree of dark circles will be different.

With a sensitive body, lack of sleep can lead to the darkening of the skin under the eyes for a few days. However, when you get enough sleep and take good care of your health, dark circles will gradually disappear.

With a bad location, dark circles will last longer and darker, often due to heredity or age. How treat dark circles for this condition will be much more difficult.

II.  reasons for the occurrence of. Dark circles under eyes 

Dark circles beneath the eyes can arise for a variety of causes, including:


 if grandparents, great-grandparents, and parents have a history of dark circles under their eyes, it is also likely that their grandchildren will inherit them. These cases often have dark circles since childhood, the skin under the eyes is thin and the dark part appears.


 this is the cause that most people suffer from. Staying up late, lack of sleep and overwork can easily lead to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. It is often accompanied by puffiness and eyes that look sluggish and lifeless.


as you age, your skin will gradually lose collagen. Since then, signs of aging will appear on the skin under the eyes, thinner fat, and below the eyelid. At the same time, the phenomenon of dark circles will appear, which makes the eyes look old and ugly.

Allergic rhinitis:

 a swollen nose makes the surrounding skin sensitive and makes blood circulation difficult. It results in the visibility of dark circles beneath the eyes.

Bad living environment:

 insomnia, severe psychological stress, and lack of water will create conditions for the appearance of dark circles. Dark circles are a warning sign that the body needs to rest, get enough sleep and drink plenty of water.

There is not enough sun protection: 

the skin of the lower eyelid is very thin because when exposed to the sun for a long time, it will stimulate the production of melanin. This substance causes the darkening of the skin under the eyes.

Staying up late, lack of sleep, and fatigue:

 easily leads to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

 Summary of 9 simple and most common ways to treat Dark circles under eyes 

If the main cause of your dark circles is environmental influences or aging, the nine home remedies for dark circles below are quite possible. Let's look at 9 effective ways to treat dark eyes:

1.  Dark circles under eyes. with cucumber

This is the most commonly used method for treating dark circles due to the easy-to-find ingredients and simple use. Cucumber contains nutrients that are good for treating dark circles, such as vitamin E, and fiber that cools and soothes the eyelids.

2. Dark circles under eyes  with tea bags

Many people use tea bags to put eye bags as a way to treat dark eyes. Tea contains antioxidants that help lighten the skin around the eyes and reduce dark pigmentation. The use is as follows:

  • Soak tea bags in hot water
  • Cool the tea bags and put them in the refrigerator
  • Put cold tea bags on your eyes for 5-10 minutes
  • Use water for washing
  • Use it once a day until you notice a noticeable change

 3. Dark circles under eyes. with almond oil and vitamin E

Almond oil and vitamin E can be used as sleep masks. You can mix the above two components in a mixture and apply them to the lower eyelids before going to bed. After waking up, wash your face with clean water. Continue to use for 1-2 months, dark circles under the eyes will noticeably improve.

4. How to use heated eggs to cure. Dark circles under eyes 

The heat of the egg stimulates the capillaries, which help to distribute blood under the eyelids. As a result, the state of darkening will be radically improved. Proceed as follows:

  • Peeled boiled eggs
  • Let cool when the egg temperature is 60-80 degrees Celsius
  • Use an egg to roll the lower eyelid area and eye socket
  • This method can be combined with a gentle massage, and the effect of dark eye treatment will be noticeable after one month.

5. potato remedies for. Dark circles under eyes 

Potatoes contain many good vitamins and minerals that help increase white skin tone. You can use potatoes to make a natural face mask. The method of treating dark circles is quite simple:

  • Wash and peel potatoes
  • Cut thin slices and apply to the eye area for 15-30 minutes
  • Apply and then thoroughly rinse your face with water.
  • Continue using potatoes for 3 weeks-one per month, and dark circles will significantly decrease.

6. Use a special eye cream

Eye cream is one of the methods that many people use because of its quick effect. There are many different types of dark eye creams on the market, and you should carefully choose the right one for your dark condition. 

Common ingredients in dark eye creams to lighten the skin around the eyes are azelaic acid, glycolic acid, and hydroquinone. In addition, vitamin E is also a nutrient that is suitable for lightening and even skin tone.

7. Massage technique for the treatment of.Dark circles under eyes 

You can combine several methods of treating dark circles. One way that you can easily do it every day is to gently massage the eyelid area.

Simple massage exercises are as follows:

  • Use the middle and ring fingers to caress the area of the lower eyelid evenly from the corner of the eye to the corner of the eye
  • Tighten the skin around the eyes within 1-2 seconds
  • Gently rub the entire lower eyelid
  • Do this exercise 10-15 times a day
  • This exercise helps to gently affect the area of the lower eyelid, stimulate blood circulation, reduce dark circles and remove puffiness.

8. Remove Dark circles under the eyes with lemon and tomato

Tomatoes contain vitamin E and some nutrients that lighten the skin, while lemons contain acids that help reduce dark skin pigmentation. To achieve the best effect, you need to use the correct dosage, and avoid using too much lemon, which causes damage to the skin of the lower eyelid and stings it.

  • A teaspoon of tomato juice and a teaspoon of lemon juice should be combined.
  • Soak a cotton swab in this mixture and gently apply it to the dark eye area
  • Keep them for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with clean water
  • Perform at least twice a day; continue for 2-3 weeks to get noticeable results.

9.  treat Dark circles under the eyes with strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, two good nutrients that help the skin to be brighter and more toned. At the same time, strawberries are a fruit that contains alpha hydroxy acid - an effective agent for treating dark circles and removing puffiness.

  • How to make a mask similar to other fruits:
  • Wash the strawberries and store them in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf
  • After 30 minutes, when the strawberries are cool enough, cut thin slices and apply them directly to the area of the lower eyelid
  • Use it after 15 minutes and wash your face with clean water

It is observed when treating Dark circles under the eyes 

1. Reasonable sleep activities

This is one of the important factors to help prevent and treat dark circles. You should sleep 7-8 hours a day. Sleep is the time when the body rests and restores nutrients to the skin and renews it, slowing down aging.

2. Healthy eating

An unhealthy diet causes a deficiency or excess of substances in the body, all of which can cause dark circles under the eyes. So you need a healthy and nutritious diet. Some of the following foods will help you treat dark circles from the inside:

Foods that support blood circulation: tomatoes, melons, bright red vegetables

  • Iron supplements are found in liver foods, shellfish, shellfish, legumes, cereals, etc.
  • Vitamin B12 is found in animal meat such as the liver, and kidneys of sheep, beef, clams, etc.
  • Anthocyanins are found in berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. This substance is considered a good antioxidant for the skin under the eyes.

In addition to eating, you also need to make sure that your body is always hydrated. Drink 2-3 liters of water every day to help the body get rid of toxins and nourish the skin.

3. Daily exercise

Daily exercises such as push-ups, jogging, yoga, etc. will stimulate the body's metabolic activity. Which helps to tighten the skin, prevent aging and reduce the darkening of the eyes.

4. Protect your eyes when going out

Dark circles and the causes of their appearance.9 tips for treating dark circles

The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive to the body. Therefore, when going outdoors, you should have a way to protect your eyes, especially when the sun is hot. Direct ultraviolet radiation for a long time causes the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, so sunglasses should be used to protect your eyes and always keep the skin around your eyes fresh.

a summary

Above, are simple and easy home remedies for dark eyes. Each body will be suitable for a certain method, we hope that you will choose an effective way to treat dark spots, say goodbye to "panda eyes" and restore radiant and young eyes.

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