Foods with a high, phosphorus. Lack of phosphor or an excess of it

Foods containing phosphorus: Grain crops. Seeds and nuts. Sea fish and seafood. Dairy. Broccoli. Garlic. Chicken or turkey meat. Legumes
Estimated read time: 10 min

Foods with a high, phosphorus. Lack of  phosphor or an excess of it
Phosphorus takes an active part in the process of converting food calories into energy. And also, intensively stimulates the growth and division of cellular structures. Continue with the following article to find out which foods are high in phosphorus

foods are high in phosphorus
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Approximately 80% of the substance is concentrated in tooth enamel and bone tissue. Another 20% is in blood, brain, and muscle cells. The need for phosphorus intake per day for an adult is 1500 mg. With intense physical exertion, the number of diseases, and during pregnancy, the Daily Dose is increased by 1.5-2 times. The introduction of foods with a high content of this microelement into the daily diet allows you to avoid the negative consequences of its deficiency and maintain the effectiveness of all vital body functions.

The undeniable benefits of phosphorus

Phosphoric acid has a special value for the human body. She is actively involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, as well as in the construction of enzyme components. Together with calcium, the trace element contributes to the formation of tooth enamel and skeleton. No less important is acid for the work of muscles, the respiratory system, the musculoskeletal system, and mental activity.

In addition, phosphorus performs several other functions.

that are of great importance in human life:

  • The substance is involved in the division and development of cellular structures. Promotes intensive regeneration.
  • Due to their presence in the body, the process of absorption of other elements (minerals, vitamins) improves.
  • The work of the cardiovascular system and kidneys normalizes and strengthens the heart muscles.
  • Phosphorus compounds are also involved in energy metabolism.

That is why doctors recommend introducing phosphorus-containing foods into the daily diet to avoid a deficiency of this vital element.

Foods containing phosphorus

This essential micronutrient for human health is found in many foods. To understand how to properly compose a daily diet, you need to consider the main ones.

Grain crops

Most phosphorus is found in oatmeal, wheat, corn, and barley cereals. The substance is concentrated in the shell of cereals, so it is preferable to take raw cereals for cooking.

So, whole-grain wheat (600 grams per day) fully provides the body's daily needs for a valuable trace element. When eating a serving of rice or oats (about 200 grams), you consume a fifth of the required amount. But the leader among phosphorus-containing cereals is corn. A glass of flour from it contains 850 mg of the trace element.

Seeds and nuts

A small number of nuts per day (about 70 grams) will be enough to replenish 40% of the useful component to the required volume per day. The most useful in this regard are pine nuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, and pistachios.

You can get a more valuable item by including pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, and chia seeds on the menu. For example, pumpkin seeds (only 100 grams) completely cover the daily allowance.

Before use, it is recommended to soak the seeds to achieve the breakdown of phytic acid and the complete release of phosphorus.

Sea fish and seafood

Oysters, squid, and octopus - account for 70% of the trace elements we need daily. By adding the right foods to your diet, you help your body and the cardiovascular system.

In addition to phosphorus, seafood and fish are rich in iodine, zinc, and vitamins, without which the full functioning of our body is impossible. When choosing culinary products, pay attention to salmon, sardines, and mackerel. In addition to everything, they contain the most valuable omega-3 acids.


The unconditional phosphorus-containing leaders in this category are cottage cheese, yogurt, and milk. They allow you to replenish up to 40% of the trace elements that a person needs daily. It is noteworthy that whole milk derivatives have a high phosphorus content.

Cheese lovers should prefer low-fat varieties. 30 grams of Parmesan, for example, contains 250 mg of a valuable component. A little less in mozzarella or goat cheese. But they are great for dietary food, due to their low fat and calcium content.


The record holder for the amount of phosphorus among vegetable crops. Only 100 grams of cabbage is 66 mg of useful trace elements. An additional advantage is the low-calorie content of the product, as well as the presence of iron, zinc, potassium, and calcium. Broccoli is a whole complex of substances necessary for Man.

When preparing this vegetable, one simple rule should be followed: do not subject cabbage to prolonged heat treatment. It is better not to boil it at all, but simply scald it with boiling water.


Opinions about garlic are mixed. Some do not like the rich pungent aroma, while others use it with great pleasure for sauces, second dishes, and soups.

Among foods containing phosphorus, this vegetable is not the last. A useful microelement in 100 grams contains about 150 mg. In addition, garlic helps to lower blood pressure, prevents high cholesterol, and acts as effective prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

Chicken or turkey meat

Chicken meat (especially white meat) is an excellent source of phosphorus. 100 g of chicken contains 300 mg of valuable elements, which covers almost 40% of the daily requirement. There is also a lot of protein, selenium, and vitamin B in poultry meat.

Secondary products

The most useful in terms of replenishing phosphorus are the liver and the brain. So, dishes from cow droppings (portion 85 g) give us half the daily allowance required for the normal functioning of the body.

Chicken liver is no less useful for health. By adding it to the list, you can replenish up to 53% of the required volume of trace elements per day. In addition, by-products contain vitamins A and B, iron, as well as other nutritional components.


They also appear in the list of phosphorus-containing products. A 200-gram serving of white beans, for example, contains 30% of the amount of phosphorus required per day. A little lower is painted in red. The equivalent volume of lentils or beans makes it possible to replenish half of the required norm of a useful element.

Legumes are especially valued for their high fiber content, which is why they are often recommended for the Prevention of chronic diseases. You can get the maximum benefit only if you follow the cooking technique. Before cooking, the culture must be soaked, germinated, or fermented.

Peanut butter

Even lovers of sweets can make up for the lack of phosphorus. A large amount of trace elements is concentrated in peanut butter or butter. A couple of toasts with this product, combined with fruit, is a great idea for a full breakfast.

Looking closely at the candy packages on the store shelves, pay attention to the composition of the pasta. Choose one that is free of condensate, sweeteners, and stabilizers.

What is a serious lack of phosphorus?

The body can experience a deficiency of this microelement for various reasons. But most often he declares himself in such situations:

  • During fasting. Especially when a person follows a diet that mainly involves the use of plant foods.
  • With food poisoning.
  • Violation of metabolic processes caused by malfunctioning of the kidneys, and thyroid gland, excessive consumption of alcohol, carbonated drinks, and increased blood sugar.
  • both when nursing and in pregnant women.
  • In people who systematically experience great physical exertion.
  • With insufficient use of phosphorus-containing products.
  • With an excess of barium, aluminum, magnesium, and calcium, which together with phosphorus form insoluble compounds. In this combination, phosphorus loses its ability to actively participate in metabolic processes.
  • chronic renal disease is present.

You can determine the absence of this trace element by the corresponding symptoms:

  • The weakened immune system, and susceptibility to colds.
  • The development of rickets and periodontitis.
  • Skin diseases
  • Loss of appetite and exhaustion.
  • Mental disorders and anxiety.
  • General weakness, loss of concentration.
  • Severe pain in muscles, bones, and joints.
  • Memory impairment and depression.
  • Lose or gain weight.

Of course, such symptoms can accompany several common diseases. Therefore, to make sure that it is precisely your problem that is phosphorus deficiency, you should consult with your doctor. After all, if the body has a significant deficiency of this element for a long time, then negative manifestations become a natural consequence. Therefore, it is necessary to know which foods contain a lot of phosphorus and compensate for their deficiency with the help of a well-designed daily diet.

What threatens an excess of phosphorus

The amount of this element in the body should not exceed a certain norm. The principle, loved by many, "the more, the better" not only does not work here but poses a real danger. According to statistics, an overabundance occurs much more often than a deficit.

Many phosphates (E) are intensively used in the modern food industry. These elements help to increase the shelf life of bulk products (dry cream, coffee, cocoa powder). They add tenderness and softness to processed cheese and prevent the sweetening of condensed milk. They help to store meat and dairy products for a long time, increasing the weight and volume of sausage products. Because of what manufacturers use for phosphate properties everywhere.

Unfortunately, such an abundance often affects human health extremely negatively.

Having too much phosphorous can cause:

  • Poor blood clotting, and bleeding.
  • The appearance of salt deposits.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • The development of osteoporosis.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Anemia.

For whom phosphorus is especially important

This trace element is of great importance for pregnant and lactating women. Its deficiency will not allow the musculoskeletal tissue of the fetus to form normally, and the metabolism of the expectant mother will be disturbed.

To avoid the negative consequences of an element deficiency, you should eat right. The diet should include seafood and fish. Thus, it will be possible to compensate not only for the lack of phosphorus but also for vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the infant's nervous system.

Preference should be given to marine fish. It is best to cook it for a couple or bake it in the oven. Fried foods put a lot of strain on the liver, which can be a big problem during pregnancy.

a summary

Having figured out which products contain phosphorus, it is not difficult to create an appropriate menu. The main thing to remember is that not only a deficiency but also an excess of this element is harmful to our bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly compose a diet, focusing on the data of the table of phosphorus content in products.

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