In addition to heart support, cardio training also brings 10 benefits to your health

cardio training. Lowering blood sugar. Cardio benefits for weight loss. Strengthens your heart. Strengthens your muscles. Improve your mood, sleep
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In addition to heart support, cardio training also brings 10 benefits to your health
Usually, when doing cardio training, you will immediately think that this is a good exercise for the heart, as it promotes blood pumping. blood circulation. reducing the heart rate during rest. and making the cardiac muscle stronger. That is why after maintaining training for a long time. you will feel a noticeable improvement in endurance. However, the heart is not the only organ that benefits from cardio training.

cardio training. Strong sportsmen running on a sunny day without a shirt.
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1.  cardio training Lowering blood sugar

Cardio helps to lower blood sugar (glucose) and improves insulin resistance in case of diabetes. Some other strength exercises. such as lifting weights also have a similar effect. However, if you want to see results right now. you should combine the two at the same time.

However, because the body's condition becomes very sensitive to diabetes, you should consult a doctor before starting any physical exercise. especially if you also use prescription drugs like insulin.

2. Cardio benefits for weight loss

Cardio also helps improve the body's ability to use fat for energy, which means you'll have more stamina during long-term workouts. Try incorporating a few cardio days each week to see the benefits in your weight loss journey.

Cardio also helps improve your ability to burn calories, which means you'll be able to maintain your weight loss momentum. even when you're not working out much. Additional calorie burning can make a huge difference in the long run.

3. cardiac exercise fortifies your heart

Exercise that raises heart rate is referred to as cardio or aerobic exercise. It strengthens your heart and lungs. and gives you more energy. It is also one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases.

4. Strengthens your muscles

It can aid in boosting your muscular strength and size. They can also help you improve your aerobic fitness as it strengthens your muscles by contracting them. By contracting your muscles. you help produce more blood flow and more glucose.

It can also improve your posture. Muscle tissue can support your spine. and enable you to keep a straight posture.

5.  cardio training Improves your mood

Cardio and running exercises are effective in reducing depression and anxiety. Even doctors and therapists recommend them. as combined treatments for diseases.

It is believed that the reason is that during aerobic exercise. the hippocampus. is one of the areas of the brain that regulates emotions. expands and slows down the breakdown of brain cells.

If you want to improve your mood with these exercises. try to maintain them regularly for several months to get the best results.

6. Improve sleep quality

Scientists say that cardio exercises can help you stay in a stable mood. relax before bed and establish a healthy sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm).

The effect of exercise on the brain will not be as pronounced as with visible muscles. but research shows that people who exercise regularly tend to sleep more deeply in Phase 3 - the slow wave. is the most important stage of sleep to help regenerate energy for the brain and body.

7. Improve the ability to think

According to numerous studies, people who regularly exercise cardio have a better executive function. Executive function is a term that collectively refers to several mental abilities. such as organizing, interpreting, and analyzing information. and directing action based on the information obtained.

In just one cardio session for 30 minutes, the blood flow to the prefrontal cortex area was significantly increased. In the long run, regular cardio exercise will help the cells in your prefrontal cortex stay connected more easily.

8. Increased ability to remember

Not only heart disease but most physically active people are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. The reason is that you will avoid a number of diseases. such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and depression - all diseases that have many serious complications. affecting the brain in particular and overall health in general.

9. Better study

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change the structure of its neural network when it learns or absorbs new things. The younger the brain. the more flexible your learning ability improves.

Cardio training can help strengthen this function. In addition, if you combine it with some other cardio and resistance exercises. you will feel a noticeable change in the brain and reduce dementia in old age.

10. Helps relieve arthritis pain

As you get older, osteoarthritis makes you more susceptible to pain. which leads to many difficulties in everyday life.

The smooth movement of cardio exercises such as jogging or cycling is an effective way to help you relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Moreover, when you combine physical activity with a healthy diet. losing weight also helps reduce the pressure from your body on your knee joints.

11. Improve breathing

Even if you have lung disease, maintaining regular cardio exercise can also help improve your airway very well.

If you don't want to go to the gym, you can choose to walk, jog. or also play tennis. It is important that you talk to your doctor about an exercise plan with appropriate intensity.

12. Fight against viruses and pathogenic bacteria

It may sound strange, but regular cardio exercise can help your body resist diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. Part of it is that the blood circulates better throughout the body. which means that antibodies against the virus will get to where they need to go.

Despite this, scientists are still working to find out why exercise strengthens the immune system - the body's defense mechanism from external pathogens.

13. Control cholesterol in the blood

High levels of bad cholesterol in the blood increase the risk of arterial plaque buildup and lead to serious illnesses such as heart attacks or strokes. Cardio can help you with this problem.

According to studies that have been done, cardio seems to increase the good HDL cholesterol in the body, and it can also lower LDL LDL cholesterol. but you need to exercise at high intensity to achieve this. Desirable.

What is the advantage of doing cardio?

Cardio provides two crucial advantages: burning calories and improving your heart health. Any form of physical exercise that raises the heart rate is known as a cardio or aerobic workout. When you do cardio exercise. In order to distribute blood and oxygen throughout the body, your heart must exert more effort. Doing cardio can help you: burn more calories.

How much should I do cardio per day?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of cardio you do will vary depending on your age, fitness level, and goals. If you're just starting out, aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio every day.

a summary

The summary of Cardiology is that it is a type of exercise that helps to improve cardiovascular health and prevent heart disease. It also helps to reduce weight and can improve overall physical fitness.

Cardio is the use of the body's energy to produce strength. This force can be used for physical activity or for transportation. The body's energy comes from food, oxygen, and fat.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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