The right way to facial massage to help rejuvenate the skin for every girl

The right way to facial massage. Rub the temples with your fingers in a circular motion. Gradually moving to the front and vice versa.
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The right way to facial massage to help rejuvenate the skin for every girl
To have firm and elastic skin, in addition to using daily skin care products. girls also have another secret to preserving their youthful features. which is facial massage. But not every girl knows how to properly massage her face so that the skin is lifted and rejuvenated. Today, you will unravel through the detailed article below.

facial massage. Woman Receiving a Facial Massage While Lying on a White Bed

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What is a facial massage?

Facial massage is a method of facial skin care with hands or with specialized tools that directly affect the skin. It is from there that it helps the facial muscles and nerves to relax and relieve tension. Accelerate blood circulation in the inner cells to help the skin maintain. its youth, suppleness, and elasticity.

The existing method of facial massage is always loved by girls because it is very simple. and can be applied at home. Along with daily skin care steps instead of just putting nutrients on the skin, girls can fully use their hands or tools to push the skin up. and in the long run, also reduce sagging facial muscles again.

The benefits of facial massage

  • Anti-aging and wrinkle reduction. 
  • Reduce acne. 
  • more uniform in the tone and texture of the skin.
  • Reduce stress and blood circulation. 
  • encourages the synthesis of collagen.
  • Reduce dark circles and puffiness. 
  • Reduce skin inflammation. 
  • Rebalance the skewed face.
  •  Increased absorption of nutrients from cosmetics.

What to prepare before a facial massage

First of all, to get the best and safest results. you should do the following three steps before the massage:

  • Wash your hands with soap to avoid bacteria on your face. when washing your face. 
  • Wash your face with a cleanser to remove accumulated dirt and sebum after a long day. 
  • Apply any serum or oil to your hands. and apply it to the skin to increase the soft feeling when massaging.

9 effective facial massage steps for every girl

  • Circularly massage your temples with your fingers.
  • Use your palms and fingertips to massage the face: starting from the chin, then gradually moving to the forehead and vice versa. 
  • Press your ring finger and slide it over your eyebrow from the edge to the end of the eyebrow and do the same with the eye bags
  • Use two fingers to squeeze and rub between the eyebrows clockwise for 5-8 seconds and vice versa. 
  • Use your index finger and middle finger to press on the cheeks: Starting from the middle of the face, then gradually moving to the temples. 

In addition

  • Use sufficient force to press the knuckles from the nose to the cheeks and then to the ears. 
  • Use 3 fingers (from the thumb to the middle finger). to perform the movement like a pinch and gently squeeze from the middle of the chin to gradually move to the ears. 
  • Use circular motions to massage the area under the earlobe.
  •  Finally, rinse your face with water.

 This is a simple hand massage with high efficiency. so please apply it every day. In addition, if possible, you can use massage tools. or massage machines to get faster results.

The most popular facial massage tools today

1. Quartz stone face roller

Quartz stone is a stone with high negative ions. so when using it, you will definitely feel comfortable and comfortable using it. Thanks to this feature, the facial muscles are relaxed. and the cells become firmer, which contributes to the subsequent fight against aging. You can use it at any time when you have free time, or when applying serum or cream. use the attached roller and follow the massage steps.

The quartz stone face roller can be used for wrinkled areas or the entire face because it will also help us to improve wrinkles on the face caused by aging. So use it regularly and regularly. There is a trick to help the skin cool down. and relax more than you can put in the refrigerator the year before.

2. Guasha. Stone

Young people or people in the world of beauty, it is certainly not alien to this massage tool. This is a Sasha Stone, a famous and popular massage tool today. If used regularly. it will stimulate acupressure points to help blood circulation. making our skin grayer and helping to produce more collagen to make the skin smoother. and reduce the signs of aging.

To enhance a more pronounced effect on the skin, you should use it regularly. at least two to three times a day for 5 to 10 minutes while combining the appropriate facial massage steps. Besides, don't forget to use anti-aging products to maintain a youthful appearance on the skin.

3. Three-dimensional massage roller

This is one of the tools that is very popular with Korean girls. The three-dimensional roller is designed with multiple dimensions. so it is more useful than traditional types to help embrace the corners of the face. Thanks to it, it is easier to push the skin up, contribute to skin rejuvenation, and lift muscles every day.

Side effects of facial massage.

Far from being a pleasant experience, facial massage can cause a variety of negative reactions. For example, excessive use of facial massage can cause skin irritation. Some other forms of massage that can cause irritation include using oils or lotions to massage the face, especially the forehead or neck. Also, excessive force or pressure applied to the face can cause bruising and filing.

Is daily facial massage beneficial?

Some people find that rubbing the muscles of the face and neck for a minute. or two a day is enough to keep them younger.

Should I wash my face after a facial massage?

Wash the face after the facial massage. It cleanses the skin and removes dirt from the pores. You should not wear perfume.

Can facial massage change the shape of the face?

This is not a medical intervention. but a cosmetic procedure.

There is a huge amount of scientific evidence that facial massage can increase blood flow to the face, and the results can last up to 2 weeks.

Above are some small methods. and notes about the methods of facial massage, we hope they will be useful to you. If you like and care, don't forget to visit us regularly to update good Beauty Tips!

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