Sagging and Swelling Legs: Causes and Solutions

main cause of Swelling legs is blockage of the outflow of veins and lymphatic vessels, physical weakness, old age, improper diet, lymphatic stasis
Estimated read time: 6 min

Sagging and Swelling Legs: Causes and Solutions
Swelling legs are like the enemies of a woman because the legs are the part that shows attractive beauty and also determine the choice of everyday clothes for a woman. Eliminating this situation is not difficult if we apply the effective and less expensive methods below.

Swelling legs. (Waldmann's disease) - legs

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The legs are the largest part of the lower body. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that having beautiful feet is. also helps you become more beautiful and confident.

To complement the beautiful legs, the legs must be toned, not flabby. and have a good gait. However, swollen and drooping legs are one of the conditions that many women face. and are also saddened by their aesthetic loss. So what is the cause of swelling and sagging feet

Causes of swelling of the legs

The main cause of swelling is blockage of the outflow of veins and lymphatic vessels. waste products leak out of the vessels and accumulate in the intercellular spaces. Normally, the calf muscles contract to support the veins and lymphatic vessels, pushing fluid into the upper body. but if you stay in a position for a long time, do not exercise. or wear high heels ... It will weaken the muscles, so the fluid will stagnate in the lower part of the body, causing swelling.

Improper eating habits and lifestyle are big enemies that cause swollen feet. in addition, an excess or lack of salt, sugar, and water due to irregular activities is also believed to be the cause of leg swelling.

Causes of sagging legs

The causes of sagging legs come back first, such as physical weakness, old age, improper diet, and lymphatic stasis ... If the knee is not relaxed, then the patella is clearly protruding, on the contrary, if the body presses on the knee and the protruding patella appears. Loose is a sign of flabby legs.

How to get rid of Swelling legs and sagging legs

1. to get rid of Swelling legs Walking the right way to exercise the calf muscles

When wearing high heels, the calf muscles are tight and stiff, and they swell more easily. On days when walking is frequent. choose shoes with heels as low as possible. Note that when walking, you should try to land with your heels, use your toes to touch the floor firmly. and properly exercise the muscles of your legs.

By exercising these calves, blood circulation in the body will be enhanced. and good blood circulation will help the muscles to grow easily.

2. to get rid of Swelling legs Smoothing tight calf muscles

Stretching and massaging tired and stiff muscles is effective in reducing swelling. If the calves are left taut without massage, this will limit the transfer of waste to the outside and the fat around the calves will not be burned.

You can do a simple massage after a shower or before going to bed. gently massaging from the ankles to the knees with your hands. especially the calf muscles on the sides of the legs. In addition, for those who are often in one position for a long time due to office work. every hour you should rotate the ankle. extend the toes or extend the heel forward to also work out the calf muscles. It is a productive method of instruction.

3. Improve the condition of the cold and increase metabolism

Regularly consuming spices such as ginger and garlic ... Both have a warming effect on the body and help prevent and reduce swelling caused by poor circulation due to a cold infection.

Bathing habits are also important. When you soak in the tub, the water pressure will press on the lower body to help remove waste. and reduce swelling. If you don't use the bath, you can soak your toes in hot water and occasionally rotate your ankles to help improve the swelling more effectively.

4. Drink enough water every day to avoid swelling caused by lack of water

When the amount of water in the body decreases, blood circulation will stop. and metabolism will decrease. Adding enough water every day regularly will help prevent leg swelling. In addition, you should also note that eating too much salt. and sugar can cause excess water to accumulate in the cells, which also affects blood circulation.

5. Exercise your thighs to prevent sagging

Because weak thigh muscles cause the knee to sag .and the entire leg to sag, in addition to working hard every day, you can refer to the exercise:

Step 1. Lie on the floor, and straighten your legs and feet. The second step. Lift one leg and keep them hip-width apart. Turn over heels, knees, and toes. Step 3. Slowly close the foot and push the heel out. Spread your feet along the way step 4. 

We lower your legs slowly and return to step 1. Do this exercise 8 times on each side, 5 times a day. Always pay attention to keeping your hips and shoulders in contact with the floor, and train in a relaxed spirit to achieve the best effect.

a summary

Sagging and swelling are two common problems that can occur on the legs. They are often caused by excess fluid buildup in the tissues of the legs. which causes the tissues to become saggier and look fuller than normal. The first step in addressing this issue is to identify the cause of the fluid buildup. The most common cause of this issue is a buildup of fluid in the tissues of the legs. usually caused by a buildup of sweat in the tissues. 

The best way to reduce the amount of fluid buildup in the tissues is to increase the amount of exercise you do in the leg muscles. This will help to increase the amount of blood flow in the tissues. This will assist in draining the tissue of extra fluid.

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