What is MonkeyPox | Is it as dangerous as COVID-19

Monkeypox is a rare disease. Monkeypox infection in humans usually occurs after contact with infected animals, contact with bedding or clothing.
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What is MonkeyPox Is it as dangerous as COVID-19
While the COVID-19 pandemic is not completely over, many countries are facing monkeypox. Even more alarming. health experts warn that many cases of this disease are difficult to detect. and can be confused with other diseases. So what is Monkey Pox. what are its symptoms. and is it dangerous for humans Let's find out together?

monkeypox. The form of monkeypox on an infected person
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MonkeyPox has appeared in many countries around the world

In a recent announcement, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that some people. with monkeypox may not have been tested and that the rash of the disease may have been infected.

Health experts previously noted that smallpox is characterized by the presence of boils or blisters on the skin. which is different from the diffuse rash of other diseases. Although the disease is not yet an epidemic threat. the CDC recommends that people pay attention to early symptoms to prevent outbreaks in many countries.

the total number of cases of MonkeyPox worldwide has exceeded 2000, with many countries previously barely registering the disease. Experts say that this is a warning sign that should be monitored. There is no reason to panic right now, though. Smallpox is not new. and we already have several measures in place to prevent its spread, including the human smallpox vaccine.

What is MonkeyPox How serious is that

Smallpox in monkeys is caused by a virus of the genus Orthopoxvirus, which is similar to viruses that cause smallpox in humans. and cowpox in cows. However, monkeypox is believed to be less dangerous than smallpox in humans.

According to the CDC, monkeypox was first detected in the Fifties of the last century in monkeys. but has also been found in squirrels. mice, and other animals. The first human case of the disease was discovered in 1970.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), monkeypox is endemic in West Africa and Central Africa in two separate groups. with one group causing recent cases with a mortality rate of less than 1%. %.

The WHO also said that this year there were 72 deaths from monkeypox in countries where the disease has long been endemic. but there were no deaths in countries where the disease appeared.

How is Monkey Pox transmitted Is it as contagious as COVID-19

According to the CDC, monkeypox is transmitted from person to person mainly through contact with sores, broken skin, or body fluids. but it can also be spread through respiratory droplets or by touching utensils. He has a viral infection. Experts are currently studying whether the disease can be transmitted sexually.

Anyone can get monkeypox,

 but the CDC says many of the recent U.S. Man-on-man intercourse with other males have been involved instances.

Close contact is an important factor in the transmission of smallpox in monkeys. and the reproduction rate of the virus is slower than that of the virus that causes COVID-19, so it can be said that it is less contagious than COVID-19.

 some experts believe

 that it is not transmitted through the air like COVID-19 and is not contagious like the flu, chickenpox, or measles, which are common diseases. He was vaccinated against it. For example, if people pass each other in a shopping center. there is a very small risk of contracting monkeypox.

Many recent cases in Europe have lesions in the genital area and resemble the symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease. such as herpes, so experts advise getting tested if you have a rash of unknown cause in the genital area.

What are the symptoms of Monkey Pox?

The symptoms of Monkey Pox are similar to those of human smallpox but are milder. In 1980, the World Health Organization pronounced smallpox to be entirely eliminated.

Monkeypox usually starts with flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, severe headache, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), within one to three days of the onset of fever. an infected person will develop a rash or sores that can be in many places on the body such as hands, genitals, face, chest, and mouth. . These lesions may be flat. or raised, filled with a clear. or yellowish liquid, and after a while, they dry out and fall off.

The disease can be contagious 

from the time the rash appears until the sores heal and new skin grows, according to the CDC. The incubation period is from 5 to 21 days, and the period of illness usually lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

enters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that it is worth noting that some people do not experience flu-like symptoms. and not everyone has a complete set of typical symptoms that can be recognized. In particular, monkeypox is not contagious during the incubation period, unlike some viruses. such as influenza and SARS-CoV-2 which cause COVID-19. However, experts are studying whether this is true in the current outbreak.

Centers for Disease Control claims

 and Prevention (CDC), the vesicular lesions of MonkeyPox develop via stages and eventually end. The rash usually starts on the face. and spreads throughout the body. but it can also be limited to an area that looks like a boil or ulcer from another disease.

Is there a vaccine against Monkey Pox

The human smallpox vaccine can also protect against Monkey Pox. In the United States, there are two vaccines approved by the food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use: JYNNEOS and ACAM2000. However, the vaccine may only be given to people at high risk of monkeypox and is not widely available to everyone.

In the UK, the vaccine is given to people at high risk who have been in contact with a person infected with monkeypox. to stop its spread. Experts say that antiviral drugs that fight smallpox will. also, work against Monkey Pox.

The vaccine is given to people who have been in contact with a person infected with monkeypox but have not yet developed symptoms. due to the long incubation period. Vaccines help stimulate the immune system to recognize and fight viruses before a disease outbreak.


Experts recommend that people look for the early symptoms of monkeypox. nonetheless, there is currently no need for concern. As with COVID-19, it is important to have a well-functioning public health system and that people trust the health system.

This outbreak has also drawn our attention to the risk of zoonotic virus transmission, caused by our interactions with wild and domestic animals.

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