Benefits and expert reviews of the diet for hemorrhoids

A diet for hemorrhoids is an important component of treatment. According to nutritionists, proper nutrition plays an important role, menu for a week
Estimated read time: 7 min

Benefits and expert reviews of the diet for hemorrhoids
Diet for hemorrhoids is the most important component of complex therapy. According to nutritionists, proper nutrition plays an important role in solving this problem. The menu for the week will help you get an idea of the therapeutic diet and achieve sustainable results in the form of remission or treatment of hemorrhoids.

diet for hemorrhoids: Picture of a bowl-shaped vegetable salad

The benefits of a diet for hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidal prolapse is observed. Such venous plexuses, located at the bottom of the rectum and around the anus, are usually found in all people and do not cause any discomfort.

But under the influence of various factors

excessive pressure occurs, and vascular formations increase in size and gradually fall out of the rectum without proper treatment. At the same time, infection of the node, its inflammation, bleeding, and pain are possible.

The cause of hemorrhoids can be changed in blood vessels and genetic predisposition, as well as procreation and childbearing. Improper diet, alcohol, difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract, and frequent constipation lead to increased pressure in the pelvic area.

Insufficient physical activity

 and prolonged sitting and standing lead to impaired blood supply to the entire gastrointestinal tract. Increased physical activity and lifting heavy objects also cause blood stasis.

The main task of dietary nutrition for hemorrhoids is primarily related to the establishment of normal peristalsis. It is also worth the need to reduce the pressure on the walls of the rectum. Facilitating the process of defecation reduces the risk of damage to the nodes and the pressure that leads to the growth and formation of new hemorrhoids.

In case of repeated bleeding

symptoms of iron deficiency anemia may appear, in which the number of red blood cells decreases and hemoglobin decreases. This will indicate the need to include diet products that can restore the amount of iron in the blood and pharmaceutical preparations in the diet on the recommendation of the Attending Physician.

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Disadvantages of the diet for hemorrhoids

The diet is characterized by very serious prohibitions since any departure from the diet can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. The need to grind and steam food or cook it on low heat can be inconvenient, and a certain menu requires a change in eating behavior.

A low amount of meat proteins can cause problems for athletes: a lack of proteins affects endurance, training efficiency, and muscle growth.

A week-long menu for a diet for hemorrhoids

Nutrition for this disease corresponds to the "diet Table No. 3 according to Pevzner". It is characterized by fractional nutrition at the same time with small portions to reduce the load on the intestines.

A lot of vegetables and drinking plenty of water at least 2 liters a day improves digestion and softens the stool. Dishes are steamed, stewed, boiled, and preferably eaten half-mashed. Salads with vegetable oil. A special place in the diet should be given to fermented milk products that can improve bowel function due to the content of Bifidus and lactobacilli in them.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: oatmeal in milk diluted with Bran, an Apple ،
  • Lunch: mashed vegetable soup, steamed chicken cutlets ،
  • Dinner: boiled cod or pollock, buckwheat porridge

The second day

  • Breakfast might include fruit and cottage cheese.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelet with tomatoes and herbs
  • Lunch: stewed vegetables, boiled Turkey ،
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, kefir.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast:
  • Cottage Cheese Casserole With Apricots
  • The dryer.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelet with tomatoes and herbs
  • Lunch: cabbage rolls with beef and vegetable salad
  • Dinner: Greek salad and plain yogurt.

The sixth day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal in milk diluted with Bran, and a handful of berries.
  • Lunch: Bulgarian pepper stuffed with minced meat and vegetables ،
  • Dinner: fruit salad, a glass of kefir.

The seventh day

  • Breakfast:
  • Cottage Cheese Casserole With Apricots
  • The dryer.

In order not to irritate the intestines, you need to avoid spicy and fatty foods and reduce foods that cause gas formation: legumes, cabbage, and others. The consumption of starchy foods decreases potatoes, pasta, rice, and cakes. They reduce peristalsis and contribute to the development of constipation.


A therapeutic diet for hemorrhoids contributes to the formation of soft stools and helps reduce pressure on the walls of the rectum. This reduces the trauma of hemorrhoids.

Important! If the diet is not followed, an exacerbation and further development of the disease are possible, with complications in the form of bleeding and infection.

Reviews of nutritionists

- In the development of hemorrhoids, excess weight and lack of physical activity are very important. In this regard, along with nutrition and therapeutic treatment, lifestyle adjustments are also recommended. 

Only such an approach, in the long run, will contribute to the health of the body. A diet in the treatment of hemorrhoids should be prescribed only by an experienced doctor to take into account all the individual characteristics - for example, the presence of bleeding or intolerance to certain foods.

When should I visit a doctor about my hemorrhoids?

If you have had these symptoms for more than a week, it's time to see a doctor. While some symptoms of hemorrhoids resolve on their own, others may not require medical treatment. Contact your doctor if hemorrhoids do not improve within a week or if they are accompanied by fever, severe pain, or yellowing of the skin.

What happens when hemorrhoids go untreated.

If left untreated, hemorrhoids can lead to a whole complex of unpleasant symptoms. These can include swollen and painful veins, the inability to defecate normally, and even rectal prolapse.

Which medicine reduces hemorrhoids.

Some drugs, such as hydrocortisone and Pramoxine, shrink hemorrhoids by reducing tissue size and swelling. Hydrocortisone is a steroid that helps reduce the size and swelling of hemorrhoids, while Pramoxine is an anesthetic agent.

a summary

It is important to choose the right diet for hemorrhoids. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the anal canal, which leads to pain, bleeding, and discomfort. The main task of nutrition in hemorrhoids is to normalize bowel movements, reduce the load on the anal canal and perineum, and reduce inflammation. 

It is important to eat foods that are easily digested, have a softening effect, and do not irritate the mucous membrane. Nutritionists advise eating often but in little amounts. It is necessary to exclude from the diet those foods that contribute to constipation or, conversely, to diarrhea. Also, you need to give up alcohol and spicy spices.

When drawing up a diet, you should consult a gastroenterologist or proctologist. Self-medication will simply speed up the progression of the illness. A diet for hemorrhoids should be drawn up taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

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