Pulmonary diseases: main causes, phytotherapy, inhalation
Pulmonary diseases are a group of diseases that affect the air sacs in the lungs. These diseases can be caused by infection, genetics, and other factors. Treatment can be done using plants and folk remedies continue to take the article with us to learn more about pulmonary diseases
causes of pulmonary diseases
Breathing is the source of life for every living being, it is one of its main functions that ensure the existence of man in this world. When we breathe, we supply the body with oxygen, which is a source of energy for us, and therefore life.
That's why we breathe constantly:
day and night, winter and summer when we sleep and wake up when we move and stand. It is necessary to prevent respiratory diseases so as not to impede the flow of energy.
First of all, for this, the body tries to prevent the stagnation of moisture in the lungs and saturate them with oxygen. which makes it possible to cleanse itself. However, we all sometimes face respiratory diseases. which by their nature are a rather complex and vulnerable system of many interrelated components.
The main cause of pulmonary diseases is microorganisms:
fungal, bacterial, viral, and even parasitic organisms. Also, quite often, external allergens are the cause of damage to the respiratory tract: house dust, and pets. molds and yeasts, plant pollen, food products, and medicines. and professional factors.
This group of diseases is caused by air pollution and household chemicals. active and passive smoking. hypothermia of some parts of the body (even severe). illnesses affecting different systems and organs (diabetes mellitus, heart disease). genetic and genetic abnormalities, and adverse climatic conditions, for example. low temperatures, and high humidity.pressure variations in the atmosphere. Alcohol abuse and a passive lifestyle can become unsafe for normal breathing.
Symptoms of pulmonary diseases
pulmonary diseases depending on their types may be accompanied by various symptoms:
- Shortness of breath ،
- Difficulty inhaling or exhaling ،
- Suffocation ،
- Dry or wet cough.
- Sputum production ،
- Hemoptysis (blood with sputum) ،
- Pain in the nasopharynx.
The main pulmonary diseases
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, mainly associated with an infection that can be viral or bacterial. Bronchitis is acute and chronic, depending on the duration of the disease.
An infection of the trachea is referred to as tracheitis. the passageway between the bronchi and larynx.
Angina is an acute general infectious disease that is accompanied by lesions of the palatine tonsils. However, the inflammatory process can also develop in other tissues of the pharynx and larynx .lingual, larynx, and nasopharynx.
Bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma is a chronic allergic lung disease, manifested by attacks of shortness of breath or suffocation. sometimes dry cough, in response to an allergen or against the background of a cold, physical overload, or emotional stress.
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx that often occurs with an acute respiratory viral infection, flu. or other infectious diseases.
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, better known. as a runny nose. Acute rhinitis, under unfavorable conditions, can turn into chronic, characterized by a longer course.
Colds are acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and acute respiratory infections (ARI). With these diseases, the nasopharynx is. trachea. and bronchi are mainly affected.
An infectious condition that affects the lungs is known as pneumonia. More precisely, this is an infectious lesion of the alveoli. as a result of the introduction and reproduction of microorganisms (spores) into the respiratory tract.
As we see, there are many respiratory diseases that only a doctor can determine with maximum accuracy and prescribe an adequate course of treatment. Remember that even mild diseases are accompanied by minor symptoms. can develop into more complex diseases of the respiratory system in a matter of days.
Traditional medicine for the treatment of lung conditions
Homemade juice
It will be useful in the treatment of fruit and vegetable juice mixture. For example, mix 70% carrot and 30% beetroot juice and drink them slowly. The following mixture is also effective: 50% apple juice, 30% carrot, and 20% pumpkin.
Treatment of bronchitis
For the treatment of bronchitis, take 0.5 of grated black radish juice and mix it with 400 grams of honey. Drink 2 tablespoons of the mixture in the evening before meals.
You can also try the following recipe: boil a head of garlic and ten finely chopped onions in milk until soft, then add a teaspoon of mint juice and a tablespoon of honey. Take the medicine you received every hour during the day. It is useful to eat a clove of garlic and a teaspoon of honey three times a day. chewing them thoroughly
Treatment of pneumonia
With pneumonia, when the patient has a cough with sputum, garlic juice with milk will be useful. For one glass of milk. a teaspoon of juice. Take it warm before bedtime.
therapy for bronchial asthma
Take 150 g of horseradish, rinse in cold water and pass through a meat grinder. Then add the juice of two lemons to the resulting mass. and completely combine to create a homogenous mass. Take a teaspoon in the morning. This folk medicine prevents the development of an asthma attack.
Asthma attacks can be prevented by mastering Strelnikova's breathing exercises. The effect is achieved by performing the following exercise: inhale sharply with noise through the nose. then exhale softly and calmly through the mouth. So it is necessary to do it 20 times.
Tuberculosis in the lungs treatment
4 tablespoons of ground oats (or Hercules) in a coffee grinder, a tablespoon of honey, 5 tablespoons of cream (or milk), one apple chopped with Peel. 4 chopped walnuts, and juice of one lemon. stir and take in the morning for breakfast.
Inhalation for pulmonary diseases
Inhalation is a method of introducing medicinal substances by spraying them into the respiratory tract.
This is one of the main methods of treating patients with respiratory diseases. Inhalation is natural and artificial. Natural inhalation is the inhalation of clean ionized fresh air in the mountains. on the seashore, in coniferous and deciduous forests, and near waterfalls and springs. Artificial inhalation is carried out using special inhalers or improvised home remedies.
At home, steam inhalation has long been used to treat respiratory organs.
In them, the effect on the respiratory tract is carried out by steam, which ensures the penetration of the treated substance into the most distant parts of the respiratory organs.
Steam inhalation can be carried out in an ordinary bath: infusions of various herbs are sprayed onto the heated stones:
- mint,
- thyme,
- needles,
- eucalyptus,
- and oak bark.
The resulting aromatic vapors enter the human body through the respiratory tract and through the pores of the skin.
At home for inhalation, solutions of calendula, garlic, and fir oil are used.
Water with a medicinal herb or its infusion is poured into a small teapot and boiled over low heat. You need to breathe steam through the nozzle of the kettle. In order not to burn yourself in the nozzle. you can put a funnel made of thick paper.
The inhalation procedure is carried out within 15-20 minutes. Inhalation of potato vapors is one of the most common .and popular types of steam inhalation. Boil the potatoes in uniform in a frying pan, open the lid and inhale the Steam for 5-7 minutes.
In acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, it is useful to inhale turpentine or garlic vapors: a few drops of turpentine or 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic are added to boiling water, and they breathe this for 5-7 minutes.
Phytotherapy for pulmonary diseases
Often with colds, either by prescription or by self-decision, many of us resort to antibiotics. But few people think about the fact that antibiotics. and some other cold pills overwhelmingly act on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
Such exposure leads to the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis and the occurrence of allergic reactions. Additionally, the liver and kidneys are frequently hazardous when using synthetic antimicrobial medications.
In the process of research
it turned out that antibiotics do not kill all types of bacteria, but only those that are sensitive to them. The rest of the bacteria not only survive but acquire greater resistance. but also, thanks to the drugs taken, they are modified, that is, they mutate.
The bacterial mutation leads to the emergence of new forms of pathology in the body: this is how tuberculosis, pneumonia, and modified meningitis appeared. Antibiotic usage is contraindicated. and many other drugs for certain respiratory diseases. The use of preparations of a plant group is considered safer. These natural medicines are based only on useful components of natural origin.
1. Herbal tea Altai Pulmonary respiration
It has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Recommended for the prevention and complex treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The composition of the tea includes such components. as marshmallow roots, rose hips, chamomile flowers, and sage leaves. St. John's wort, and thyme. Each of these components has an individual beneficial effect.
2. Soft cream,
delicate consistency, used for colds, runny nose, and sinusitis. It contains propolis, extracts of medicinal plants, and essential oils. Medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, astringent, and antipyretic effects.
Essential oils and propolis help to increase immunity and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The cream reduces inflammation, and nasal congestion and creates favorable conditions for pulmonary breathing. Ideal for people who do not tolerate drugs in the form of drops and sprays.
3. Ka barley.
Lozenges are based on licorice root and vitamin C. due to their composition, this herbal preparation not only relieves cough but also improves sputum discharge and strengthens the immune system. Effective in the complex treatment of acute respiratory infections and bronchitis. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, mucolytic, and analgesic effects.
4. The Sage ka
Lozenges to improve the functional state of the upper respiratory tract. An ideal natural remedy for a variety of throat problems. The drug has bactericidal and antiseptic. and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to the sage that is part of it. Lozenges are successfully used in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx, and respiratory tract.
5. Yudangin
Menthol iodine tablets are based on sea salt for resorption with a sore throat, sore throat, dry cough, laryngitis, and colds. They act as a powerful antiseptic. The iodine contained in the preparation stimulates the activity of phagocytic cells of the body's immune system and accelerates recovery. and prevents infection from descending into the bronchi and lungs.
6. Sage
Lozenges containing sage extract and essential oils. The drug helps to improve the functional state of the upper respiratory tract, including the throat. Recommended for acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, and tonsillitis. The composition of the tablets. also includes biologically active substances from natural components. The drug does not contain sugar and has practically no contraindications.