Symptoms of hemorrhoids and how to treat them effectively and quickly

Hemorrhoids appear when the veins in the rectum expand, symptoms of hemorrhoids are blood in the stool. Prolapse of hemorrhoids outside the anus
Estimated read time: 7 min

Effective and Quick Treatment Options for symptoms of hemorrhoids
 hemorrhoids are common among diseases of the anus and rectum. Because it is a disease in a sensitive area, many people are afraid to go to the doctor, and only go to a medical facility when the disease is already at a serious stage, and treatment is difficult. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the symptoms of hemorrhoids early. So what are hemorrhoids What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids? and how to treat them effectively. We invite you to learn more through the article below.
symptoms of hemorrhoids

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1. What are hemorrhoids 

Hemorrhoids appear when the Plexus veins in the rectum expand, and venous blood accumulates more and more. causing hemorrhoids to swell and prolapse outside the anus. Hemorrhoids are divided into two types based on the location of hemorrhoids relative to the anus: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids :

(Hemorrhoids located inside the anus): when defecating, hemorrhoids can be pushed out and bleed. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless. but hemorrhoids SAG completely, causing pain and discomfort to the patient.

 External hemorrhoids :

(Hemorrhoids located outside the anus): hemorrhoids appear below the anal line at the edge of the anus. External hemorrhoids are usually painless, but in the case of thrombosed hemorrhoids (due to the formation of blood clots). they form a hard lump and cause pain when the tumor ruptures. causing hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Hemorrhoids also have many levels from mild to severe, based on the classification and condition of the disease for the doctor to choose the appropriate treatment method:

First degree: the hemorrhoid is still inside the anus

.Grade 2: when defecating, hemorrhoids sag, after defecation, hemorrhoid shrinks. and retracts inside the anus. 

Grade 3: regular bowel movements or activities, hemorrhoids still sagging. should be left for a long time. or gently push by hand to pull hemorrhoids.

 Grade 4: prolapse of hemorrhoids outside the anus, unable to push hemorrhoids inward.

2. Symptoms of hemorrhoids

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are very specific and easy to recognize. Paying attention to monitoring and picking up symptoms of hemorrhoids in the early stages makes treatment much easier than in the severe stage. The symptoms of internal hemorrhoids. or external hemorrhoids are also different but not significant, and basically have the following basic symptoms:

Symptoms of hemorrhoids Blood in the stool: 

 It appears in the early stages of hemorrhoids, the amount of blood and the frequency of bleeding increase with time and the severity of the disease. Patients can see blood by seeing blood stains on toilet paper, while in advanced stages. blood may flow on its own even when the patient does not have a bowel movement.

 Symptoms of hemorrhoids Prolapse of hemorrhoids outside the anus:

 To a mild degree, after defecation, hemorrhoids can shrink on their own, but when the disease is more severe, hemorrhoids are pushed out, causing discomfort, and burning pain. and facilitating infection. The sensation of burning pain, and discomfort in the anal area: slight swelling around the anus, the anus looks with uncomfortable mucus, itching, irritation, and burning pain in the anus when defecating,. lasts for several hours. In the early stages of hemorrhoids. the pain lasts for a few hours and lasts longer as the disease worsens. Seeing the above signs, the patient should take the initiative to go to a medical facility to be examined and determine the stage of his illness to be treated quickly. and definitively.

3. Causes of hemorrhoids 

Hemorrhoids are caused by many different reasons, such as increased rectal pressure, compression of the rectal-anal vein system, and obstruction of venous circulation. which leads to stagnation and collection of blood in hemorrhoids. Over time, the amount of accumulated blood increased. and hemorrhoids grew and decreased. Common causes of hemorrhoids include:

The diet:

 Eat less fiber, eat fewer vegetables and fruits, drink a small amount of water, and eat a lot of dry, and hot. and spicy foods, and use a lot of stimulants: beer, wine, etc.

Lifestyle: lifestyle: 

Sitting for a long time, immobility, having to sit a lot, the habit of squatting, etc. 

Pregnant and postpartum women:

 The growing fetus presses on neighboring organs and compresses the rectum, causing constipation. In addition, the blood vessels in the anal area expand due to pressure. At birth, the mother has to press hard, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Chronic constipation and bowel diseases.

 Genetic factors: 

Congenital, the body has abnormalities in the structure of the veins, impaired blood circulation, etc.


The older you get, the greater the risk of hemorrhoids. This disease is more common in people over 50 years old, more often in men than in women. Pressing hard when defecating.

4. How to treat hemorrhoids effectively and quickly

To completely cure hemorrhoids in the early stages, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease as soon as possible. Being an allergic disease and afraid to visit a doctor. many people often find ways to treat hemorrhoids at home. And one of the methods that are often applied and gives relatively good results, especially when the disease is mild. is lifestyle and diet adjustment.

Patients need to add more fiber to their diet, drink enough water even when the body does not feel thirsty, and limit fast, fried and spicy foods. Exercise regularly and gently. and avoid sitting for a long time in one place. In New mild cases, hemorrhoids can be gradually relieved and cured through diet. living, and the use of topical medications. As for more severe cases, when hemorrhoids prolapse, surgical intervention is required. Specifically ،

 There are several treatments such as:

Use a ring to tighten hemorrhoids: 

Use a ring to tighten the hemorrhoidal Root to prevent blood from reaching the hemorrhoids. the wound will break on its own due to a lack of blood to nourish it.

 Treatment of hardening of hemorrhoids:

 It is usually only applied to hemorrhoids in the early stages when the hemorrhoids do not hang outside the anus. 

Surgical removal of hemorrhoids:

 This is a method applicable to both internal and external hemorrhoids. it is used when the ligation of the rubber band is not effective. hemorrhoids are blocked due to the formation of blood clots, etc.

The use of surgical interventions to remove hemorrhoids does not mean that the patient can completely recover from hemorrhoids and never recur. After recovering from the disease. patients still need to pay attention to adjusting their diet and reasonable activities to prevent hemorrhoids from reappearing.

5. How to prevent hemorrhoids

To reduce the risk of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a moderate and reasonable lifestyle:

Eat a nutritious diet, eat plenty of fiber-containing foods, eat lots of green vegetables, tubers, and fruits, and drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly, limit sitting in one place, and sit for a long time. Do not delay defecation. Do not press too hard when defecating. Stop the habit of sitting for a long time on the toilet, and take advantage of using the phone. reading books when going to the toilet.

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