Power of Eating Right: How A Balanced Diet Can Transform Your Life
Overeating of these nutrients can cause obesity and lifestyle-related diseases. but deficiencies can also cause various disorders. For a healthy diet, in addition to moderate exercise. You should also try to follow a balanced diet. Would you like to review the Balanced diet in your diet to maintain your diet and health?
What is a Balanced diet: getting the suitable proteins, fats, and carbohydrates?
A balanced diet is an abbreviation for protein, fat, and carbohydrate.
balance shows how much protein, fat, and carbohydrates account for the daily energy intake.
In addition to these three types of nutrients obtained from the diet, there are vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc. but only three are used as energy: protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
The nutritional Reference Intakes for Japanese people (2020 edition) issued by the Ministry of Health, Labor and social welfare sets a target amount of protein, fat. and carbohydrates per day as an energy-producing nutritional balance.
By continuing to eat with this balance in mind, you can expect to prevent and improve lifestyle-related diseases.
Understand the energy you need in a day
To lose weight, it is important to create a state in. which the energy consumed exceeds the energy consumption and burns the fat stored in the body.
The amount of energy you need per day depends on your gender, age, and activity.
The estimated energy requirement can be checked by basal metabolic rate and ×physical activity level.
First, calculate your proper weight.
Suitable weight = length (m) × height (m) × 22 (BMI index).
Next, calculate the basal metabolic rate.
The basal metabolic rate can be calculated by multiplying the appropriate body weight by the basal metabolic reference value.
Basal metabolic rate (kcal/day) = appropriate body weight (kg) ×basal metabolic reference value (kcal/kg body weight/day)
The estimated power requirements required for one day can be calculated. as follows.
Estimated energy requirement (kcal/day) = basal metabolic rate (kcal/day) × level of physical activity
There are three categories of physical activity levels:
A 50-year-old woman with a height of 160 cm and a normal level of physical activity can be calculated as follows.
Suitable weight: 56.3 kg.
Basal metabolic rate 1165 kcal.
Estimated energy requirements 2039 kcal.
What kind of nutrient is a protein
Protein is the source of muscles, internal organs, bones, skin, hair, blood, etc.
Proteins consist of about 20 amino acids, 9 of which cannot be synthesized by the body.
These nine types are called essential amino acids. And it must be consumed through food.
On the other hand, amino acids that can be produced in the body are called non-essential amino acids.
Protein is not only the basis for building the body but also serves as a source of energy, producing 4 calories of energy in 1 g.
Protein is a nutrient that you want to eat well while on a diet.
What kind of nutrients are fats
Fats are the most efficient source of energy, producing 9 calories of energy per 1 g.
In addition, it is a raw material for making cell membranes and hormones.
Lack of fat leads to a lack of energy. which can cause rough skin and constipation.
Since there are 9 calories per 1 g of fat, which is more than twice the energy of carbohydrates and proteins, overeating can cause obesity and lifestyle-related diseases.
The quality of the fat eaten is also important.
There are two main types of fats: saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids.
Saturated fatty acids are found in meat, dairy products, butter, etc., and it is said that their excessive intake can cause atherosclerosis. and illnesses linked to lifestyle.
What I want to be aware of are omega-3 fatty acids. a type of unsaturated fatty acid that is said to be deficient in modern people.
It is abundant in fish and plants, and blue-backed fish. such as mackerel and horse mackerel are rich in E P A and D H A.
Dietary oils .such as flaxseed oil and sesame oil contain α-linolenic acid. which is an omega-3 fatty acid.
What kind of nutrients contain carbohydrates
Carbohydrates consist of sugars and dietary fiber and produce 4 calories of energy in 1 g.
Carbohydrates are an excellent effective energy source for digestion and absorption.
When carbohydrates are ingested, they are broken down into glucose in the body and transported through the blood to cells throughout the body to be used as an energy source.
Excess glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles and is used as energy during exercise.
Glucose is also used as an energy source for the brain. so eating a diet with severe carbohydrate restrictions can cause the brain to run out of energy. resulting in poor concentration, miscalculation, and irritability.
It can also cause the body to lack energy and get tired easily.
However, if you take a lot of carbohydrates. they accumulate as fat. which can cause obesity and lifestyle-related diseases.
Follow a healthy diet with awareness of a Balanced diet
Dieting tends to be just about losing weight. but a diet that eats only healthy vegetables will be deficient in protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
Also, severe dietary restrictions, such as not eating carbohydrates, can make you sick.
If you reduce your energy intake, you will temporarily lose weight, but you are more likely to lose muscle and bone mass. as well as body fat that you want to lose if you return to your original diet. you are more likely to recover.
Nutrients work in cooperation with each other. Therefore, the lack of a single nutrient is likely to hurt health.
For a healthy diet,
it is effective to eat with an awareness of the Balanced diet.
Try to take a balanced amount of energy per day, aiming for 13-20% protein, 20-30% fat, and 50-65% carbohydrates.
During a diet, it is recommended to eat enough protein and be low in fat.
For a woman with an estimated energy requirement of 2039 kcal, which we calculated in advance, let's check the Daily Balanced diet balance.
It is calculated as the ratio of 20% protein and 20% fat to daily energy intake.
- Protein is 408 calories.
- Fat 408 calories.
- Carbohydrates 1223 kcal.
When converted by weight, each of them is 102 g of protein, 45 g of fat, and 306 g of carbohydrates.
If you divide by the number of meals per day, you can check the guideline for each meal.
Try to eat a balanced meal!
During a diet, we tend to choose meals taking into account not only energy consumption. but we can also follow a healthy diet by being aware of the balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
While on a diet, try to eat enough protein and moderate amounts of fats and carbohydrates.
In addition to eating a balanced diet of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are. also required for this metabolism.
Vitamins are abundant in vegetables and fruits. minerals are abundant in seaweed and dry matter, soy products, dairy products, etc.
I want to eat a variety of ingredients so as not to be biased toward any type of food.
Why not think over the menu of the day with awareness of the balanced diet to maintain diet and health.