Anti stress foods: 15 foods that help fight stress, anxiety

Anti stress foods are also delicious! Many foods improve our ability to cope with stress, to think clearly. These foods are natural .
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anti stress foods: 15 foods that help fight stress, and anxiety
anti stress foods: Every day we are exposed to physical and mental stress, which can lead to anxiety, excitement, and insomnia. Fortunately, some foods can help us fight it.

Anti stress foods on the table

A healthy diet can help us combat stress, in fact, some foods act positively on mood by improving anxiety, insomnia, and memory. These foods are rich in certain molecules capable of carrying out an action, acting directly or indirectly on the nervous system.

Anti stress foods: Why foods can affect stress and mood

Reporting on what was stated by the Higher Institute of health, stress is the psychological and physiological response that the body puts in place towards tasks and difficulties. or life events.
The feeling that you feel in a stressful situation is that you are experiencing strong mental and emotional stress.
Foods have the potential to affect stress and mood because they contain chemicals that can affect the formation of certain neurotransmitters. Or messengers, who transmit information to the brain and help with emotional mood, anxiety, and insomnia
In particular, biologically active molecules contained in food mainly serve to produce:

Serotonin is sometimes known as the happy hormone.

Dopamine is associated with the mechanism of pleasure and reward.
Melatonin is the hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle.
Endorphins are capable of determining the feeling of well-being.
Cortisol is also referred to as a stress hormone.

Specifically, the molecules that we find in foods that help fight stress are tryptophan, omega 3, B vitamins, vitamin C. and many mineral salts.
Anti stress foods: 15 Foods against stress and anxiety

Stress is a condition that cannot always be prevented, but several measures can be followed to try to manage it more effectively, among them, a healthy diet can help us regain a good mood. Here are 15 foods that should be included in an anti-stress diet.

Anti stress foods 1. Dark Chocolate:

Ally of a good mood dark chocolate has a high content of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that our body cannot synthesize. but that must be ingested through food.

Dark chocolate can boost mood by stimulating the production of serotonin, the happy hormone, by tryptophan. Other foods that are high in tryptophan include peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, and pistachios.

2. beef tenderloin:

Beef is among the foods rich in thiamine or vitamin B1 known to give energy and support the well-being of the nervous system.

It is a very useful vitamin in case of stress because its intake strengthens attention span and learning ability. Other foods rich in thiamine are legumes, brown rice, and eggs.

Anti stress foods 3. pistachios: promote relaxation

Pistachios are rich in vitamin B6, a water-soluble vitamin that, in addition to interfering with nutrient metabolism. It appears to be effective in increasing melatonin synthesis, a hormone produced by the body. which plays an essential role in sleep physiology and in regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

Another food categories that provide vitamin B6 are meat. Salmon, milk, whole grain cheese, eggs

4. oysters:

To prevent memory disorders oysters are among the foods rich in vitamin B12. or cobalamin, an important vitamin for the Prevention of age-related memory disorders if consumed before they occur. In addition, cobalamin is especially important in stress situations associated with depression.

Its effect is enhanced if taken together with other B vitamins, so in dietary supplements. we almost always find that it is related to other vitamins in this group. Beef, chicken, herring, salmon, eggs, milk, and milk derivatives are also rich in vitamin B12.

Anti stress foods 5. spinach:

To improve mood spinach is among the vegetables that are richer in folic acid and eating it can improve mood problems, anxiety, and depression.

This vitamin is also useful for reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, two conditions associated with decreased cognitive and motor skills. Broccoli, asparagus, strawberries. and kiwi is also a source of folic acid.
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6. salmon fillets:

Anxiety is fought at the table salmon is characterized by the good content of omega-3 fatty acids commonly known. as good fats, for their supposed beneficial properties, many of which have been confirmed by scientific studies highlighting their anti-inflammatory activity.

Salmon seems to improve mood in patients with depression and pathological anxiety due to its omega-3 content. Sardines, flaxseed. and tuna are also foods rich in omega-3.

Anti stress foods 7. mackerel:

For the relaxing effect, mackerel is one of the best-known blue fish, it stands out for its high content of vitamin D, A vitamin that is increasingly being studied for its many beneficial properties.

This vitamin can reduce the release of cortisol (stress hormone), which leads to a relaxing effect. Remember that vitamin D is also contained in eggs and cheese and is synthesized by our body also through exposure to sunlight.

8. yogurts:

Mood stabilizer yogurt is a food known for its contribution to lactic acid bacteria that favors the increase of good intestinal bacterial flora and thus the improvement of intestinal functions.

As we all know, brain and gut health are closely related; in fact, studies have shown that yogurt probiotics help stabilize mood and reduce anxiety.. depression, and stress.

9. bananas:

Promotes good sleep banana is among the foods that promote good sleep, the secret is their melatonin content. a molecule that plays an important role in the positive regulation of the sleep-wake rhythm.

Eating bananas in the evening, for example, can help you sleep better. Other foods that contain melatonin are apples, cherries, oranges, and nuts.

Anti stress foods 10. peppers:

The more vitamin C, the less concern pepper is among the foods rich in vitamin C, in fact, if consumed raw, one portion can meet the daily requirement.

Vitamin C is important because it converts dopamine into serotonin and thus you feel more relaxed, focused, and stress-free. Remember that Kiwi, watercress, Clementine, and strawberries are other foods that provide vitamin C.
11. Turkey:

fights fatigue iron deficiency is one of the most underestimated disorders but it is among the main causes of fatigue, irritability, and poor concentration. Turkey meat is among the foods that should be included in a healthy. and balanced diet because it provides a good amount of iron that is easily assimilated.

Remember that iron is an essential component of hemoglobin or the molecule that carries oxygen to all cells. Other foods rich in iron are offal, egg yolks, and mushrooms.

Anti stress foods 12. tuna:

Against seasonal depression, yellowfin tuna are among the foods richest in selenium. A mineral with antioxidant properties that regulate the transmission of nerve impulses.

In particular, a sufficient daily intake of selenium is recommended to improve mood and combat seasonal depression. Brazil nuts, sardines, pork, shrimp, and beef are also a source of selenium.

13. almonds:

Increase serotonin production it is well known that almonds are among the foods that are friendly to our health. but you probably didn't know that they are very rich in magnesium.

Magnesium plays an essential role in the production of serotonin, a good mood hormone that supports good quality sleep, and rebalances mood. and enhances brain function.

Anti stress foods 14. cashew nuts:

To fill with zinc cashew is an excellent source of zinc, an essential mineral especially when we are stressed because it has a double effect. it counteracts oxidative stress by preventing premature aging and acts. as a transmitter at the nervous system level to improve memory. Lamb, sardines, octopus, and aged cheese are also rich in zinc.

15. whole wheat flour:

Regulates mood whole wheat flour is among the few foods with good chromium content. Chromium is a mineral that is present in very small amounts in food but plays an important role in regulating mood. In fact, chromium functions to produce serotonin and melatonin by regulating emotions and mood.

Foods that should be avoided to combat anxiety and stress:

What are they to combat anxiety and stress, it is important to prefer anti-stress foods but also to know which foods to avoid. or, at least, try to reduce, as they can promote stress by increasing anxiety and insomnia. The food categories to avoid or reduce anti-stress are:


This beloved drink contains caffeine, an exciting substance that stimulates the nervous system by increasing blood pressure. So, coffee can aggravate anxiety states.

alcohol :

Although we are often inclined to think that alcohol promotes sleep, in fact, alcohol has the exact opposite effect, that is. it can favor an increased heartbeat that affects the quality of sleep.


Sweets (especially processed sweets) cause stress due to their high sugar content. When you consume a lot of sweets. It raises the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.. which can promote anxiety and nervousness.

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